First- Julia, Summer, and Unbeaten have never been pregnant. Not handicapped eh? How many ladies out there had trouble reaching the pedals to the gas and brakes around the third trimester,huh? Lets not get started.
Second- Leftovers...this is Leftovers...oh yes, well let me say one thing "My, have you got your personalities mixed up?" This is rather a sweet sentiment from you. I highly approve of your behavior change. See what a "Time Out" will do for you. You keep this up and they are going to vote you 'Most Compassionate" here on Y!A. Love it. Really.xo
2006-12-16 11:39:52
answer #1
answered by ? 3
On some military bases they have "stork parking." It's a special permit-only parking space and you can get the permit for it after 36 weeks. However, I noticed the other day that the reserved spaces for high ranking people are closer to the store than the stork spaces. Something seems wrong with that.
I definitely agree though. I'm only 20 weeks and I can manage to get in and out of stores ok still, but at some point I can see where walking all the way from the back of the parking lot will get exhausting.
2006-12-16 01:58:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have to disagree. Unless the pregnancy is high risk. My two pregnancy's were not affected in any adverse way from having to walk a little. If anything it helped. I think the Temporary Disability Tags would be better served if given to new mothers for the first few months. It so frustrating venturing out as a New mother with this awesome responsibility and its even more challenging trying to figure out what to unload first. What to carry with you and what can stay in the car. It would be a delight to pull up front in a Temp. Disabled parking lot and use that extra time on more important things.
2006-12-15 21:31:04
answer #3
answered by unbeatensnailhere 2
I have two problems with this. 1 the people you see falsely using handicap places need to be reported, seriously.
2 I do not think pregnant women are DISABLED. Trust me I was one of those women on bedrest from the VERY beginning of my second trimester. I was allowed to get out once a week for a small amount of time. I would often go to store like walmart to walk around. It really relaxed me. The short walks were wonderful for me. As a pregnant women, as tough as it is, though few extra feet are really worth it.
I say be happy you are able to walk into a store whenever you feel like it. There are women, like me who spend SO much time in bed because of serious sicknesses their whole pregnancies.
Plus, if pregnant women were granted such things, they would take up all the spaces needed for the REAL handicaps.
2006-12-15 21:27:20
answer #4
answered by Summer H 3
I'd like to say yes, because I remember what its like....then again, exercise is good for the pregnancy...I have seen in some supermarkets signs next to the handicapped ones, for moms with babies, I thought that was cool, its hard for new moms to get out of the car and take the baby out and then have to walk all across the parking I am going to say AYE for either which would make life just a litlle easier for moms....BTW I am grandma now, but can still relate to new moms.
2006-12-15 22:25:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Here -- Canada -- it's getting more common to see parking spaces reserved for pregnant women. They're usually the 2nd-'best,' the first being the ones for the handicapped.
It's nothing that's legislated.
So, a very mild and differing 'aye.' Pregnancy isn't quite a disability per se, and it's an interesting way of seeing what stores want whose business...
2006-12-15 21:37:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Where I live, a couple of grocery stores do this. Instead of the handicap signs, they have pregancy signs. I was on bedrest, so I didn't get the chance to use them. When I went into the hospital to have my son, my mother and a nurse had a conversation about the signs. She and most of the other nurses disagreed with this. They believe a mother-to-be is healthy and is not disabled in any way and shouldn't be treated differently.
I happen to like this idea. :-)
2006-12-15 21:41:33
answer #7
answered by blueeyeskenai 4
Not necessarily...Walking isn't going to hurt them, unless they genuinely have a handicap. I am not approving of people using the handicap spaces inappropriately, but pregnancy is not a handicap - there are women who work in the fields until they deliver, then sling the babies on their backs and keep right on going. Walking into a shop should not be that big of a deal.
2006-12-15 21:20:36
answer #8
answered by Julia L. 6
With my first i fell preg making use of the withdraw approach (for sure it would not artwork) yet i'm unsure how long it took. With a planned #2 it occurred on the 1st attempt. With a planned #3 it took 3 months of alot of unprotected intercourse, and a planned #4 it occurred on the 1st attempt back. Any unprotected intercourse with out start administration of condoms can fairly truthfully bring about a being pregnant.
2016-10-15 01:25:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Takes me about 10 mins to get in and out of the car !!
39 weeks and 4 day pg
2006-12-15 21:14:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous