You probably WILL be alone forever. That's not what people are supposed to say, everyone wants to be reassuring, but very few of them know what it's like.
You will change only when it becomes more painful not to. So, if it takes you too long to get to that point- like five more years- it could be too late because you haven't been learning any social skills all these years, you've forgotten how to talk from lack of practice, and you have nothing to talk about because you don't really do anything. Meanwhile you look around and see everyone else your age is rapidly getting married.
So no, I'm not going to be reassuring- your outlook is not good, unless your personality totally changes.
If it seems to you like it wouldn't be *that* hard to start behaving differently, talk to some girls,make some friends... then by all means do it right away. It does not get easier once you are out of college, and you only have one try at life.
2006-12-17 20:19:08
answer #1
answered by randomstupidhandle 3
You left the same question twice! I'll say it again, just go for it! You're twenty, and never gonna be better! Make sure you keep a smile on your face, girls will start talking to you ALOT more if you don't look like a funeral taker! =]
You've gotta have confidence in yourself before people have confidence in you! Get into something you enjoy doing, like a club at school. That way, you are bound to share the same interests and you'll have alot to talk about. It's a good start to just talk about what you have in common, and you'll find the conversation will progress. If you like a girl, ask her out! She may feel the same way, and what have you got to lose? even if she does turn you down, at least you won't regret not asking her, and I'm sure she'll respect you for having the confidence and you'll stay friends. Hope this has helped. Good luck! x x x
2006-12-18 04:17:33
answer #2
answered by ♫ 2
I have very few personal friends and even fewer internet buddies. I talk to a lot of people though. I guess you could say I have a lot of acquaintances. If it's really important for you to change, you'll just have to give yourself a pep talk and ask a girl out. After about five times, you're going to learn that you don't care if they turn you down or not.
Discover your self worth. Develop an ego and find a woman.
2006-12-18 04:08:48
answer #3
answered by Wisdom Guru 3
Just be you & don't worry want people think. As long as you're not being a jerk. If your a good person it will show and people will want to be around you. I know how you feel. At work is the best place for making friends( ie: breaks, lunch) Join a conversation sometime. Good luck!
2006-12-18 04:13:48
answer #4
answered by Richkat76 2
Well I had the same problem 2 years ago, and I steal feel the effect of that. But, I took my heart in my tooth and I start talking to people even if I was saying stupid things, it doesn't mater, no one is perfect. So start talking with everyone, simple things, it doesn't mater , just talk
2006-12-18 04:12:26
answer #5
answered by bella a 2
Shy gUy,.. CaN i Be Open To YoU? well, To TEll YoU HOnEsTlY, i WaS hAVING THE SaMe pRobLeM JuST aS YouRs, bEiNG sO Shy tOwRdS oThErS, BeinG So ConScIouS With SOmE StuFfs BoUt YoUrSeLf, PrEfErIng tO Be In OnE pLAcE rATheR ThAN tALkiNg wiTh nEw frIenDs, And I hATed it SoOoo MuCh... i aLwAys bLame MySeLf tHAt i coULd hAve doNe ThiS oR thAT.. ! i GoT so SicK AND tIrEd Of It... EvErYthinG ChAngEd whEn i MeT tWo gOoD frIeNdS whO LikEd ThE reAL me ThE whoLe TimE.. hEY,, ThEY maDe mY CaMarADeriE aTtItuDe ImpRoVe,, ANd MaDe mE LiKE mysELf..JuSt AS i Am.. sO shY gUy.. pLs,, DOnT DisRehARd WhAt i HaVe bEeN teLLinG yOu.. U tOld mE That u HavE gReAT frIEndS onLinE?? SeE.. i CaN rEaLLy fEeL thAT yOu ArE A nicE pErSon.. ThEy knOW yOu bEttEr RiGHt? By jUSt bEiNg yOuRseLf.. ANd HeY.. DonT bLamE yoUrseLf fOr BeIng SO ShY wIth YoUr Co-WorKerS.. LeT ME JuST ASk, DO thEY inSULt YOu? Do u LikE yoUrseLf By BEiNg WiTh TheM?? weLL SHy Guy.. My PoInT iS tHAt,, Ur JuST ShY AnD AVoId pEoPle WHeN YoU DoNT LikE yoUseLf WIth tHEm.. ANd iT Is NoT bAd . AftEr aLL You maDe A CHOiCe.. Shy gUY.. onLinE frIEnds LikE yOu.. BUt YoU cANt Have OnLInE FriEnds aLL The TimE.. HeY!! thEY LikE you!! WHy Not alSo ShoW urseLf in The ReaL woRLd Shy Guy? GiVe it A tRy.. AftEr YoU ReAD THIs.. I kNoW yoU WOnT ImmEdiAteLy GaiN ConfiDeNCe,, It TaKEs tIme i knOW.. Shy gUy.. BeLieve In gOD.. PrAY For hIm.. TrUst Me,, As WeLL As yOu TrUSt YouRseLf.. Ur StiLL 20 YeArs oLd.. Its nOt tOO Late^_^ thIs iS mY yM add mail Me If yOu StiLL nEEd Some advicE.. iM vEry Much wiLLinG tO Listen Shy Guy.. I hOPe ThIS woRds ARe SufFiciEnt To anSwEr Your DouBtS.. We CarE For u.. SpeciALLy GoD.. We LoVE u SHy gUy.. BE YouRsELF!.. GoOd LuCk ANd goD bLEsS u.. ShY gUy....
2006-12-18 04:32:52
answer #6
answered by thesummerchick 1
it is tough but you just have to just start talking to other people once you start you will wonder why you waited so long to open up just take small steps and dont worry so much
2006-12-18 04:09:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you poor thing, get out and dont be sad, put a smile on your face...
2006-12-18 04:07:43
answer #8
answered by omar t 1