Sounds to me like your body gearing up - but not labour yet. When the body is getting ready to go into a first labour, it often takes quite a lot of getting ready before things really kick off! Painless or uncomfortable irregular contractions are most likely Braxton-Hicks "warm up" contractions. They help keep the uterus toned and may well be working on your cervix to soften and efface (thin) it so that when contractions start in earnest, it'll be ready to open.
Loose bowel movement may also be a sign that things are on their way - they can be a result of prostaglandins, one of the birth hormones, in the system.
Believe me, there will be a point when you most definitely know you're in labour! But in the meantime, look out for:
- A "show", which is when the mucous plug which has been keeping your cervix sealed comes out of the vagina. It can look a bit jelly-like and maybe a little pinkish or bloodstained.
- The membranes rupturing (waters breaking). If you start to leak, or maybe even gush, fluid and you're sure you;re not wetting yourself, call your midwife or maternity unit.
But labour can still take hours, or sometimes even days, to get established even after these things! The only way to know if you're really in labour is if you have more contractions and you notice that they are getting gradually longer, stronger and closer together.
Good luck!
2006-12-15 08:29:34
answer #1
answered by purplepadma 3
1. early labor usually starts with slight contractions from 15mins-3hours apart. You may experience some lower back pain as the baby starts turning and manuevering around. 2. your water may break. if it breaks, you need to call your doctor and let them know whether it was a lot to soak what you were wearing or just enough to dampen you panties...and if you can tell whether it was clear/white or green. if it was green then the baby made a bowel movement and you should call your doctor to see if they want you to come in and be flushed. it doesn't always break, so if it doesn't break contractions would be what you would look for. time them and keep count of how often they happen and how long. 3. as your labor progresses, the contractions will intensify and become 15mins-1 hour apart. 4. you will also begin to feel a lot of pressure on your pelvis...if you have a birthing ball try sitting with your legs open on the ball and rocking back and forth, or up against the wall with your back resting on the ball with your legs spread rocking.
5. you will be very excited and anxious in early labor, as you progress you will get less and less anxious. 6. bowel movements, nasuea, and diarrhea are all signs of early labor. if you feel sick and you have diarrhea it just means you're body is making room for the baby, it's perfectly normal. 7. small contractions are normal also and it's just a sign that you'r body is getting ready for the baby. it's strengthening your uterus and getting your cervix ready to dilate.
Another big sign to look for that you may be getting close to going into labor are:
1. nesting: you have a sudden urge to clean and get everything ready for the baby. you wash clothes, you vaccuum,'re jsut really restless and frantically cleaning the baby room and your home.
2. you don't feel as many kicks. once you begin early labor or before early labor begins, the baby won't move as much and you won't be able to tell. sit down for an hour and concentrate on the baby's movements, make sure it moves ATLEAST 6 times in an hour. If it doesn't, you may need to consult your doctor.
3. you will know when you're in active labor when your contractions are almost unbearable and they are 15s-5 mins apart. that's when you need to go to the hospital. while you're in early labor, unless something is wrong and your doctor advises you otherwise, you need to stay calm, stay at home, and do some breathing exercises with your contractions, maybe read a book or play some cards with your husband/boyfriend/friend/coach whatever until you are in active labor.
you can also visit this website: click on RMH services, click on More services and from the list pick Family Birth Place. From there you will be able to navigate your way thru the links and get helpful tips on the stages of labor and things you can do to help, and also what's normal and what's not normal.
i hope this helps!! I am 33 weeks pregnant, so i'm experiencing some of the same things you are. :):) good luck with your baby
2006-12-15 05:33:52
answer #2
answered by lildrumagrl 2
Sounds as though your little one is trying to get things moving. These a typical signs that things are starting to happen for you. The body has a wonderful way of preparing you, and the bowel is cleaning out ... the pains are very typical and you should keep a eye on that, as I had the tightening, and suddenly before I knew it they were second apart ... an hour in total! The tightening is basically your tummy muscles,moving bubs down and ready!!! Good luck and I hope your little one brings you years of happiness!
2006-12-15 05:20:31
answer #3
answered by lynne 3
Yes totally signs of early labour
2016-05-24 21:12:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You could just be having braxton hicks which are fake labor cramps to get your body ready for the real deal. As long as the contractions aren't 5 mins apart and regular you should be ok. If contractions become regular or more intense seek medical treatment that is labor. Not all woman's water break so don't hold your breath on that one! You want to have lose bowel movements then you won't poop as much on table when You could also have back labor but contractions will be regular not irregular. I had back labor for 22 hrs felt like really bad pms! Woman can also lose their mucus plug and still not go into labor. If you feel uncomfy then just go to hospital and get checked in they will beable to tell if you are really in labor or if it is false labor. GL and congrats!
2006-12-15 05:07:53
answer #5
answered by dietpepsigirl77 2
nah - sounds like Braxton-Hicks (fasle contractions) as someone else said. You will go into prelabour first anyway. This is the point at which you are < 3 cm dilated and may have regular / irregular contractions and a 'show'. Also could have back ache, waters may / may not break, mucus plug may be released...You will know when you are in proper labour as there is no mistake!
You should call your midwife and let her know your symptoms.
2006-12-15 05:15:54
answer #6
answered by Clare M 2
It is different with everymother and every baby but yes at first it feels like period cramps and/or tightening almost like wearing to tight pantyhoes(thats what I was wearing with my first one and what I thought was too tight ex-L pantyhoes soon was clearly labor pains but yes you could be begaining but there is also false labor too the "cramp/tighten" will become stronger and more regular with actuall labor Best of luck & wishes
2006-12-15 05:08:56
answer #7
answered by Tonipearl 2
I had similar symtoms but I still ended up being induced 10 days overdue! The baby will come when it's ready and when labour starts for sure, you'll know!
2006-12-15 07:36:31
answer #8
answered by Chezza 1
It sounds like it's going to pretty soon! I had the same can go into Labor anytime you don't neccesarilly go into labor on your 40th week! It's not really EARLY labor though it's normal to go before the 40th week a few days/weeks!
PS. Congrats!
2006-12-15 05:11:21
answer #9
answered by CC 3
Back pain is sign of going into labour. Your waters breaking is the obvious first sign !
2006-12-15 05:03:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous