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I was minding my own business, eating my pizza in a restraunt. When this woman I knew walked over, sat in my seat, and sat down on my coat!

She began telling me I had to give my sister a message.
I said, I didn't mean to be mean to you, I saw you and I would have said hello to you but I did not invite you to sit with me, I like to sit alone. And you are sitting on my coat.

Again, she said, You have to tell you're sister...

I then said, I don't have to do anything of the kind.

Now would you please get off of my coat, and out of my seat. I wish I could bold the word please, here.

Now she is telling people I am going to get myself hurt. She is also telling other family members I was rude to her. She is connected, somewhat.

2006-12-14 12:30:50 · 2 answers · asked by smoothsoullady 4 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

2 answers

It appears that this person has "boundary issues." In other words, she can't respect your space. Sounds to me like you handled it fine.

Your family members, how are they taking it? I would hope that they just let her vent and then ignore the whole things. As one of my college professors once said "You can't argue with crazy people." When a person like that woman goes around talking to folks about you, the best thing is for them to excuse themselves and get away from her but, if they can't, then they should just take her comments with a grain of salt.

If she's "connected," that must explain why she thinks she can get off ordering you to tell your sister something. That's not nice. If she had any couth, she would have asked you in a nice way "Mind if I join you?" and "Would you please tell your sister something for me?"

Sorry that this had to happen to you. Hang in there!

2006-12-22 09:51:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 7

You did the right thing so far as I can see. You weren't really rude since she was the one that sat down uninvited and without asking or even moving your coat out of the way. However, I probably would have just got up and found a different seat when she didn't leave the table the first time with something like "I'm sorry, but I did wish to eat alone. If you would like to continue sitting at this table, be my guest." But, maybe there were no other empty tables; in which case, you had every right to insist she leave.

2006-12-16 12:43:43 · answer #2 · answered by tra7of9 2 · 9 0

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