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17 answers

The so-called "war on terror" fought as the war on Iraq is taking place in a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. Iraq posed no threat to the United States except in the minds of those requiring and/or fabricating the reasons for war. Yes, , let us talk of the sickness then. A first strike, preventive war of choice is sick. Bombing a country through "Shock and Awe" because it was expedient to have access to our desperately needing its oil is sick. Adopting and using a policy of extreme rendition where the U.S. government sanctions and fosters the disappearance of people to nations where gross torture is allowed so that surrogates can do the dirty work for it is sick. Lying to Congress, the US people and the world in order to justify going to war is sick. Murdering complete Iraqi families by dropping 1,000 pound bombs on them is sick. Breaking the standard by which human decency is maintained, at least in part, during war, i.e., the Hague Conventions of 1889 and 1907, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the Nuremberg Conventions adopted by the United Nations December 11, 1945, is sick. Unloading hundreds of tons of depleted uranium is sick. Dropping cluster bombs is sick. Unexploded cluster bomb bomblets becoming land mines taking off children's limbs is sick. Killing as you would call them precious unborn fetuses by poisoning them with radioactive dust is sick. Our youth dying for the ruling elite and rich man's war for profit is sick. Let us reiterate once again, that going to war with Iraq had nothing to do with any threat from Iraq and it had nothing to do with 9-11. It had everything to do with lying about weapons of mass destruction, lying about aluminum tubes, lying about yellow-cake uranium, lying about mobile biological and chemical weapons labs, lying to the United Nations, lying to the world. That, , is sick. And, it is this sickness that you would project onto those who criticize you (bush) and the sickness of this regime. The fact that anyone else, or faction, or nation, may be sicker is not justification for excusing this regime's sickness.

The excessive inability of the Bush regime to face the reality of their behavior and solve the problems they created in their sick war of choice contributes to their psychosis. While Rumsfeld suppresses and rationalizes, intellectualizing the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and over thousands (a more likely death toll) of US troops.

2006-12-17 19:49:37 · answer #1 · answered by dstr 6 · 7 5

Bush caused a war and the death of thousands. Nixon for all the crap he gets was not all that bad of a President. Clinton was not a bad President either. Bush is a joke.

2006-12-17 23:59:23 · answer #2 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 1 1

they have all lied. yet in words of severity of the lies and the outcomes they have presented in this usa i'd say the worst develop into Bush 2. he will flow down in history because the worst president this usa has ever considered. 2d is Reagan because of all the lies about his reducing taxes, funding terrorists to free the hostages in Iran, and the funding of the Contras at the same time as in truth it develop right into a criminal offense. He did alot of different depraved issues too that brought about damage to many human beings in this usa and outside of this usa such because the apartheid authorities of South Africa on the time and denying funding of aids study and saving human beings's lives from that terrible disease. third is Nixon for glaring motives such because the bombing of Cambodia, Watergate, and for amping up the Viet Nam conflict earlier congress finally reduce off funding. 4th develop into Bush a million, again for mendacity about the first gulf conflict and motives for going there. He gave Saddam the flow ahead to invade Kuwait and then demonized him after Saddam invaded. He develop into also answerable for funding each and every fringe of the Iranian/Iraqie conflict that convey about using chemical guns by technique of Saddam which we help him get from the Germans. fifth Clinton. Lied about Lewinsky, it is glaring. yet he also signed on to Nafta and the welfare reform invoice that is going to ruin alot of human beings in this monetary melancholy we are headed into. I not in any respect relied on Clinton. he's thanks to narcissistic. All politicians are yet he rather rather is amazingly narcissistic.

2016-11-27 01:40:02 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Clinton lied after swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is perjury. Perjury is a serious crime.
"Because false declarations affect the integrity of the factfinding process, the Attorney General's Council on White Collar Crime recommends that offenders be vigorously prosecuted. "Perjured testimony is an obvious and flagrant affront to the basic concepts of judicial proceedings." "

2006-12-18 00:52:21 · answer #4 · answered by Love YHWH with all of oneself 3 · 1 2

Nixon lied that he hadn't tried to cover up the Watergate Break in. an event that he didn't know about until after the fact. But the tapes that he made while paranoid that someone was out to get him show that he knew about it after it happened and tried to cover it up.
Clinton lied about an extramarital affair because his wife was listening and never in his wildest imagination did he think that the American public would allow 40 million dollars of their taxpayers money be spent to prove that it happened
Bush lied about weapons of Mass destruction, and intelligence information linking the September 11 attack to Saddam Hussein. This has got us into a war that has almost cost a trillion dollars, and thousands of U.S. serviceman's lives not to mention the lives of thousands of coalition forces, and the lives of tens of thousands Iraqi civilians(Non-combatants)
I don't know which do you think is worse?

2006-12-17 20:03:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Nixon lied about watergate and got decency to ressign.
Clinton lied about an "affaire" wich i consider something more"personal"than "national" issue.He made me lot of points with his economical great performance,wich i consider a "national" issue.
By last we have the last president you want to have:Bush,who knew how to win 2 elections with new "voting"machines.He also declared war by mistake and would"not"accept a retreat because his ego is bigger than USA...,do you need something else,or...yes,maybe i must be wrong...

2006-12-17 20:40:07 · answer #6 · answered by whatever 3 · 1 2

Clinton by far. He was too big of a (excuse my language) p**** to get Bin Laden even when he was in the custody of Saudi Arabia, and they offered him to us, because he felt it would create tension between the U.S. and Middle East. Good call on that one. He also gave top secret military information to China in exchange for the opening of trade. The same information that has somehow been leaked to fellow communist neighbor North Korea. I wonder How? Democrats blame Bush for the outsourcing of jobs when it was Clinton who organized and approved NAFTA along with the Chinese trade. Goodbye jobs to China and Mexico, Thank you Slick Willie. Not to mention lying under oath in front of Congress and being impeached for it. "that depends on what your definition of is, is." -Bill Clinton

Who commited Vince Foster's suicide?
It appears that Clinton, both Bill and Hilary send out hit men to take care of anyone willing to talk against them. Too much to write about here but look up the facts surrounding the death of vince Foster.

2006-12-17 19:57:02 · answer #7 · answered by lotstodo 3 · 1 3

Nixon lied on spying against his political opponents,
Clinton lied because of Lewinsky, and
Bush lied because of Iraq.

The greatest lie according to most Americans is the war on Iraq.

2006-12-17 19:52:16 · answer #8 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 5 4

bush is the worst, and ONLY followed by tricky dick. both of these idiots will be remembered for their crimes for a long time.
didnt clinton get a bj? big deal.
and hah, dont think about comming to canada, we will just lock you up with the other terrorist.

2006-12-17 20:36:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

clinton lied about a sex relation that didnt harm anyone but him & his wife,
but gb lied about a war that harned all the world & caused the death of 100000s of ppl & the distruction of a big country !!!
their is a big difference.

2006-12-17 20:38:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well I don't know who lied the most but for sure Bush's lies have caused the greatest disaster.

2006-12-17 19:53:36 · answer #11 · answered by Koala 2 · 4 4

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