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I was wondering cause I herd it some where that larger women is in and not hudge women like pudgy or chuncky you know what I mean can I get some input or am I totally wrong

2006-12-15 03:23:14 · 14 answers · asked by Frendly 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

14 answers

I think that the man/woman has their own desires for a woman. Some men/women like curvy, some like them huge, and some like them skinny/anorexic, and some like them to be average.

Now look at the show Gray's Anatomy. All the girls are super skinny and then they put in the new girl that is curvy. The majority of women are curvy/overweight. The national average is a size 14. Marilyn Monroe wore a size 14 and she was a sex symbol!

But, like I said... when it comes to looking for a mate... it all depends on what you are attracted to.

2006-12-15 03:43:56 · answer #1 · answered by I am Crystal S. 5 · 0 0

from a fashion point of view, in the US, twiggy is still the norm. but in London and Paris, they've put a minimum weight and height requirements on their models, because they're concerned that young people (and some older ppl too) are getting the wrong idea and thinking that they should be twiggy too. The fuller bodied models came out last year, but they're not 'big' yet, by any means, they just dont look sick anymore. Now, here in the U.S., actors are beginning to be more healthy looking, and some of the bigger women are becoming more popular, like Queen Latifa and MoNique. In fact, there was a very popular show called MoNique's Fat Chace, in which she's publicised that FAT means Fabulous And Thick or Full And Tempting, which, I myself, LOVE. lol AND, so do most of the men I know....

Women tend to think that just because they are not NORMAL, that they'res something wrong with them, but who is to say what 'normal' really is? if Normal is the 'norm', then unfortuanately, overweight is the norm in this country at this time. Attractive, is totally a personal opinion, and I actually know more men that will go for the fuller woman simply because that is what they are attracted to. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. I just wish that everyone would just be happy with themslefs, and not mold their lives and bodies around what other people think is 'IN'....

good luck, hope you find the answer you are looking for....

2006-12-15 03:40:57 · answer #2 · answered by Silver Thunderbird 6 · 1 0

good the following is an excellent source to describe penis boost. so some distance as women and breast length, some do difficulty and some do no longer. It purely relies upon on the guy. And there are some women those who sense about penis length the way you sense about breast length. different human beings like different themes. everytime you note a reality that announces "all women human beings" or "all individual adult males" and it encompasses a own decision, you're likely observing an answer that stereotypes. If length concerns to you, then length concerns. that does no longer recommend it concerns to all and distinctive. yet, in case you analyze this textual content cloth, it is going to make sparkling lots.

2016-11-26 21:06:02 · answer #3 · answered by shoaf 4 · 0 0

As a plus sized girl, I will say that while it's not the "in thing", it's definately getting its recognition and support! Stores like Torrid and Lane Bryant make it possible for thick girls to be up-to-date on fashion, and even places like Target, Mervyns, and JCPenney's are starting to carry things in extended sizes. Queen Latifah has been doing commercials for CoverGirl (she's plus sized), and even Yahoo Avatars offer clothing for plus-sized avatars :).

2006-12-15 03:37:28 · answer #4 · answered by xxhalloqueenxx 2 · 0 0

Any size woman is in. Always has been. It a personal preference of man that make her in or out. I just look at her heart and not let size dictate if I should love her.

2006-12-15 03:33:18 · answer #5 · answered by Snaglefritz 7 · 1 0

"In" where? Certainly not the USA, anyhow. We're stuck on bulimic/anorexic sorts here. The thinner the better, as Hollywood would say!


2006-12-15 03:26:08 · answer #6 · answered by twowords 6 · 2 1

I would say thick women are in. Big isn't all that great....but thick is perfect. Skinny is just as bad as to big. Thick is good.

2006-12-15 03:32:04 · answer #7 · answered by infiniteentropickey 2 · 2 0

Larger women is not in. Smaller women is in.

2006-12-15 03:27:25 · answer #8 · answered by Count Acumen 5 · 0 2

I like big butts and i cannot lie

2006-12-15 03:26:55 · answer #9 · answered by askdajuiceman 1 · 5 0

i think youre right. not fat, but more curvy women are "in" more now than ever before. all those curves, and i aint got no brakes.

2006-12-15 03:26:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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