A) Yes. I want to be able to look at my wife and say WOW she looks good. Guys are visual. My wife doesn't have to look like a Victoria Secret model, but I want my wife to at least try to stay in shape. The effort counts. That shows she cares how she looks. Wouldn't you want your husband to look good? Too many guys let themselves fall apart. I want to look good for my wife too.
B) Just because you gain some weight doesn't mean a guy will cheat on you. Look at Hugh Grant, The guy was with Liz Hurley. You can't get much better than that. Your personality counts a lot. If you are boring in bed or say being physical isn't important to you then your guy might start looking around. Make him feel like you really want to be with him. Turn him on.
C) No your question isn't silly. Attention is very important to a man. Most women don't get this. Women also don't get that men are visual. A guy you are with wants you!! If you don't make him feel like he is physically wanted, he will get attention somewhere else. If you get huge, it is not visually pleasing to a man. Try to stay in shape. Effort counts too. What would you like to look at. Brad Pitt or John Candy?
2006-12-14 13:15:52
answer #1
answered by d1jensen 2
You are taking living lessons from the Maury show?? Online cheating?? Do you watch Oprah and Dr. Phil too?? Gosh woman, don't you have a job? These are afternoon shows dedicated to entertaining bored house wives. Get a career and do something worthwhile with your time and your mind. Your husband will appreciate that. If you're just a mindless tool, maybe a maid, maybe a cook, maybe a child raiser and baby maker or or a warm body to have sex with, your husband is more likely to get bored and run off when you turn physically unsexy. If you're an interesting worthwhile person who happens to have a few extra pounds here and there, it won't matter as much. If you can't acheive personhood and just want to be stay at home wifey that watches Maury too much, then stay exciting and sexy in the bedroom, he probably doesn't like you for much more than that.
2006-12-14 12:48:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely not. It's neutral, obviously. Husbands don't cheat because of anything to do with the wives - weight, looks, or anything. They cheat because THEY have problems.
Real, mature men don't mind something to cuddle. Nothing is worse than hugging a skeleton!
The question isn't silly, with all the crap out their in the media. That's why it is good that people like you can ask honest questions and get real answers from someone like me who maybe has a few more years under her belt!
2006-12-14 13:41:56
answer #3
answered by Lydia 7
Pointing fingers of blame only causes more hurt and resolves nothing. The understanding of "covenant" has been lost. A covenant (vow) was entered into for life - until one of the two died. The marriage covenant is different than most covenants in that when two people are married, the two become one flesh in the eyes of God. This "one flesh" is broken into to halves when divorce ends the covenant, and neither is then "whole". Hearts are broken, and no matter how amicable the divorce, the consequences of divorce effect children, family, and friends. The consequences are not punishment from God for divorcing, they are simply the outcome of divorce. God knows far better than we do what we will suffer from certain choices we make, which is why He gave us instructions to live by in order to avoid pain and suffering that CAN BE avoided. That is why Jesus said in Matthew 19:7-8: The Pharisees asked Jesus, "Why did Moses say that a man could write out divorce papers and send his wife away?" 8 Jesus replied, "You are so heartless! That's why Moses allowed you to divorce your wife. But from the beginning God did not intend it to be that way. No one would argue that there are marriages that cannot remain intact due to abuse, neglect, and/or life endangerment. However, in our western culture it has become easier to leave a difficult marriage than to be committed to doing whatever it takes to keep it together. Sadly, for many it is no longer entered into as a permanent, life-long commitment and the results are devastatingly obvious in today's society. Good question, thank you.
2016-03-29 07:37:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I had a neighbor once that had a drop dead gorgeous wife. Seriously one of the most attractive women I have ever seen. And she seemed really nice etc. Well come to find out he was cheating with a woman that weighed a good 300lbs and was hideous. So I think if they're going to cheat they'll do it no matter what their wife looks like.
By the way...I'd have to have a little chat with my SIL if she went and told my husband I was getting fat! That's just mean!
2006-12-14 12:43:34
answer #5
answered by . 6
Doesn't matter. If people don't genuinely care for each other or exist on a physical level only or for limited gratification or joined together on faulty ground, left to themselves they'll look for means to find some kind of perceived fulfillment or other. Love. This is the cornerstone issue. If it isn't there fundamentally, nothing will take it's place. Especially not food, or money. Check the cancer statistics in this country will you!
2006-12-14 12:38:34
answer #6
answered by vanamont7 7
Nope. He's fatter and I'm still a size 8 same as 10 years ago. Men who cheat and/or abuse do so for one reason; CONTROL. (and guilt) They will cheat on and otherwise abuse lovely models and professional accomplished women. The person who doesn't care about themselves, (weight wise) should respect their spouse but blaming themselves for the spouse's infidelities or abuses will not do any good as it's simply not true. A spouse lacks character who will not honor for better or for worse in the true sense of the term.
2006-12-14 13:01:53
answer #7
answered by Lovin' Mary's Lamb 4
I think it's more complex than that. I know for me weight gain caused problems, but it wasn't from my partner, it was because *I* changed more than just physically. We are constantly told that to be chubby is bad, so I felt bad and unloveable and pushed my partner away slowly because I'd convinced myself I was unloveable. He still loved me and found me as loveable as ever! I can see how if I had not realised what I was doing and talked openly about it that that alone could break the relationship and destroy trust. So in a way I think it could be the beginning of problems, but at the heart of it I don't think it's the a=b answer.
2006-12-14 12:42:58
answer #8
answered by kissindra 1
NO this is so untrue....I'm skinny and fit and every bf-husband has cheated on me...I think it's mainly how I make them feel or the type of guy I choose not me....maybe they just were not the one BTW after years one of them called me to say how sorry he was and that he still missed me and I felt like going who cares....but see maybe they were just being boys and not men.
2006-12-14 12:52:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I imagine most men would feel justified to cheat if they felt their wives were not taking care of themselves. It does not mean they have a right to cheat, it means they try to make themselves feel better by using this as an excuse to cheat.
However, I know of one man who cheated on his very beautiful wife with someone very plain and chubby. He felt that she valued him more because his wife spent all her time trying to keep her beauty and didn't devote as much time to her marriage.
2006-12-14 12:38:07
answer #10
answered by physandchemteach 7