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I mean leaders of nations who lead a nation like Mujeeb ur Rehman of Bangladesh

2006-12-15 03:25:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

4 answers

"Banga Bandhu" (BB) Sk. Mujibur Rahman was one of the great leaders of his time. The Pakistani rulers of that time deprived people of the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). BB Sk. Mujib fought for the people selflessly and became very popular among the Bengali people. Thereafter, when he got back to newly independent Bangladesh from the captivity in West Pakistan, the party in power was Awami League (AL) and he was the President.

What blunder BB Sk. Mujib did was to become involved actively in the governance of the new nation in various capacities changing his title from Prime Minister to President several times. This itself is an indicator that he was not feeling very comfortable in administration of a country as against how easy he felt arousing mass support for fighting/rebelling against the administration of Pakistani regimes.

So, what happened was that the political leadership of AL at that time, with a few exceptions like Tajuddin, was acting more for currying favor of BB Sk. Mujib and was amassing wealth, instead of working selflessly for the poor people of the newly independent nation.

If you look into history, there are plenty of such great leaders who gave successful leadership till the independence of their country, but failed miserably when the actual problem solving decision making process was landed at their lap. The Indian leader Gandhi was an exception when he refused to take part in the newly independent India, instead people fondly remember his contribution and he is indisputable father-of-nation or having similar status officially as well as in the heart of the people.

Irony of the fate is that, some of those so called leaders of AL who would advise wrongly to this great leader – BB Sk. Mujib are now still giving similar suicidal advice to his daughter Sk. Hasina. These parasites destroyed BB Sk. Mujib by one-eyed myopic view for attaining their selfish goal, are repeating the same tactic after about the lapse of 31 years when BB Sk. Mujib was gunned down along with so many from his family and friend by some junior army officers when the whole nation stood silent as they had already lost the zeal to support BB Sk. Mujib due to his ministers and party men’s misrule and his utter failure to lead the nation from 10th January 1972 (the day he returned to Bangladesh) till his unfortunate and tragic death on 15-8-1975. But it now seems that nobody learn from history!

2006-12-17 05:36:35 · answer #1 · answered by Hafiz 7 · 1 0

In the end, God will be successful, he knows not the word "defeated".

2006-12-15 03:29:40 · answer #2 · answered by m c 5 · 0 0

After all, with all those degrees, status, etc, we are just limited humans being.

2006-12-15 03:33:48 · answer #3 · answered by Jola 2 · 0 0

Because it is hard to overcome greed and selfishness and the lust for power..................................

2006-12-15 23:54:26 · answer #4 · answered by kilroymaster 7 · 0 0

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