The Source of Life is Whole, Complete. It's not until
the Lifeforce leaves the Source that it breaks down into
what we understand as the Masculine and Feminine.
Feminine flows from the Source outward, Masculine
from outward back to the Source.
Feminine passive, Masculine aggressive.
Feminine expansive, (spreading out), which gives
predominantly feminine indivuals a feeling they are
smaller than they are, Masculine direct, (single-minded),
making predominantly masculine individuals have a feeling
they are bigger than they are. And we know there
masculine women and feminine men.
Our spirit is made of both of these aspects. And we can
balance them within us. Nobody will ever do everything
perfect. We need to learn to be flexible however. Take
control when it's important. And let someone else have
the control sometimes, like what show we'll watch on TV,
or where we go to eat. And enjoy it with them.
The Serenity Prayer is a good affirmation for finding
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