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8 answers

I just typed in "angels/images" and there are some real nice ones there.

2006-12-15 05:41:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Mythology and folklore. a good place as any for angels(they have existed many places outside of christianity) your best bet to try to find sighting pictures is do a google search or yahoo search. I can't guarantee any TRUE sightings much like UFO research you get a LOT of bogus info but goood luck in you search.

2006-12-15 14:30:25 · answer #2 · answered by ag2588101 3 · 2 0

There's no such thing as a picture of an angel! Don't you think everyone would know about it if there was? Even if angels WERE real, which i don't believe they are, they certainly wouldnt be physical beings that could be photographed with our mundane cameras.

ps i clicked onthe link from above, and laughed at how fake those pictures were!

2006-12-15 13:33:54 · answer #3 · answered by EllisFan 5 · 2 4

How do I know anything? Because I have not only prayed to my Lord, at a time of near-death; but "seen" angels. ONE in each corner of my living room! While I was praying and clutching a rock in my hand; I awoke still praying.
They "glow" are 8' tall and surround you; when you need them to be there.
We were in an auto wreck, in a 1986, Cadillac, fully-packed with fishing gear, bait, styrofoam($1) cooler, full of ice, water, meat, pop(the lid did not fit tightly). The trunk was full of chairs, lantern/w/ash mantles, folding table, a portable, black and white TV, blankets on the back seat, 2 bed pillows(as I have a bad back), our pomeranian, hubby driving and me.
We topped a hill in the road and a car was pulled-out across the lane we were travelling in. He was trying to reverse; but loose gravel, kept his wheels spinning and we took to a ditch. My hubby had planned to ride it out and go around the car in the road; but that did NOT happen! The ditch did NOT "U" but "V"; our front left tire, dropped off, hit a hill, turned the car around a electric pole, tipped the caddie on my side, slid in the grass, before coming to a stop. I had grabbed my pom, a pillow to place against the glass and hubby was hanging in mid-air, clutching the steering wheel and held himself off me.
Once it stopped, he said, "We've got to get out of here, NOW!"
I said, "But I'll have to stand on the headrest to get out of the car!"
"Just get out!" he screamed!!!
He got out and a young, boy's face is peering in, "Lady are you alive?" he asked.
I said in a rough voice, "TAKE MY DOG; SO I CAN TRY TO GET OUT! I'M FINE!"
Both boys said, "We thought you were both "dead! You really hit hard! We'll go call the sheriff's office."
I told them both,"We always travel with "angels" on our fenders, nothing can harm us. You go ahead; as we are unable to reach a phone to call the sheriff."
"Ma'am, do you need an ambulance?"
"I am not hurt," I replied. "Are you, Paul?"
"No," he responded.
The boys took-off and Paul said, "Well, 2 young boys and there they go!"
They returned and parked their car and hurried back to us.
"Are you sure you're both okay? We are really worried about you!" one boy said and the other nodded in agreement.
The sheriff's deputies arrived and blamed us for the accident.
The boy's said, "No, no, no! We were pulled-out in the road and they could've killed us, by T-boning our car; but they took to the ditch, swerved around the pole and slid in the grass. We thought they were dead. It was all our fault!"
The deputies said, "We don't believe you; since your car is parked and not a mark on it! Only their's is tipped-up on it's side and needs a tow truck. How did that happen?"
"Just the way we told you," the boys almost repeated, simultaniously.
The deputies called for a wrecker and during the wait; they continued to question all of us.
"Well, we cannot ticket anyone; but we should ticket you two" the female deputy said, splitting her index and middle fingers to point to us.
"When I get to a phone tomorrow; I will see how much trouble I can help you into!", I screamed.
She'd roused the Taurus in me.
Don't wave a red flag in front of me; I'd rather be Ferdinand the bull and sit quietly in the corner of my field sniffing the daisies; BUT DON'T GET ME RILED. I CAN CAUSE HAVOC!!!!
The wrecker arrives, drops our Caddie onto it's 4 wheels and told us it was fine to drive.
Paul told them; "Sorry, I'm not driving that car anywhere; until it's been gone over by a mechanic. You just dropped it 5' onto it's wheels and it could have anything wrong with it!"
The deputies drove us to the wrecker's stop-off and left us
We got surrounded by our families and asked a zillion questions.
Paul popped the trunk and not even the ash mantle had broken.
I opened the back door and the foam cooler's loose lid had not moved.
We had a 2nd car, a station wagon, we loaded it up and went fishing for the night.
My sister was a Nazarene and did not believe in my seeing angels.
Once she saw the car; she said, "I cannot explain this."
I said, "I can! I always ask God for an angel on each fender before the car is started and can see their hair blowing in the breeze."
Paul believes me now!
When he leaves; he says, "Angels, please, Margie!"
"Already there," I reply.
My sister died of multiple myloma. She suffered so. I spent my days praying for the Lord to heal her and send His Angels to protect her, from all harm.
Days, months passed and then, I had a dream.
The angels were streaming from heaven(from clouds) two-by-two, book in hand; between nothing and the garage, across the driveway and into a small, back room, where she lay on a plaid couch and surrounded her. I could not hear what they were saying or singing; but "KNEW" she would get better.
In less than a week, my sister called me, "I'm in remission in laughingly told me and I wanted you to know before I called anyone else."
"Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!" was all I could say; as I bawled, like a baby.
At first, she was in a wheelchair. Then, she became strong enough to do a little. Then, more and more.
Then, I had a dream, my sister was in her bed and ONE lone Angel sat with an open book in her/his lap. I asked the Angel, "Will my sister recover?" No reply, no glance, nothing.
I "knew" my sister was dying.
The next morning, my sister called me and said the cancer had returned.
My personal angel is named, "Raphael". She told me.
Am I crazy?
Who knows????
But I believe in God, That Jesus Christ(was God in the flesh among us), That the Holy Spirit fills us and angels have charge over us all.
I just suffered an heart attack. I recovered and quit breathing a couple of weeks later and had lots of surgery and "died" a total of 3 times.
The doctor wanted "full credit" for my recovery and not chopping-off both legs!
I told him, "I'm grateful to be alive; I guess; but I'm not afraid to die, sir. Thank you kindly, sir, for your expertise and I'm certain, you will be rewarded handsomely, by God and monetarily!
I'm not afraid to die; because the 1st thing I shall see is: My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and 2nd, my baby daughter, my Mom, my Dad, my Sisters, my Brother, my Brother-in-Law, my relatives on both sides of my family, my friends, people I've prayed-for and never met!
What more can you ask for?

2006-12-15 15:27:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Angels don't exist. Please take the religion to the religion forums. You're reported.

2006-12-15 13:50:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

try http://home.iprimus.com.au/gunnado/mysticalangels.html

2006-12-15 13:32:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2006-12-15 15:46:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

<<<------- Well look what we have here!

2006-12-15 13:34:12 · answer #8 · answered by Bugmän 4 · 1 2

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