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I am in college and I have to be off campus starting today-january 26, and my grandma does not have a computerr or internet access, but like if you open pages on youtube then you can like still watch the videos even without the internet, so I opened like 20 different youtube pages and plan to leave them opened while I am gone...the only thing is the laptop keeps saying "updating is almost complete...will restart in 4:59, 4:58..." but if it restarts the youtube pages will close, and I do not have enough time to find all of those pages and open them again. So does this mean i have to deal with the "4:59, 4:58" thing all the time until I decide to restart? or is there a way to make it stop having that thing? If there is a way to make it stop someone please tell me!!

2006-12-18 03:36:19 · 5 answers · asked by girl_dr_evil 1 in Computers & Internet Other - Computers

5 answers

Usually there is an option where you can pick where it says restart later. If not, Click on your installshield or whatever you have and then click on the option wher it says download updates automatcily. You don't want that on. If you don't have that on it wont update, so that means you wont have that pop up. and whenever you do have time you can just click it to come open and then click download updates.

2006-12-18 03:41:18 · answer #1 · answered by Nick 2 · 0 0

The only way to make it stop is to allow your computer to restart. The update notice is letting you know that patches from Microsoft were installed, and your computer will need to be rebooted for those patches to take effect.
Once you restart the computer, the message will no longer appear.

2006-12-18 03:44:15 · answer #2 · answered by Ravenmike 1 · 0 0

That happened to my computer as well. My brother-in-law re-installed the Windows SP and my computer started working again.. It's still a piece of crap but at least it works..

2016-05-23 04:25:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are receiving updates, it shouldn't do it all the time, but if it does you might have another problem. If it does keep doing it, try doing this:

Go to Start-->Run and type:
shutdown -a

2006-12-18 03:40:02 · answer #4 · answered by Yoi_55 7 · 0 0

If your computer is not working properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software.
Detailed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/yk5zpr

2006-12-18 13:15:39 · answer #5 · answered by gira 3 · 0 0

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