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we have vonage and they never told us that they would be taking money out of our checking account. In fact they told us that all that our debit card would be charged was for the shipping of their router so it would work. now they are taking money out of our account with out even telling us. can they do this?

2006-12-17 10:26:33 · 2 answers · asked by ryan s 5 in Business & Finance Personal Finance

2 answers

Yes they can and often times do. But you do not have to accept it. Go to your bank and tell them this is an unauthorized ACH debit. There is a form you can fill out and they will return it.

2006-12-17 12:10:51 · answer #1 · answered by JIM D 3 · 0 0

I study the partial transcripts from mediamatters and that i could say you at the instant are not thoroughly nicely suited approximately what Rush says. He specifically reported that a number of those adult males get only those bonuses. if it is the case, then the bonus does not symbolize charge above & previous revenues for a activity nicely performed. The "bonus" IS the revenues. yet i'm no longer specific Rush is nice on that. I maximum truthfully does not take Rush's be conscious for it. those adult males could desire to be paid & paid nicely or they gained't get the best CEOs who can help pull the corporation around. yet there could be a decrease while an corporation is getting tax payer money. in the event that they do in comparison to that, then possibly they'll think of two times earlier getting on Uncle Sam's payroll.

2016-12-18 15:06:51 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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