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3 answers

Get yourself a website. You can spend a little (about $500) and buy a domain name and have a nice little site designed, or you could get a free one from someone like freewebs.com. Of course it can take months or even a year to start getting listed in the search engines (and that is a whole different topic), but it is good free advertising. You can also register you business on free sites like http://www.whyabe.com and list your services for sale, at the very least you get included in their "supplier" database.

2006-12-15 06:15:18 · answer #1 · answered by Strategic Sourcing Expert 4 · 0 0

If you are working as a criminal defense attorney, try signing up on a roster board with your courts were you live. When you go to court when a court appointed attorney is needed they will assign the next one up. If you want to go that way.

2006-12-15 06:20:27 · answer #2 · answered by Mary N 2 · 0 0

Chase after the ambulance when an accident victim is on the way to the hospital.

2006-12-15 07:26:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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