well get some of the special nail biting polish that tasts bad but if you have tryed that then you need to keep your mouth busy with gum or sucking on a mint but if your mouth is busy with the gum or candy then you wont bite your nails it worked for me if it doesnt work then put a bandage on all of your fingernails and i know it might be embarassing but it will stop you try those 3 things and maybe they will help (trust me i bit my nails alot too i have been biting then since i could chew but when i tryed the 2nd step i stoped for good and now my nails are long)
2006-12-16 17:04:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I also was a nail biter until I was about 27, I decided I would definitely not put my fingers in or near my mouth chips or not... I had to use a nail file and I kept OPI clear nailpolish on. It also really helps if you get a manicure every couple weeks. Having them all filed and clear polish on makes a big difference.
2006-12-17 01:04:32
answer #2
answered by coolmommy 2
There are special nail varnishes, which make your nails be stronger and not break or chip easily. Try that.
Otherwise, you might want to consider a set of false nails done by a professional.
2006-12-17 00:55:44
answer #3
answered by tamara_cyan 6
Try to figure out how to handle your stress a better way- maybe chew gum. Drink more milk and get the brush on liquid that is bitter to the taste - brush on your nails... to help you stop....look in the childrens section for this - helps little kids also stop sucking thumbs.
2006-12-17 01:01:10
answer #4
answered by star 4
One thing that helps is to add more gelatin to your diet... it makes the nails stronger... less chance of breakage... I have the same problem... I would drink warm jello water... it is tasty, and good for you! It does help the nails and hair grow... it worked for me! The nail hardener polish also helps... one is called "hard as nails"... try it! Good luck !
2006-12-17 00:59:24
answer #5
answered by MaggieO 4
take pride in your appearance, beauty is inside then out. find a nail polish color that you absolutely adore, you wont muss it up as quickly, file your nails everyother day to keep shape and apply a clear coat afterwards your nail polish will stay fresh and youll love the appearence of your nails keeping you from fuggn em up! inside out! even when it comes to nails!
2006-12-17 00:55:04
answer #6
answered by envyme 2
I stopped biting my nails by putting polish remover on them. Whenever I put my nail in my mouth it tasted disgusting. You should buy some Sally Hanson(sp?) nail polish. It makes them hard and if you put a couple coats on them every once in a while they should grow.
2006-12-17 01:11:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Put a clear nail hardener on such as Sally Diamond strength that you can get at target or even walmart.It's clear so it looks pretty natural and has vitamins that are good for your nails.
2006-12-17 00:55:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Put on clear nail polish
2006-12-17 00:55:03
answer #9
answered by ? 5
get acrylics, but go to a salon not just any nail place, the discount ones use formaldehyde in thier products, which is a cancer causing agent.
2006-12-17 00:55:41
answer #10
answered by artisticdesigner30 2