i like some movies that are visually attractive at the theaters because it is better to see on the big screen...otherwise i like watching at home because its quieter and less distracting
2006-12-16 06:47:31
answer #1
answered by baylor88 3
Some movies like Saving Private Ryan you HAVE to see on the big screen.
Other movies (like the ones that have been coming out lately), I'd rather wait until they show them on cable or DVD. Save the money for snacks and drinks and sit in the comfort of your own home then waste your money in the theaters for that crap.
2006-12-16 07:03:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There is something to be said about going out to the movies with your pals.
However, I prefer kicking back at home and watching. My Beautiful wife built me a theater in the house with a 64 inch TV and popcorn maker, soda fountain, and stereo system.
Now most my pals just wait for a movie to come out on DVD and watch them here!
2006-12-16 06:52:02
answer #3
answered by Sandman 2
I love the experience of a theater, but I would rather stay home-no rude people with cell phones/loud talking, I can pause to go to the bathroom, and I don't have to take out a bank loan to afford the movie plus snacks.
2006-12-16 06:57:16
answer #4
answered by Mary L 3
Given the price gouging at theaters, renting a DVD and taking it home to watch is by far a better alternative that makes family bonding even more the better.
2006-12-16 07:01:58
answer #5
answered by Mr. Wizard 7
Well 'home movies' are movies you record on a video camera of your family, friends & pets, etc... They are called Home Movies. I think you probally mean would I rather watch a movie at the theatre or at home. Surely, you don't want me to choose between say watch Spiderman 3 or staying home and watching the dogs run around the yard. :-)
2006-12-16 08:52:03
answer #6
answered by Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)! 7
Even though being home is comfortable i love going to the movies/theatres cuz the experience is just better - you're more into the movie, and its just more exciting in the theatre
2006-12-16 06:48:03
answer #7
answered by Miss Thang 6
Home movies. I'm tired of loud teenagers and rude people on their cell phones during the movie.
2006-12-16 06:52:09
answer #8
answered by Demon Doll 6
Movies are made for the BIG SCREEN....
So I prefer to watch them in the big movie theaters,
but --- unlucky me --- they do not show all movies I love. So
I also watch my favorite movies at home...
2006-12-16 07:08:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2006-12-16 06:49:00
answer #10
answered by jelly 3