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I'm an islander in the states and all my clothes are back home. I want to have some things to wear in the summer, but I want to make them myself.

Can anyone tell me (a person with no sewing experience) in simple terms, how to sew a long (practically floor length) skirt? I want it to be fitted a little around my hips, and I also want it to have a zipper.

My pants inseam is 34", and my hips are 38", if that helps any. I really want to get this down before the summer comes. Help!

2006-12-17 15:40:48 · 4 answers · asked by rayediance 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

4 answers

Go somewhere that they sell fabric- a fabric store or even Walmart. Pick out your fabric and look for the patterns. If you don't see them ask the clerk in that department to help you. Look for your size on the pattern. It will have the measurement on the pack. A pattern will have the shapes of everything for you to cut out and will have the directions inside the package. There are simple to sew patterns and more complicated patterns. Be sure to check this out on the outside of the pack. Usually the clerks in the fabric departments are very helpful.

2006-12-17 15:50:39 · answer #1 · answered by ruthie 6 · 0 0

Well with little experience with a sewing machine you can use a simplicity pattern and some good weight fabric to make a nice long skirt.

You might come across some problems with the zipper as that is the hardest part. They are not for amatures...

Here is the website where you can both view and order the patterns and get a little help if you need it.

2006-12-17 15:52:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well i used to always cut my jeans and sew them into skirts it doesn't really take any sewing talent at all just cut along the seams from the inside bottom of one pant leg up to the top(the crotch) then down to the bottom of the other pant leg...your jeans should look like a skirt now with a long split on the middle..close up the split in the middle by sewing it..u could leave a little at the bottom if u want a split in it or just close it up completely..the skirt should fit u snug because they used to be jeans(assuming that ur jeans are tight)....its gonna have a zipper if you used a pair of jeans with a zipper(do they make any without? lol....)its cute if u sew the split up so that the cut part of the jeans show like ruffled..cute litle style..takes a few minutes..no biggie

2006-12-17 16:01:54 · answer #3 · answered by Jennifer C 2 · 0 0

You should get a book or go online learn how to sew. go to stores look at skirts like what you want and look at them see kinda how there made you can make your own versions of them how you want they wont be exactly the same but it'll work

2006-12-17 17:17:07 · answer #4 · answered by uNoUlOvEmE357 1 · 0 0

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