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Thinking about getting it for her but I want to make sure it's stylish.

2006-12-15 04:13:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

Or this one...

2006-12-15 04:14:49 · update #1

Sorry, here's the the other one.

2006-12-15 04:15:41 · update #2

17 answers

I personally like the blouse, but....silk shows every flaw. Keep in mind that if your wife does not own anything similar to it, chances are she won't wear it. Also if she ever states that she dislikes her waist or breast areas, this blouse may not be the best choice. From the picture, it seems that she would need to have a fairly flawless figure to pull off the look completely.

If you do decide to get it, see what the exchange or return policy is, that way you can give it to her, and she can see that you actually put thought into a gift, but that you understand if it is not exactly what she likes.

2006-12-15 04:27:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think both tops would be considered stylish. They seem current without being too trendy. But I agree with whoever said to make sure the company has a good return policy, because no matter how much your wife likes the tops there's still the possibility that they won't fit correctly. I must say I don't envy men who have to buy clothes for women...women's sizing is more erratic and we tend to be more picky. Anyways, I'd definitely get her clothes over a gift card; even if they don't work out for some reason, she'll see how much thought and effort you put into it (Heck, you even took the time to ask complete strangers what they thought!). Gift cards are quite impersonal, so it would be strange to give one to a significant other unless there was a specific reason.

2006-12-15 12:55:43 · answer #2 · answered by Lauren F 3 · 0 0

Both are nice as long as she's not heavy or lumpy...that fabric modifys every bump and lump. I personally would not wear those...I am not huge, but I've got some lumps and bumps ;-)

I like the 2nd one best...

Other things to think about....is it her personal style? Did you think of her when you saw those tops? It's nice that you are "adventurous" enough to buy her clothing, most guys wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole!

Make sure you have the right size too. Go in to her closet and find a blouse *that she currently wears* (you know how we women have stuff in our closet that we NEVER wear because it's too small and we still want to try to fit in to it one day!) and check the label.

Good luck!

2006-12-15 12:55:38 · answer #3 · answered by Rach 3 · 0 0


I think both blouses are very chic, sophisticated, stylish and sexy.

They both have a very luxurious, high-end look. I'm sure she'll love them. I would definitely wear them both!

I work in an office envrionment and I think these would be perfect for work, but also great with dressy denim for dinner with you.

Good luck!

2006-12-15 12:34:19 · answer #4 · answered by kelly_sparkle 2 · 0 0

Honestly I dont like them because I'm into more sexy things but shes your wife so you should know what she likes to wear. They are nice tops just not my style but I think the second one is nicer

2006-12-15 12:26:17 · answer #5 · answered by ♥Nessa♥ 3 · 0 0

I like them alot. They are both sexy and trendy while still being classic so she can wear them for a long while without them going out of style. and she can either dress them up or down. Gotta love a man with taste!!!!

Good Luck and I hope she likes em.

2006-12-15 12:20:49 · answer #6 · answered by Nina 2 · 0 0

Hey u didnt say how old she is !! :S
Well if she is in her 30's and she works and also has a good body ( if she is fat it wont suit her!! ) its cute !! but younger no chance !!
Why dont u give her a gift voucher? or how about a spa voucher?? or how about gettin her a cute dress??

2006-12-15 12:25:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can you give my husband some lessons? lol
Seriously, both are really cute. I love the second one. I'd definitely rock the first one, but I'd want it in a different color.

2006-12-15 12:24:36 · answer #8 · answered by La Reina 4 · 0 0

Yeah! I like both tops. But i think that the first top was the best GOOD LUCK!!

2006-12-15 12:18:53 · answer #9 · answered by Ge.Ge 1 · 0 0

both are stylish you have got a good taste

2006-12-15 12:18:12 · answer #10 · answered by cuttiiee 6 · 0 0

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