u can look at people search on yahoo...if u want the number i think u have to pay....sry.
2006-12-19 07:10:17
answer #1
answered by Bianca 3
well honey, I'm an older lady and I have no idea who Miley Cyrus is, but you're not going to get a phone number for anyone who is a star or someone famous. The best you could hope for is to find a fan club and write a letter.
Merry Christmas....
by the way, I was young once and I was dying for an Elvis autograph, so I know what your going threw... ;-)
2006-12-16 23:11:08
answer #2
answered by bobbie v 5
Are you kidding me? Miley Cyrus is a rich little preppy *** daddy's girl. No offense to you. But, I guess the best thing you could do is find a fanmail address.
This is a fanmail email address I got off of a site. I hope it helps.
2006-12-16 23:40:53
answer #3
answered by B 2
I am young ,a nd also want her #. i don't want ppl. 2 tell me that either, but not many ppl. have her #. i am not trying 2 be mean, but i don't think that any1 will actually know it. if some1 gives u a #, they might just be making it up. but if the user is HannahMontanna, then i would try calling!!!! maybe some1 will have it 4 real if ur lucky.... ; )
2006-12-16 23:11:15
answer #4
answered by panama_city_grl 2
I'm sorry, but I highly doubt you'll find her number. And if you did, she would likely change it. I'm sorry, sweets.
I completely understand you being a fan of hers, and I'm sure she appreciates your support, though!
2006-12-16 23:23:05
answer #5
answered by thomasgraham880 1
Her telephone number is unlisted. All celebrities have unlisted telephone numbers so fans don't try to call them.
2006-12-16 23:09:22
answer #6
answered by newyorkgal71 7
Sorry, I can't help you with the number but you can e-mail her!!! Now, this is a fan address for all the Disney Stars!!! They all share it, it's under the name Sarah Royal...She really does reply...I know it's her because I have her personal e-mail (I can't give it out, sorry) and she has given me proof it's her...
The e-mail is sweetthaang101@hotmail.com
2006-12-17 03:48:48
answer #7
answered by Miley#1Fan 2
Well I dont know her number but I think she probably has a fan adress so you can send her a letter but I think it will be hard to get her phone number!!!!! Sorry!!!!!! And good luck!!!!!!
2006-12-16 23:10:12
answer #8
answered by bubbles 2
i don't think you will be able to find it unless you find someone on the inside. celebrities have unlisted numbers.
2006-12-16 23:13:49
answer #9
answered by Redd 2