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Hi, i have been having symptoms for a few years now, and i finally decided to see a doctor about it.... After having a blood test and ultrasound it turns out i have Polycystic ovarian syndrome.... I was just wondering if anybody can tell me if it can be serious or not? And also my doctor put me on the pill, is there anyother medication that can be taken other then the pill.....

2006-12-17 20:01:37 · 3 answers · asked by shorty 1 in Health Women's Health

3 answers

My wife PCS. I don't think it's really serious. One of her cysts ended up getting too big and caused an ovarian torsion(sp?). Which is basically a twisting of the ovary that cut off the blood supply to it. She had to have emergency surgery for that, but everything turned out fine. I don't think there is any other meds you can take, but check with your doctor anyways. Hope this helps...

2006-12-17 20:10:04 · answer #1 · answered by Joe B 2 · 0 0

HI dear. Yes there is tons of information of PCOS. It causes obesity, insulin resistence, infertility, unwanted hair growth, etc etc etc.

I belong to a yahoo chat room for infertility check us out. There are some great women in there that are very helpful and nice. Tell them SHannon sent you. Its under the topic health and then infertility chat #1.


these are just a ew sites. If you google it tons more will pop up.

PCOS is not serious however, if you want to have children it can make it very difficult.

the inportant thing is that PCOS is treatable. The doctor may temporarily want to put you on the pill to bring the cysts down. A good Pill is the YASMIN> is may cause headaches and nausea. There is treatment like I said. There is a inexpensive pill called CLOMID. I personally dont like it and I think it is insuffiencent for someone with PCOS> The reason is CLOMID can Thin the lining of the uterus making it difficult for hte embryio to implant in the uterus. The other reason is CLOMID has a very low success rate wth pregnancy in women with PCOS> There are some more aggressiv treatments that I always ask women to discuss with their drs and thats THe injectable drugs like follistim, Gonalf, repronex, and pergonal. They dont hurt and they are nothing to be afriad of I have been taking them on and off for 12 yrs. I never ovulated on clomid but the injectables work great I have had 8 pregnancies ending in either miscarrages or ectopic. This doesnt mean it will happen to you. Women with PCOS ad that do infertility treatmenst have a higher chance of mc. Then there are procedures that go along with the shots. One is IUI the cheapest and its quick and doesnt hurt. They take your husbands sperm that was collected in a cup and they inject it int your utuerus using a tiny syringe and catheter it doesnt hurt at all its a piece of cake. IUI can take up to 4 cycles o work some see succss sooner. Then there is IVF and thats very expensive. Its a great procedure and That they surgical remove your eggs with a needle while you are sedated. There can be some cramping wit that. Then they take your eggs and fertilize them with your husband sperm/or donor sperm if need and then they see how many eggs fertilize and they implant up to 4 of the best embryios. Some people implant 2 or 3 or 4. I always id four. I suggest doing your research and talking to other women that have been there done that. I find that when you talk to men or women that have never experienced this before tend to say dumb things. Infertiltiy treatment is great although it can be very stressful and put a strain on a marrage so you and hubby need to keep vigilant about alone time and dates and doing special things for each other during the treatments to stay connected. I know I gave you alot to think about it can be over whelming. I truely wish you the best. I also suggest seeing a reproductive endocrinoloigsts if you plan on having a family or doing treatment. Reproductive endocrinologists= infertility dr. They have more treatments and experience and they have more tricks up their sleeves then the GYNS do. I wish you the best. hugs. its not the end of the world.

2006-12-17 21:41:14 · answer #2 · answered by shannon 2 · 1 0

check out these sites. The last one contained this paragraph, re diabetes risk... interesting.
It is also important that the sugar metabolism and blood cholesterol in patients with PCO should be checked. It is associated with a disturbance in the way the body handles sugar due to changes in insulin secretion. ( Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas and it's function is to regulate the blood sugar levels). There is a high incidence of insulin resistance in these patients. Higher levels of insulin are needed to control the blood sugar levels. ( because of the resistance the insulin is not working properly and more are required). In the long run it can lead to the development of diabetes.

2006-12-17 20:09:40 · answer #3 · answered by boots&hank 5 · 0 0

i have it too
it makes it difficult to lose weight, I am not sure where you live but you can go on a diabetes drug called metformin to help with side effects like insulin resistance, the best person to see for this would be a gyno with experience in treating this condition. they can reccomend information and treatments, the pill is often used to return periods to normal. pcos is not intially life threatening but can have some varied and serious related issues like infertility too so a doctor is the best person for you, good luck

2006-12-19 22:19:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have pcos and I'm with yahoo group that has lots a women with it and its helped me heaps

2006-12-17 20:06:08 · answer #5 · answered by TL1983 2 · 0 0

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