4 questions and all four wrong asked!
Answer 1:
Let's start with biology. The human body ( i.e. the female one) aborts 95 % of all perceptions by its own will!
By pure euthanasia! A stronger kind of genocide even Hitler decided!
It only counts errors in the genome, dificulties in acceptance and so on. No one can save a pure, holy, sniff, sob, yawn, crick, child from distinction, if the body decides: You, never ever!
Answer 2:
A child in the wrong environment wont have any chance at all, are you a sadistic ******** that lets his unwanted children suffer and die on the streets by a bullet, hunger, AIDS, drug-abuse, or pressed to prostitution?
Answer 3:
As there is no religion that is worth the dirt unde rmy fingernails, there is even no truth in all of them!
The moan if you abort a child, because it is then lost for their fund-raising. Nothing else!
Answer 4:
My god is the Universe in itself.
It declares: Go ahead and tell anybody that only the best ones will survive, those who are not fitted with the best genes will be extinct before the next century starts.
So if you save a child from suffering a bad disease by just abort it, this is a holy deed. Raise an altar upon that and pray to the gods of intelligence for more brain to the bible belters.
2006-12-15 13:04:29
answer #1
answered by sanctusilluminatus 2
They like to stick their noses on people's business. In their gut, they know that the woman is more important than the embryo which is basically a mass of tissue. They have blinded themselves into believeing what their church leaders or conservative family members say. Most abortions are done in the first trimester and at 6 weeks the embryo is only 1/4 inch with no cerebral cortex meaning no reasoning or awareness. They're not anti-abortions, if they were then they wouldn't support abortions when the woman's life is in danger. They even support late-term abortions to save the woman in medical situations and these are the people that think taking a morning after pill is murder. I'll never understand their mentality.
2006-12-16 12:40:56
answer #2
answered by cynical 6
That's it just casually lob a bomb into cyberspace. Really tough moral question: at what point do we consider the fertilized egg/zygote/fetus a human being? As for the people who say rape is different, I can't understand that viewpoint. The unborn child didn't rape anyone did they? Why should they be sentenced to death? Me personally, I don't think "day after" birth control is "murder". After some development I feel sufficiently opposed morally to object, yet uncertain enough not to force my own opinions on others. This is not lack of conviction due to weak moral character, but rather admitting there is no definitive answer to be reached without having it dictated to you or "feeling" you know the right answer.
2006-12-15 21:07:58
answer #3
answered by Sam C 3
Rape isnt our problem, murdering adults isnt our problem, child pornography isn our problem, child abuse and spouse abuse isnt our problem, but we still have to fight it. If you were being raped and murdered, wouldnt you want someone to defend you even though it isnt their problem? These babies have no say, they cant convince the doctor that they should live. This doenst have to be a religious issue. It is a life and death issue. This isnt about who can have kids and who cant. This is something that is inhumane. We needlessly kill 1.27 million babies a year (I am not counting rape victims nor counting women whose lives are in jeopardy). This is genocide. As a human, this is my problem. This is all of our problems. Our respect for human life is gradually decreasing. It is proven, when the 23 chromozomes of the male combine with that of the female, this is human life, so we have destroyed millions of human lives in the name of convience. As a human, this should bother you.
2006-12-15 20:48:14
answer #4
answered by Daniel 6
abortion is wrong... abortion kills innocent babies that will never have a chance to live a life and enjoy life... abortion only cuts the fetus up into pieces and then they throw the body away likes its garbage... if your for mass murder then u love abortion... women are stupid for even thinking up the idea to have an abortion.. what human being would want to kill their own children.. o yea liberals want to kill their own children... 1.3 million babies die a year from abortion.. that should be droped down to zero babies dead from abortion... I HATE DEMOCRATS.... GWB RULES
2006-12-15 20:49:15
answer #5
answered by libshateme 3
Because it's MURDER if you don't want kids keep your legs closed....Evey "doctor" who preformes one should be on death row.....We have to kill babies because some whore can't say NO or some punk spits when his girl tells him she pregnet!!!! Now if it's medical or a rape then it's something diffrent!!!!
2006-12-15 20:48:30
answer #6
answered by someguy 3
Ummm. It's murder. And why do Democrats insist on holding candlelight vigils for axe murderers on death row and murdering babies?
So, we are hoping that they eventually will abort themselves into extinction. We will put them on the endangered species list. YEAH!
2006-12-15 20:45:19
answer #7
answered by Geronimo 3
Because they think they know the right way to live and want everyone to live that way. It is beyond their thinking that not everyone agrees it is murder or a life. They are beyond understanding that some people dont take the Bible at face value.
2006-12-15 20:44:12
answer #8
answered by Perplexed 7
You're right. Since it's not a viable life form (as it can't survive without its parents) people should be able to murder their children.
After all, murder is only wrong if you're religious, and since they're your kids, you should be able to murder them.
It's none of my business, right?
MURDER IS MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-15 20:44:53
answer #9
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
if you think abortion is wrong...don't have one. no one will ever agree on this topic. we should all to agree to disagree.
2006-12-15 20:53:42
answer #10
answered by BellyRubz 3