definately the g string!!! and if he cant make it...let me know!!! ha!!
2006-12-15 04:11:18
answer #1
answered by Studmuffin 3
I think showing to much at the door would be a bit "much".
If you wear something sexy and a little revealing you both can
have fun and the fun will last "longer"!!!
The skirt without panties sounds great, if you plan to eat or have
drinks you can serve him in a way that would allow him little
peeks-say bend over ever so slightly while setting a tray on the
table or while scanning your cd collection. better yet you can
dance for him. Whatever you pick to wear all eyes will be on
you so do what feels natural and have fun. Hopefully this will be
the first of many play dates and you can change the outfits and
the settings each time.
2006-12-15 05:16:01
answer #2
answered by Nickle 4
To me the g-string and cupless top are too obvious. Real sexy is when you made it seem like you look irresitable but don't look like you tried to hard. That just looks cheap. Wear that one night as a end of the night surprise under regular clothes when you go out on a date.
Go with the skirt with no panties and the see through top. But even better would be a top that showed off the twins well but didn't fully expose them like a bustier or corset top. Strapless if possible. Guys eat that stuff up.
2006-12-15 04:24:21
answer #3
answered by WriterChic 3
How about the skirt n the top?
But i would go for the skirt with a tight shirt n a push up bra, with the button open really low !! n heals ..
or u can tap around with a sheet n leave loads of roses on the bed with candels.. pull him str8 frm the door to ur room, kissing him n pullin his clothes off.. but keep the sheet arnd u till his naked !
2006-12-15 04:31:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You are a wierdo. But you should wear the G-string w/ that cupless top. It would look sexy 4 your bf i guess, but watever, cuz i am straight. Those boots work out too.
2006-12-15 04:13:20
answer #5
answered by pinkheart100 3
i like the g string with cupless top , my boyfriend on the other hand has a thing for skirt with no panies. but i would think its sexier to wear the g string
2006-12-15 04:12:26
answer #6
answered by anjel d 2
I think you would look best with a spaghetti strap that shows allot of cleavage then a real mini skirt but not one of the see through mini skirts
2006-12-15 04:29:00
answer #7
answered by attitude_angie2000 2
Go with the g-string and cupless top. Its sounds better.
2006-12-15 04:11:25
answer #8
answered by Black Widow Mollie 3
a skirt with seethrough top with a shawl over it..the less you reveal the more curious he'll get!!
2006-12-15 04:12:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
skirt outfit..naughty and sexy,,,,,keep him curious. baring it all at first takes aways the fun. I really dont like the idea of the other doesnt always means,,,wearing too revealing clothes.
2006-12-15 04:47:53
answer #10
answered by jinie 2
Well, when my son's girlfriend came over for his birthday, he wore a thong and a cable knit scarf. But the thong was backwards so the string part spread his balls apart. That was pretty hot. I don't know what he did with his penis.
2006-12-15 04:14:33
answer #11
answered by Dialup, Avatar, Jones!? 2