Your blood smells like the penguin cage because you're part fish.
Probably. The Avant-Garde is so retarded.
Yes. I'm sorry.
2006-12-15 13:23:23
answer #1
answered by Asphycsia 3
It doesn't come from your intestines, it comes from your uterus, out your cervix, and down the vaginal canal till it's out. The reproductive system is not connected to the excretory system. The blobs are clots, which are normal, if blood sits in one spot for a period, like a little area where it can pool up, it clots, even inside the uterus it clots. You sound like you are having a normal menstrual cycle. I have never smelled a penguin cage at the zoo, but blood typically smells like raw meat, or maybe a bit stronger if it's old blood. As far as the "painting" goes, you're on you're own there.
2006-12-15 05:14:48
answer #2
answered by XXXDirtyDirtyGirlXXX 6
All body fluid or discharge smells like something. It also depends on your diet.
The "bloobs of jelly" is normal, it's the lining, cells and tissue that comes out with the blood. You might realize there's more when you first go pee in the morning or have been sitting for a while, because it just sits in there when there's no gravity.
2006-12-15 05:14:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Blimey you are over analysing!
Of course the blood doesn't smell pleasant. I've never compared it to zoo smells though but thats because I just discard of the pad/tampon, wash if necessary and put a new clean one on/in.
Thats all you need to do. You can get scented tampons/pads if you feel self conscious about the smell.
I know nothing about painting with menstrual blood. Is this another zoo animal thing?
The blobs are normal. Just part of the lining which is being discarded.
2006-12-15 05:12:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First of all,are you being serious? Because I have no idea what a penguin cage smells like!And if you have ,I'm assuming,a foul odor while you are on your period...go to the doctor! As for your"painting"question,that's disgusting! If you are into that,why don't you try it out then answer your own question! As for the blood clots,that's not normal either! My advice to you is to go to the doctor!
2006-12-15 05:14:40
answer #5
answered by Btru2u 2
I'm a nurse. First blood stinks. Second blood stinks that's not a good idea. Third the clots are coming from the wals of your uterus not intestines. If you were to conceive then the wall would be secure holding your precious bundle of joy.
2006-12-15 05:13:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
#1 You let blood sit in one spot for a few days and let me know.
#2 Yup. Does poop still smell after it dries?
#3 The "blobs" is the blood clotting together.
2006-12-15 05:13:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
your intestines are in no way related menstrual cycles. as for the smell ask your doctor. it really shouldn't smell bad, maybe a bit coppery but thats it.
2006-12-15 05:13:24
answer #8
answered by Terry M 3
That's discusting
Thanx for the 2 points
2006-12-15 05:14:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ok, you win the best stupid question of the day!!
Did you stay up all night thinking of this sick question?
It's time to go outside and breath some fresh air because you need help!!
2006-12-15 06:29:17
answer #10
answered by willowtatro 6