Remakes aren't really my thing. Mostly, movies are remade, not because the director or writer(s) feel they have something relevant and interesting and new to say about the movie, a movie is remade because research tells movie studios their core demographic (males and females, aged 14-26) don't connect with older movies. This group of youngsters don't know who Lee Remick or Gregory Peck is, so they have no desire to see the original "The Omen". Studios then attempt a straight retelling of the same old story, and then wonder why it fails, which is more often the case than not with these remakes.
A movie should only be remade if the writers or director has something new to say in the story, or, in the case of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, of trying to keep more faithfully to the original book upon which the movie(s) are based.
I AM, however, most interested in SEQUELS. I love to hear more about what happened to favorite characters. I find it most hypocritical of writers who, for example, spend 2 hours making us care for Marion Ravenwood, only to completely ignore or dismiss her from any mention at all in subsequent "Indiana Jones" movies. Some sequels I might be interested in seeing done, if done legitimately for art, not for a quick buck, would include:
1. Rosemary's Teenager;
2. The Princess Bride 2;
3. Buckaroo Banzia Against the World Crime League (promised but never delivered- Peter Weller is not getting any younger, I would put my own money toward producing another BB movie, but ONLY if we can get Ellen Barkin, Jeff Goldblum and Weller again)
4. Remo Williams 2- They wouldnt even have to use as much makeup on Joel Grey to turn him into Chiun again. I would think Fred Ward would be up for this, he hasn't done much lately. But would that core demo want to see and OLD Remo Williams?
5. Another "Serenity" movie, maybe a prequel so we can have Sheperd and Wash back.
6. I would LOVE to see a new "Conan the Barbarian" movie, with Arnie back but as the King he is shown being in the end of the first Conan movie. Let's face it, Arnie aint no spring chicken either, maybe the story is, he is in danger of losing his kingdom and must quest to save it, or something, hell I dunno. I'm not a screenwriter. Only Oliver Stone should write and direct it.
7. Also Im not sure why its taking so long to come up with a viable "Indiana Jones 4" script. Can't Indy be looking for Noah's Ark? And when he finds it, the ark still contains samples of animals from the past, a la "Aeon Flux", i.e., in DNA form, so Indy has a chance to restock the world with thousands of extinct species or animals and plants, there could be a plant known to ancient man but lost over the millenia, which cures viruses or cancer, but there are also plants containing spores which modern man has no defense against. Releasing anything on the Ark could also mean the end of modern mankind. You have to make the stakes large for the 4th one, and really no matter HOW popular it is or how much money it makes, this is pretty much gonna be Harrison Ford's last hurrah as Indiana Jones. He might even have to be killed (to save the world of course) in this one, to, you know, make it clear to peeps there aint gonna be no more Indy movies with Han Solo. But to soften the blow (and keep the franchise going, he could always have a kid by this time, someone to carry on the nale blah blah blah...
8. I would also love to see another "Predator" movie, one without Ridley Scott Aliens in it. Bring Arnie back for that one too. But this time, the Predator decides to invade a prison, kills and trophy-izes all the guards (cuz they're the ones with weapons) and the inmates have to work together or be next in the trophy case. Arnie, playing the Army Special forces guy again, was imprisoned by the govenment for not keeping quiet about the predator he encountered in the first movie. The prison is some new. high tech facility with a minimum of guards, lots of video cameras and A.I. computers with state of the art deterents, etc. Arnie must not only negotiate the prison and escape, all the while battling the Predator, as well as fellow inmates yadda yadda yadda... John McTiernan directing.
9. And I would LOVE to see another "Snake Plissken" movie, before Kurt Russell gets to old to play him again. Only John Carpenter can direct, but he needs to get back to his roots, when he wasn't so comfortable.
10. I was thinking another good remake would be "Westworld", but they remade that already and called it "Jurassic Park". Why not? Both stories written by the same author. Can you be arrested for plagarizing yourself?
2006-12-15 01:43:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
NONE....if it was very good the first time, leave it alone. And if it wasn't good, then it shouldn't be remade. I agree that it is sad that now there seem to be soooo many remakes of not only other movies but TV shows as well. Yes, Hollywood is lazy, and assumes the American public will eat whatever vomit they spew out.
2006-12-15 07:30:49
answer #3
answered by holligolitelee66 2