why is your question loaded?
2006-12-15 17:01:40
answer #1
answered by jacob b 2
some useful information i want to state:
Well the mass media has made this image in your mind, whenever you think of terrorism you instantly think Islam and vise versa.
firstly If people actually read the Quran and Hadith then they too would realise that the media is wrong.
The Quran came 14 centuries ago it was relevant in the 14 centuries its been here, and it still will be till judgment day. 70% of the Quran is proven by science.
They say Islam is spread by the sword, well there is 14 million Christians in Arabia if Islam is spread by the sword why arnt those 14 million Christians Muslims?
If Islam is unequal towards women then why is 2/3 (about 76%) of converts women?
There is approx 1.6 billion Muslims in the world if all Muslims are terrorists then why isnt 1.6 billion Muslims bombing the world right now?
Even the proper documentaries of the 9/11 shows that there isnt no such thing as 'Islamic extremist', About 2 months after the 9/11 20, 000 Americans converted to Islam.
Quotes from the Quran about killing:
“…Take not life which Allah made sacred otherwise than the course of justice…”
“…Do not kill (or destroy) yourselves for verily Allah has been to you most merciful…”
“… The concept of a life not worthy of living does not exist in Islam”
The difference between me and those who appose me is that my answer is the truth and theirs is a lie. Find me one chapter in the Quran or Hadith (that is authentic) that Muslims should be violent, terrorists, rapist etc. Then i will debate with my OWN imam in the Mosque that Islam is bad and doesnt mean peace. A big misconception is Jihad, and Jihad doesnt mean holy war but to strive or struggle. Therefore even a non-Muslim can do Jihad. In Islam a Mujahid (a person who does Jihad) is trying to strenthin theirself against evil doings.
If any one wants to debate anything about Islam please feel free to come to www.yanabi.com register (its free) and fire away.. unless your ignorant that is
Dont judge Islam by the Muslims but the Holy text
The Bible, The Quran and science?
The Bible, The Quran and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille, a french surgeon. The book was published by American Trust Publications in 1979. Dr. Bucaille as an educated person with a scientific mind, it is very hard to believe in a holy book with the word of God being the ultimate source of knowledge if the holy book contradicts modern science. With that in mind, he concludes that the Holy Quran is the word of God untampered by humans and not contradicting science. In the case of the old testament or new testament, the human modification has made it scientifically unacceptable.
2006-12-18 14:35:32
answer #2
answered by F17RH4N 2
Who said it was? Christians? What do you expect them to say? Why is Islam so much better than Christianity? Who says it is? Muslims? What do you expect them to say. Anyone who is raised into an organized religion, and accepts that religion, has a vested interest in maintaining it is better than all the other religions. People who convert to a religion must have done so because they thought it was superior for some reason.
Don't fall into the trap of comparing mainstream Christianity to Islamic extremists. Look at some of the Christian extremists to find an apt comparison.
Although I was born to a Jewish family, and continue with many Jewish customs for the sake of community, I'm very drawn to Buddhist philosophies. Yet even as I straddle two religions, I can't help but think that my brother is correct when he says that religion is a vestige of tribalism that truly civilized people should be able to grow beyond.
2006-12-16 02:45:53
answer #3
answered by Rico Toasterman JPA 7
Not true.
All the religions exist in this planet are all the same. The core of them all is the same. It's about how to become a better version of yourself and it's all about love.
One is not better than the others.
The people that tend to mess and turn religions up-side-down just to make them feel better and holier than others. Just to fulfill their self pride, honor and ego. Religion to most people already became sort of like a substance or medium to abuse one another. They mock and blame even make a cold war towards other religions for the sake of their own self righteousness.
And that's why you asked this question....:)
2006-12-16 07:23:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
"better" is not an appropriate term to use. Christianity has many forms, which vary in the degree to which they reflect the truth of the Word. True Christianity, in the sense that it correctly embodies the truth, is true. Islam is not true in any sense. It is antithetical to true Christianity. To see this, read the gospel and the epistles of John.
2006-12-16 02:08:24
answer #5
answered by Rick 5
What makes you think its so much better than Islam? What are your sources and why you say so? Is it because of an experience with a muslim or its just mere egoism?
2006-12-16 01:34:39
answer #6
answered by Baldy 1
As far as practicing both religions go, neither is more superior than the other. God isn't interested in the rules that we follow or how good we are or the "good deeds" we attempt to do. All of our attempts to earn God's favor are useless. Man has a sin problem that is common to all men. The standard that God has established is perfection, and we fall short 100% of the time.
No, the reason to follow Jesus Christ rather than following Muhamad boils down to this: Jesus Christ PAID the penalty for man's sin and allows man to become perfect in the eyes of God. Islam has NO answer for how the penalty for man's sin must be paid -- therefore, man must pay the penalty themselves by eternal separation from God.
Man, in his own self, has chosen eternal separation from God. But that wasn't good enough for God. He made it possible for us to be reconciled to him. He made it possible for our sin penalty to be dealt with. That all happened through one man -- the one and only mediator between God and man -- Jesus Christ.
2006-12-16 03:19:42
answer #7
answered by onenameym 2
christians are better killers. historically christians have killed more people in the name of god than muslims have killed in the name of allah. christians get to cremoniously eat their god and drink his blood. christians get to portray images of their god even though jesus wasn't a white guy.
2006-12-16 15:26:26
answer #8
answered by NM 2
Why is being an adult better than being a child like you?
2006-12-16 01:10:15
answer #9
answered by freebird 6
with islam you either join up or they kill you because they figure you're the enemy.
Christians won't kill you or even consider you an enemy, just because you don't want to join them.
2006-12-16 01:01:49
answer #10
answered by ? 3