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We have a Christmas party every year at our house with about 60 guests..a good number don't know eachother this year and it's kind of tight and cozy with that many people as our house is a nice size but not huge. Usually people span through the living room and kitchen which is open..and the basement. There is people of all ages and many times the teenagers and young adults will end up playing x box and not everyone gets to interact. I'm looking for a game for a large group that everyone could have fun with that's not too complicated but entertaining. I do have prizes I can give out for winners. Any ideas are appreciated, thanks!

2006-12-15 04:05:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Other - Games & Recreation

5 answers

If you search for bowtie christmas party games on google or yahoo you should get to a bowtieproducts site that will give you 4 new original games that will help make your nite fun.

For parties mixers like this work because they give folks something to do while they get warmed up to each other. if they want to talk, they can talk, but if conversatrion lags games like these take up the awkward silences that many of us dread.

Whats nice is that people don't all have to be in it to enjoy it. Some can just help out if asked or enjoy the groans of the answer section.

If links work in the answer blocks here's the link


there is also some party giving advice you may enjoy.

My wife and I made up the puzzles and many people really enjoy them.

I hope they work out well for you

John Griffin

2006-12-15 05:18:16 · answer #1 · answered by AjohnG 3 · 1 0

Pictionary Trivial Pursuit Scrabble Electronic Catch Phrase

2016-05-24 20:48:29 · answer #2 · answered by Liana 4 · 0 0

For the teenagers try giving each other manicures. Sounds weird but do it to the boys and if they let you then they get a prize for being a man and wearing nail varnish.

2006-12-16 05:10:53 · answer #3 · answered by xander24a 4 · 0 1

Hey you could play this game called Murderer. You need pieces of paper, dependin how many are playing.if thr are 60, fold 60 pieces of paper, written on one piece, murderer, abt 10 more:police, and the rest victim. everyone is supposed to sit togethet make sure all can see everyone. no sunglasses allowed.distribute the paper, one each, no peeking.open paper and see which character you are. the murderer is supposed to blink an eye at someone, and he tries to blink at who he thinks is a victim. if he blinks correctly at a victim, the victim has to announce, im dead, but cant tell who murderer is. if police catch murderer in action,murderer dead, but if police say someone is murderer but he or she isnt, police dead. and if police catch murderer, murderere has to admit and say hes d murderer. if murderer blink at police, and police catch, murderer dead. next game. hope you understand. if dont, mail me. hope this helps.mynnlye@yahoo.com

2006-12-15 04:17:07 · answer #4 · answered by mnz 2 · 2 0

how about this you have everybody sing christmas carols!
that would be so much fun to do with your group of people!

2006-12-15 05:41:29 · answer #5 · answered by dude 5 · 0 1

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