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i just want to ask if if its easy to find a decent job in manila, or another city in Philippines and live there ?

2006-12-16 00:49:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Asia Pacific Philippines

10 answers

You will find most jobs in the Philippines require a college degree. Call Centers do have many openings and if your English skills are good enough they will not require a degree for instance one company in today's paper is looking for 400 people with at least two years college, excellent oral and written English, proficient in MS Office, good typing skills, one year customer service experience.

Call Center jobs are among the best jobs in the Philippines at the moment. Call Center positions pay will average around 600 pesos a day ($12 daily) and provide insurance and night shift bonus'. There are thousands upon thousands of people with degrees working in Manila for less than 400 pesos a day.

Most employees will specify the height, weight, age, gender, marital status they are seeking. Once you get over 28 years old jobs get more difficult to fine. Even most major restaurants require a degree for wait staff, bar staff, etc. Recently a major hotel in Malate was sold to an International company the new owners gave notice that the wait staff in their main banquet room who were not a specified height would be terminated regardless of their time of service. The decision meant 90 percent of the wait staff was terminated. The terminations were done over a three month period to give the hotel time to train replacements. If good jobs were so plentiful do you think the old wait staff would have stayed clinging to their job as long as they could training their replacements.

There are an abundance of college graduates in the Philippines looking for jobs. Some of those that responded to your question make it appear getting a job in the Philippines is easy if that were the case why are over 2 million Philippine citizens working abroad legally? Last year in Manila over 25,000 college graduates showed up for a Job Fair that was offering less than 1000 jobs.

You will also find most good jobs in the Philippines are filled by friends and relatives of present employees. Your opportunities to get a good job increase drastically if you know someone within the company hiring. At one SM theatre the management only hires people who are members of a particular Protestant Religious group.

Another disadvantage is the Six Month Contracts. This allows major employees to hire you for only six months and then let you go and hire someone else in doing so they avoid paying benifits and December bonus'.

I have several friends young, talented, attractive with computer degrees, accounting degrees, business degrees that do not want to work abroad that are desperate for jobs and have been looking in Manila for months for employment in their fields. The employers have such a pool of qualified people to pick from they are eliminated due to lack of on the job experience.

You can eventually find a job if you have the skills, but do not be fooled in thinking it is going to be easy unless you are willing to take any kind of job at whatever pay.

2006-12-16 14:48:17 · answer #1 · answered by tom1941 4 · 1 0

Wow, this is a big role reversal. White female dating a Pinoy. You may want to write a book about your experiences. It will be very difficult to find a job in Manila, because the laws favor local Pinoys, you will need a visa to work. Also the pay is a joke, $8 USD a day is considered good pay in Manila. Also keep in mind the Philippines does not have discrimination laws like the US or Germany. They will expect you to include a picture on your resume, religion, sex (gender) age, ect.

2016-03-13 07:36:28 · answer #2 · answered by Daniela 4 · 0 0

the in demand job in Manila are call centers. High salary and very good compensation because its a foreign related companies. Having a job depends on your capabilities and determination. Competition is very stiff, a lot of graduates. some companies i've talked to in 1 position, thousands of applicants. So you have to be competitive and agressive when you apply. Good luck!

2006-12-16 01:21:58 · answer #3 · answered by Linda 4 · 1 0

actually there's blatant job discrimination there; there's no EOE. if you are looking at white collar jobs, they prefer that you be 'young' and if you are female, not married. and when you apply for a position, you have to submit a photo or a mugshot of yourself.

i found the extent of this practice when i was there visiting by looking at internet and newspaper job postings. the funniest example i ran into was at the drugstore (i had to buy something for a 'rash'...hehehe...). i went to a local pharmacy store and there was an ad posted on the side window for a pharmacy clerk. The add said many things but what struck me the most were the silliest requirements. For female applicants, you can't be shorter than 5'2", under the age of 23, single, college education, and not be overweight. For male applicants, must be at least 5'5", college education, preferably single, but ok to be married with children, and under the age of 28.

weird huh?

2006-12-16 01:25:59 · answer #4 · answered by That's A Lot of Nonsense 3 · 1 0

All I can say is have connections already ..or have a great degree in something.. most Filipinos have degrees that work in mc donalds or even the grocery stores...Over there everyone that has a job is very well educated..Or if you are a US citizen look online for expats sites they can give you some insight..but I don't know .Unless you have a really special skill it would be pretty hard in my opinion.. but who knows?

2006-12-16 18:35:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have to weigh your options. Sure, Manila will give you job but where will you live. Can you afford to stay in condo, apartment or in bed spacer only. Or do you settle in the squatters area, it's much cheaper.

2006-12-16 13:21:45 · answer #6 · answered by junior 6 · 0 0

not really. even those who are qualified finds it difficult to have a job there. most of the fresh graduates end up staying in a call center which is considered to be underemployment, because they could have jobs better than talking or selling services over the phone.and if one has been accepted in a certain job, normally you would end up not liking it because of cheap wages..life is tough in the philippines. so you have to be really tough to handle such circumstances.

2006-12-16 02:42:12 · answer #7 · answered by warrior is a child 6 · 0 0

lol, I agree with Grand Inquisito. Some companies post their ads like they're looking for a wife or a magazine model. So I dont think its easy for some people.

2006-12-16 18:10:44 · answer #8 · answered by m6 2 · 0 0

their are many job waiting for you
try to go to job conventions
listen to radio for more information there is always an advertisement in the radio that tell where's the venue of the job convention (am)
dont lose hope man

2006-12-16 00:55:19 · answer #9 · answered by sweet sugar 3 · 0 0

In the Philippines, Manilla is the best place to live and work.

However, most of my Filipino friends try to look for work abroad.

2006-12-16 01:35:39 · answer #10 · answered by Adam 7 · 0 0

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