+ I think that the point may be that Jesus was killed by the world. The overall society of the time. The Romans, the Jews, and if there were other possibilities they would have been involved too. The entire concept of Christianity was too much for the powers that be in any area of the world, and so they found a solution. (wrong solution)The problem is that you can't kill an idea that stands up as Truth and personal freedom. The only winning strategy is to join or absorb it. The way you asked your question might need some rethinking. The Holocaust is still recent enough that there are still some survivors that is why it has the amount of impact. When the Jews were exiled to Babylon it had the same effect in it's day. I don't think anyone could accept taking the blame for an act like killing God, so rethink how you want to ask your question.
2006-12-15 06:30:46
answer #1
answered by Clamdigger 6
Individuals killed Jesus. You can not blame a whole people for the the death of an individual. Also remember that according to Christian belief if Jesus had not been crucified he would not have did for your sins and you'd would have rotted in hell for all eternity because you suffer from original sin.
The holocaust however did not affect just one individual it involved murder on a mass basis or genocide. It also occurred relatively recently and there are many Jews alive today who had parents or grandparents killed there making it a lot more personal for them. Also because the Jews chose to reclaim the original Holy Land promised to them in the Bible they are reviled by all of the other countries in the middle east. Because the Jewish people still suffer much prejudice in the world today and their survival is still threatened by thier neighbors the Holocaust serves as symbol for them to never allow it to happen again.
Because there are so few purebred present day Mayans, the majority having interbred with the invading Spaniards, and noone is currently out to get them, what would be the point of drawing worldwide attention to the tragedy now.
2006-12-15 09:58:55
answer #2
answered by aiguyaiguy 4
My personal opinion is that the holocaust is remembered because we have pictures of it. The Mayan and Incan massacres happened before cameras. A lot of countries where there are genocides are hard to get into and there not TV news stations covering it.
People who say the Holocaust didn't happen are ignorant.
The Jewish people don't have to accepted that their ancestors killed Jesus, because it is in the Bible. The Jews wanted Jesus to be killed even if the Romans, who were in charge, are the ones who actually commited the acts.
2006-12-15 09:43:34
answer #3
answered by Rosie 2
This question is ridiculous - you can'tblame "the jews" for killing someone 2000 years ago. Let me explain something to you:
Christians killed jews during the inquisition, the halocaust, the pogroms in Russia, during the crusades, and at various times throughout the world.
You can say "this is not a racist question" but the way you ask it - "are they covering it up by focusing and victimizing themselves over the Holocaust?" begs to be taken racially. You just don't want to admit you're a racist.
2006-12-15 09:40:40
answer #4
answered by USAUSAUDA 3
The Romans ruled this part of the then-known world with an iron fist. They and only they had the authority to carry out a death penalty for any crime, great or small.
The Jewish religious rulers were upset because Jesus claimed to be the King of the Jews and the Son of God. In Matthew Chapter 26:63 we read:
The high priest said to him, "I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God." 64 "Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven." 65 Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, "He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. 66 What do you think?" "He is worthy of death," they answered.
The traditional death penalty for the Jews was stoning. Since the Romans reserved for themselves the right to choose and carry out the execution, it would be by crucifixion.
Jesus allowed Himself to be arrested, tried and crucified. In the Gospel of John 18, we read:
So Judas came to the grove, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons.
Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, "Who is it you want?"
"Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "I am he," Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.)
When Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground.
BUT AFTER ALL THE CRUCIFICATION, HE DIED AND ON THE THIRD DAY HE ROSE AGAIN AND LIVE FOREVER MORE. The history of our lord jesus christ is now HE was once dead BUT now he have the power n authorities over dead itself
2006-12-21 09:04:56
answer #5
answered by MAMATEE 2
there is something suspicious about the bible blaming the Jews for Jesus's death. Jesus was crucified by the Romans and tried by the roman Governor. this would seem to mean he was accused of a criminal act or sedition. if the Jews had really wanted to kill him they could have done so, as they had full jurisdiction over religious matters under roman law. Jesus would have been stoned to death. you have to remember that Christianity became the state religion of the roman empire, so therefore the Jews were blamed. as for the holocaust, your right in that every genocide is terrible, but the holocaust was so brutal, systematic and inhuman. these people were not just massacred, they were tormented, brutalised, tortured and then killed. we were brought up with its images, we have fathers and grandfathers who witnessed these atrocities when they liberated the camps. the other genocides were hidden or long ago, they are abstract things in history books, and being human they mean less to us. the only other genocide that touched me as much was Bosnia, where the images filled our TV screens and touched us directly. the Jews are rightly aggrieved about the holocaust. it was them who shouldered the burden of the blood libel for nearly two thousand years, being killed and persecuted for something that was not their fault. the Romans did it, but the victors always write the history.
2006-12-15 10:22:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I agree with most of the answers already given....the Jewish people of that time did not think that Jesus was the Messiah...and the reason the Holocaust is still spoken about with such passion is there are still survivors alive and the total number...I think around 6 million....is a MAJOR event....one more bit of info...there are a sect of Jews called Messianic Jews (think that is spelled correctly) that do believe Jesus was the Son of God....although I have Jewish friends, I am not that familiar with this sect...something you may be interested in reading up on....
2006-12-15 09:45:56
answer #7
answered by Lilliput1212 4
Are you smoking cheap stuff, or are you out of medication. The holocaust is spoken of because of the horrific number of people killed. over 6 million. Think of that number. The Mayans and the Incas? That was not genocide! They let the invaders in. They traded wives and daughters for steel swords to better kill their other enemies.
Victimizing themselves, now that is racist. My grandmother escaped a prison train in Eastern France then found out her entire family had victimized themselves by marching, at gun point, into the extermination camps.
Killed Jesus. I believe you will find that the Romans did that. No one ever mentions a Jew driving spikes or swords into him. By the way, since you seem so out of touch with everything else, did you know that Jesus was a Jew?
2006-12-15 09:39:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
first off the Holocaust only happened 60 years ago. What did Jews use to "cover up" before that?!
The reason the holocaust was so highlighted was because it was the first case of an entire ethnic group beging slaughtered enmass for no logical reason except for pure hate.
also if the Jews of Jesus time killed him it would have been done by stoneing. Your knowledge of any type of history is abysmal at best and proof of the public education system.
2006-12-17 22:13:21
answer #9
answered by Gamla Joe 7
Yes, it happened recently but there are genocides happening today, now, as I write this. These are even more recent, they are current. As for sitting in camps, how many people are doing that now? Do you have any idea? We have to remember the holocaust so it doesn't happen again and then we concentrate on that and let more genocides happen. The refugees from Darfur are being killed in refugee camps by militias. The horrific massacres in Rwanda are more recent and went on for more than twenty years, first one tribe slaughtering the other and then the reverse. If we remember the holocaust so we don't let it happen again, why do we let it happen again?
2006-12-15 10:07:40
answer #10
answered by Elizabeth Howard 6