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why wont clonthes comanyes make normal clothes for normal ppl?! ok well i am not so normal but still, i am 14 I am 6'2". you have no idea hnow much time i've spent in stores looking for pants my size, i am 38x34 in jeans size, 12,1/2 in shoes and XL (somethimes XXL) in shirts. I am tires of searching the stores for 4 hours looking for pants thangt fit mi size and that are the same kind as that guy in the poster..... after searching half the store i find 4 pants, all of them clasic (not boot cut as i wanted) and are hideous, deep blue with yellow string and gangta logos, old ones and stained!. ok lets see the shoes, "can i see this vans in 12 plz?, what you dont have them in 12? what about 13? no?! the only ones are 7-10 >.< @$%^!$%^@$^^%&!!!!! why bother?!" lets ee the shirts..... okay this one is nice..... where the **** are the XL, sign* everithing they have huh? oh hay here is one"... yeah and the ones my size are aufully long!! i have to use XL because of my wale tummy >_>

2006-12-14 12:33:58 · 23 answers · asked by Poseidon 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

(well i am not that fat just a little) but when I put them on they are way to long, the same thing with the sweatshirts!! T_T i need help, so ya you know whith the kind of paqnts i do find i look like a circus freak and well WHY CANT THEY DO MORE STUFF FOR BIG DUDES LIKE ME?!!? ( darn u companies!!)

2006-12-14 12:36:07 · update #1

23 answers

Hey Darling.

I'm 14 too. XL in shirts usually. And I understand you. I dont consider myself fat. I consider myself average.

It's getting worse and worse. I left West 49 bawling my eyes out because my sister and I were shopping. And I really wanted this sweater. But there were none in my size. And she ended up getting it.

Just know you're not alone. LOADS of people feel this way.

My feet are a size 10 in womans. Which is big for a 14 (almost 15) year old. And theres never any nice shoes in my size. All the colorful fancy ones are in size 6 and 7. So.

You're not fat and you dont have to lose weight. Dont listen to these 'tards.

2006-12-14 12:39:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I've noticed all of what you're complaining about as I'm a tall woman that is not (and never have been) a size 6. Every thing in the store(s) is in a size 6. Either the people that do the purchasing for the clothing stores assume EVERYONE is a size 6 so they buy more for them -or- there are very few size 6 women out there and the larger sizes are sold out.

It's very frustrating!

One thing I've started doing is ordering my clothing online. At least they have my size! (Except for one company...Lands End...has back ordered my size 3 times, but if I were a SIZE 6, I could get it right away). ERRRRGGGGHHHHH!

2006-12-14 12:39:37 · answer #2 · answered by i have no idea 6 · 1 2

I know exactly how you feel! I'm 6'5" and cannot find what I need, except by going to a "Big and Tall" shop, but you either have to be tall and extremely skinny, or fat and short! I no longer bother with stores, I get everything on-line. JCPenny has a good selection of tall and big sizes, but even if they don't there are plenty of on-line stores to look at - some even waive the shipping fee if you order a certain amount. I know what you go through - it is rough. Take care.

2006-12-14 12:40:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Oh, guy. I artwork at a vehicle dealership, my place of work is ideal next to the save. Up till now, they have been doing good about what music they play. you comprehend, buncha adult males, mechanics, rock, metallic, what no longer. nicely, those days they'd a large blow up about what music they hearken to. So, their answer replaced into to have all and dissimilar's radio on an same station. They determined on a community POP station. I somewhat do not comprehend what this cutting-edge music is or who sings it, yet between the techs has his radio good up adversarial to the window of my place of work, LOUD. i favor to go accessible and roundhouse kick it in the course of the save. Adam has the purely right avatar, IMO.

2016-11-26 20:06:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel your pain. Every maker makes their sizes differently, on top of which each individual pair is a significant variation to the size template (shoddy workmanship). It's hard for people who are very demanding as to fit to be easily satisfied with just one trip to one store. I usually log about 15 hours finding 2 or 3 new pairs of jeans.

2006-12-14 12:39:49 · answer #5 · answered by martino 5 · 1 2

Okay. I feel your pain. There is a store on the net here called Men's Big and Tall. THEY STOCK COOL CLOTHING! I PROMISE. (My cousin was a manager there.) I know this might be embarassing, but wal-mart in Iowa here does carry cool clothing. You can order Vans in your size but you have to get a catalog first. Try online. If you need a credit card, there are pre-paid ones you can get at a grocery store. Load it up then splurge on the net. Good Luck.

2006-12-14 12:39:50 · answer #6 · answered by Black Widow Mollie 3 · 3 2

Here in Florida we have a store called Big and Tall mens store. Look around, your gonna find your store. Go through search for your area. Shop at smaller stores in little plaza's and get to know the managers who may special order for you.

When you are a young boy and are more rounded than tall you will be considered husky. Do pay close attention so you don't get real heavy!!

2006-12-14 12:50:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

For your clothes try Old Navy or the Gap & for shoes.....Well my brother wears 13 shoe and he can find them with out a problem, I just dont think your really looking cuz its not like your looking for unusual sizes, I think the sizes you wear are a commen size

2006-12-14 12:39:08 · answer #8 · answered by its just me....♥ 3 · 1 2

I am sorry...um you could try XL Casual Male they have a lot of the latest styles, for the "pleasantly plump" men out there....call me

2006-12-14 12:37:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

OK so like the answers in front of you get a personal talior/designer(whatever you want).....and if you cant get that get some clothes online they usually have longer/bigger sizes (usually)..also lose weight ...oh and shoes are simple i see no prob

2006-12-14 12:42:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

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