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Or is it vegitable oil? These conspiracy theories get me all confused

2006-12-16 12:11:13 · 14 answers · asked by Libs are NERDS 2 in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

It's olive oil! Get it right (LOL)

2006-12-16 12:12:42 · answer #1 · answered by rita_alabama 6 · 1 0

Ha! So am l confused, the conspiracy theories where created and paid for by the Islamist terror organization. They range from Jews being responsible for 9/11 and not showing up to work, to the war being all Bushes fault so please help us and pour in billions of dollars worth of resources so that we can rebuild all the destruction we caused.
Yep, it is all about the slippery oil from the hair of the unwashed Islamic terrorists...it inspires theories and other such hallucinations...

2006-12-16 12:18:35 · answer #2 · answered by northstar 6 · 0 1

yep.. at about 300 billion for military operations in Iraq as the nut cases claim. War for oil. Sure. Cheaper to just go in and buy it. Spend 300 billion to seize 50 billion of oil? LOL... the conspiracy people have a tough time with that one.

2006-12-16 12:17:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

One difficulty with Neo-Marxist propaganda like it is it neglects to carry close all the the flaws it indicts adverse to u . s . of america may exist no matter if the US did not. the US likely does take advantage those issues for it truly is pastimes yet so does all of us else, such as Marxist regimes. So enable's concentration on the common motives of such issues: gross overpopulation forcing countries to slaughter others for his or her land, and the squandering in different countries forcing those to take elements they could now no longer discover the money for to purchase.

2016-11-26 23:16:43 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I heard it was canola oil, cause he likes making popcorn in the big fireplace in white house kitchen in a big giant kettle.

2006-12-16 12:12:45 · answer #5 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 1 0

You would not be confused ,nor would you make light of a situation in which our young men and women are dying for,if you take the time to look at the facts.This was a war of choice that in no way was a credible threat to America or its allies.

How much is the Bush administration’s push for war with Iraq motivated by its desire to gain control
of Iraq’s oil fields? “Regime change” to a pro-U.S. government would permit the privatization
of Iraq’s state-controlled oil resources—and a bonanza for U.S. oil companies. As former South
African president Nelson Mandela said in a recent interview in Newsweek, “It is clearly a decision
that is motivated by George W. Bush’s desire to please the arms and oil industries in the United
States of America.”
• Iraq possesses the world’s second-largest proven oil reserve, estimated at 112.5 billion barrels, or
11% of the world’s total. In addition, many experts believe that Iraq has massive untapped
reserves, putting it nearly on par with Saudi Arabia. Iraq’s oil is also high quality and very inexpensive
to produce, making it an extraordinarily profitable source. According to one industry
expert, “There is not an oil company in the world that doesn’t have its eye on Iraq.”
• The U.S. market makes up a quarter of the world’s demand for oil. In recent years, the U.S.
has imported over half of what it consumes. According to the May 2001 Bush administration’s
national energy policy paper (known as the Cheney report), by 2020 oil imports will account
for two-thirds of U.S. consumption.
• Iraq is the 6th major source of U.S. oil imports, supplying between a half million and a million
barrels a day. However, currently there’s “little trace of big U.S. oil companies, which are barred
from Iraq by UN sanctions and U.S. laws,” according to the Wall Street Journal (September 19).
• All five permanent members of the UN Security Council have international oil companies with
major stakes in regime change in Iraq. According to the Washington Post (Sept. 15), the U.S. is
using the promise of access to Iraq’s oil as a bargaining chip in its negotiations with Security
Council members. “It’s pretty straightforward,” former CIA director James Woolsey told the
Post. “If they [Security Council members] are of assistance….we’ll do the best we can to ensure
that the new [Iraqi] government and American companies work closely with them.”
• Five companies dominate the world oil market. Four are based in the U.S. and Britain: Exxon
Mobil, Royal Dutch-Shell (often described as a British-Dutch company), British Petroleum-
Amoco, and Chevron-Texaco. (The fifth, TotalFinaElf, is sometimes described as a French-
Italian company.) The U.S. and Britain see regaining control over the Iraqi market, which they
lost when the Iraqi government nationalized its oil industry in 1972, as key to maintaining
their dominance over this critical economic resource.
• Representatives of major U.S. oil companies have been meeting with Iraqi opposition leaders.
Ahmed Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), the U.S.-funded umbrella opposition
organization, told the Washington Post that “American companies will have a big shot at
Iraqi oil.”
• The Bush administration has close ties to the oil industry: both President Bush and Vice
President Cheney worked in the oil business. Forty-one senior Bush administration officials
were former oil companies executives or have substantial stock holdings or other financial ties
to the industry.
A T h i n k Ta n k W i t h o u t Wa l l s o n l i n e a t h t t p : / / w w w. f p i f. o r g /
FPIF Talking Points
War in Iraq: The Oil Factor
By Miriam Pemberton, Peace and Securities Editor, Foreign Policy In Focus;
Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies
September 2002
page 2
• Governments including Russia, China, and France have been negotiating with Iraq over plans to develop its oil fields
once sanctions are lifted. A resolution of the current crisis through inspections, without a regime change, would
allow these negotiations to go forward. This could be contrary to the interests of U.S. oil companies. The Bush
administration, in other words, with its extremely close ties to the U.S. oil industry, has an interest in regime change
that is not related to concerns over Iraq’s development of weapons of mass destruction.
• In congressional testimony in 1999, General Anthony Zinni, then commander of the U.S. Central Command which
includes the Middle East and Central Asia, stated in congressional testimony (April 13, 1999) that the Gulf region,
with its huge oil reserves, is a “vital interest” of “long standing” for the U.S., and that the U.S. “must have free access
to the region’s resources.”
• War in Iraq will certainly affect the oil industry in various ways—prices, levels of production, and balance of power
among both oil companies and oil-producing countries. According to the Wall Street Journal, “Iraq’s vast oil potential
means wide ripple effects of any shakeup there.” But exactly how the ripples flow depends on the length and veracity
of the war and the level of on-going instability in Iraq and the wider Middle East. Saudi Arabia may well become
less important and Iran more important.

2006-12-16 12:16:30 · answer #6 · answered by dstr 6 · 1 1

I'm not sure but I would assume a lot considering he has stolen everything from the Iraqis including their way of life.

2006-12-16 12:12:46 · answer #7 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 1 2

he stole one bottle of extra virgin olive oil.
but drank on the way before he reach back to america

2006-12-16 12:14:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

were loading up super tankers as we speak via Kuwait !! by the way ...where do you think the plastic comes from for your computer !!

2006-12-16 12:14:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We'll never find out...as you can see..he says one thing and does another. Cant trust the man..

2006-12-16 12:14:28 · answer #10 · answered by Sandy H 3 · 0 0

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