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my question is do people really believe this? this is not true. speed has nothing to do with time in the event of time traveling. Time travel must be proven or why should this be accepted so much? No one has actually time traveled and never will. The whole theory began from the thought of algebraically rearranging the equation distance divided by time equals speed, to time equals going really fast. no. this is very incorrect and i am surprised no one knows this. In the equation there, you dont calculate all of time, you calculated the passing of time, so you can only change the passing of time and not ALL of time. Also, time elapses EVERYWHERE so it would be impossible to move quickly in ONE place and change time in ALL places. Rather this whole time changing idea is the effects of energy upon an object or the lack of energy upon an object which gives the result of the appearance of aging more or less....(not enough space!)

2006-12-14 11:57:12 · 7 answers · asked by philosopher 3 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

Best Answer to anyone who can prove me wrong in equally high detail

but also consider...
speed is created by time. Distance divide by what equals speed? you need time. if you measure in miles for distance and hour for time you have speed measured in miles per hour. now if your speed were able to change time, time would change speed right back to satisfy the equation. think very hard about that one.

2006-12-14 11:59:47 · update #1

Also it is based on the speed of light but you cannot go faster than the speed of light, ligh is free moving electrons, anyone who knows how a lightbulb works knows this. and everyone who has studied the atomic structure knows that atoms are made up of protons neutrons AND electrons so for electrons to go faster than themselves is impossible.

2006-12-14 12:01:57 · update #2

Also even if we were capable of going exactly AT the speed of light would we time travel? no. how do we know. i studied something that travels the speed of light. And this is cool. what travels the speed of light? anybody know? Light travels at the speed of light. Now if traveling at the speed of light allows you to time travel and go back in time, the light coming out of a star would go back in time to when it was still in the star and the star would never lose any of its energy. but this is not true. and if it were, our light bulbs would just recycle the energy. the light coming out at lightspeed would go back in time and go back in the light bulb an would not need constant power supply.

Good luck trying to prove time travel is possible. but im open for ideas and constructive criticism. but i doubt anyone could ever prove me wrong.

2006-12-14 12:04:56 · update #3

guess how many times i read that page on wikipedia about special relativity. i know what special relativity is. try again. you proved nothing.

2006-12-14 12:06:29 · update #4

if light is not electrons from electricity than please tell me what is going into a lightbulb and coming out.

2006-12-14 12:10:17 · update #5

and why dont i get a photon bill instead of an electricity bill??

2006-12-14 12:11:17 · update #6

oh and two hundred years ago all of this was still possible but just not discovered and in use...

2006-12-14 12:14:43 · update #7

i would agree with you that this answer is being edited but it is a question for now...

2006-12-14 12:15:27 · update #8

...and just to be specific, the word photon means a quantum of electromagnetic radiation. so basically instead of calling my pet an animal, if i refer to it as a hamster or a dog i am just being more specific. so when i say free moving electrons, that is just more specific than photon.

2006-12-14 12:18:53 · update #9

..and ELECTROmagnetic comes from ELECTROmagnetism, guess how you make an ELECTROmagnet? you need ELECTRICITY. It surprises me that anyone dealing with science would talk so solid on a subject that everybody does not know everything about. science is always a question until we know every single thing about it. or there can be unexpected results.

2006-12-14 12:24:43 · update #10


this is to see if time travel is possible. not did i spell cat right, or if this is true, we are talking about concepts. k?

i have already talked to my college professor today and he xplained som things to me.

special relativity only provides for time travel forwards.
It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light.

the only thing i do not agree on here is that any time travel is possible, any!

and speed is NOT associated with time or time travel. Speed is a result of distance divided by time! if i have a distance in miles, and time in hours, then my speed will be measured in miles per hour. okokok, lets put it this way, SPEED IS CREATED BY TIME. you can not have miles per hour without either the miles or the hour. hang on im out of space again...

2006-12-15 10:35:31 · update #11

this will explain why time is independent of speed.

the only way to change TIME woul mean you would ned to control one of these three: present, past, or future. WE CAN NOT CON TROL ANY OF THESE QUAL I TIES.

when we use the formula distance ivided by time, ask yourself this, do we put the value of all of time, or do we put th recorded passing of time? if 3 secons pass and i count those 3 seconds i am counting the passing of time, and since we calculate the passing of time, th only thing we can change is the passing of time.

example, i drive from point A to point B. the distance is 40 miles. i travel at 20 miles an hour. the recordd passing of time needed to get there is 2 hours.
but, if i travel at 40 miles an hour, i get there in only 1 hour. now... did i time travel? did i really change time by moving faster? nooooooooooooooooo. course not! i only got ther faster. so unless you consider that time travel, there is no such thing.....

2006-12-15 10:40:47 · update #12

and once again for those who cannot understand. our universe is made up of atoms. in an atom, there is only 3 things. protons, neutrons, and electrons.

notice i did not misspell that there is a difference between proton and photon. photon is dscribed in the dictionary as a quantum of electromagnetic radiation.
i believe you agre with that.
but more specifically, what is elctromagnetism? it is define as: magnetism developed by a current of electricity. anyone know what electricity is?
i believe it is electrons.

this will help you to understand
cat is to animal
electron is to photon

dog is to animal
electron is to photon

basically it is just a mosre specific term.

think of this, we have elctricity go into a lightbulb, and what comes out? elctricity in the form of a photon of light. why does the elctricity go out of a lighbulb, because lectricity follows the path of least resistance. and because the pressure inside the bulb makes the elctricity come out.

2006-12-15 10:49:00 · update #13

and of course im not using relativity, ITS NOT TRUE!

its not a scientific fact, it is a theory. theory means a well supported GUESS.

thre are many true parts to it, but time travel is not corrct. you cannot have control over present past or future.

speed is not related to changin time.

2006-12-15 10:53:30 · update #14

no my friend, i do not need to go back to school. i am in school. passed school. in college and getting all A's and correcting even the test keys!!!

If i am correcting test keys in college, doesnt that make you think i must be very very smart????
I do not appreciate descrimination of my education.

2006-12-15 10:59:13 · update #15

and i read that page a million times, AND.... found what was wrong in it.

Im not going by it.

I am finding the error with time travel.
I am not saying it is alllll wrong, just that time travel is possible part. because traveling time means you need power over present past and future. no one can change time.

2006-12-15 11:01:35 · update #16

im not worried about people trying to prove me wrong, anymore. had a discussion with some intelligent people and the question is resolved. im just going to leave it up for a while so you can see that i am right.

and try not to be so frustrated, this is here so we can all learn somthing new and grow in intelligence looking at other peoples views. i dont want only my own views. and you shoulnt want only your own either. communication is important and i bet some of you would not be so rude if this conversation were in person. thank you for your time, and for responding to this question everyone. =)

2006-12-15 11:10:10 · update #17

7 answers


Think back two hundred years. What was impossible then......

2006-12-14 12:11:58 · answer #1 · answered by Matt W 3 · 2 0

Yes I do believe that it will happen. It's just that our science and technology is still in it's very infancy. Most people who believe that time travel is impossible usually deride and laugh at those who believe that it will become a reality.

Just put it this way:

Imagine that you've been born 1000 years ago. Then you say "someday man will walk on the moon!", or "the earth is round and not flat". What would be the other people's reaction?. Surely everyone will laugh at you and say you're mad or crazy.

Although we have things like Theory of Relativity, String Theory, Theory on Parallel Universe, Multiverses, Unified Field Theory that tend to suggest time is not absolute, still our science is very limited to perform experiments on them. That's the reason they remain theories. But to a limited extent portions of these theories had been proven on sub-atomic particles. So, still a long long way to go. Our science as it is now, is still so inadequate to explain or comprehend time travel.

But if you believe in science, then you must believe that the impossible is possible. It's just a matter of time (or lifetimes?) when it becomes a reality. Who knows?. Maybe by then, we could possibly explain things like perpetual power sources (infinite conservation of energy), negative-gravity (you can walk on water!!), extra-terrestials (life on other galaxies), ghosts (other dimension?) and other phenomena that are still totally strange to us.

2006-12-14 13:54:35 · answer #2 · answered by roadwarrior 4 · 0 0


You seem confused on a lot of issues. I do not agree with you on the composition of "light." In my education we discussed light as being made up of photons, not electrons. Since we have no recorded evidence of the acceleration of anything of definite mass much faster than 40-50,000 miles per hour, the issue of accelerating something to 186,000 miles per second seems mute to me. When it occurs, let's all sit down and have some serious discussions. Until then all of this appears to be senseless to argue, or banter about with given handicaps in educational backgrounds.

2006-12-14 12:58:33 · answer #3 · answered by zahbudar 6 · 0 0

You my friend, need to go back to school take some Physics classes including Einstein's Relativity Theory (both special and general)...and try not to sleep through them this time.

You claim that you have read that page in Wikipedia a million times and you know "it" but that doesn't seem obvious from your question.

Here are some of the facts that you wrote which are wrong to begin with followed by an explanation:

1.Speed has nothing to do with time.
A.How do you know that? Like you said, it has not been "proven" so YOU cannot say otherwise. You are stating it as if you know that for a fact. The reason speed is always "associated" with time travel is because of the realitivity theory (more on it later).

2.Time travel must be proven or why should this be accepted so much?
A.You are right that it is not proven but we don't accept it as a fact. We only accept it as the most plausible theory again because of the relativity theory.

3.No one has actually time traveled and never will.
A.About the past, we can't tell. Maybe no one really has traveled in time. But regarding the future, that is a pretty bold statement. Can you "prove" it? There was a time when people believed that man would never be able to fly and then the airplane flew. There was a time when people believed that the Earth was flat, and then Columbus set sail. There was a time when people laughed at the idea of circumnavigating the world in less than 80 days and now I can go around in less than three days. Now there is a time when people laugh at the idea of time travel. Who knows?

4.Light is free moving electrons.
A.False, light is made up of photons. More specifically, light is electromagnetic radiation with the elementary particle being photons. It is NOT made up of electrons. Besides, what does an atom have anything to do with this. You are contradicting yourself. If light is made up of electrons, and light moves at the speed of light, then you are telling me that electrons move at the speed of light which has already been proven again and again and again to be impossible to achieve both theoretically and experimentally.

As for your last paragraph, we think that time travel may be possible IF WE CAN GET SOMETHING MASSIVE MOVING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Light is not massive and obviously it moves at the speed of light so don't use light as your "counter-example" to argue why doesn't light go back in time. First find something massive that moves at the speed of light. Show us that it doesn't travel in time, and THEN use it as your counter-example.

Now, you may have read that page on wikipedia a million times but that page is by no means a detailed treatise on relativity theory. Let me sum it up for you (hoping not to oversimplify it). We can move back and forth in three dimensions. Velocity and acceleration distort the three dimensions as well as time (because it slows down) therefore it must be one of the dimensions. So now we have a space-time fabric with four dimensions. Since we can move back and forth in three of the dimensions then why can we not move back and forth in the fourth dimension.

Relating velocity with time travel seems most plausible because we already know that as the velocity gets asymptotically closer to the speed of light, time slows down. This practically has the effect of "traveling" to the future. I can leave Earth at 99.99% the speed of light and come back five minutes later, and centuries would have gone by here. No possibility of going back in time but it is a start.

As for light, the Newtonians consider it a wave. But Einstein said that it behaves like something massive because it can be bent. As it turns out, light has mass when it is moving at the speed of light. Photons have no rest mass so there is no contradiction. Electrons do have rest mass and that is why we cannot accelerate them to the speed of light.

As for you, you seem to know just a few random words like light, atoms, electrons, energy, speed, and distance and you are just throwing them around. You cannot possibly be serious in your argument using distance/time = speed. This is like middle school Physics, man come on! To even argue against time travel, one requires a bit more knowledge and understanding than this. If you want to argue against something, then it helps if you know WHAT you are arguing against. You shouldn't have a doubt about people proving you wrong now. So if it is past your bedtime, get off your mommy's computer and go to sleep.

2006-12-14 12:07:13 · answer #4 · answered by The Prince 6 · 0 1

You are not using relativity. Read about it, then get back to us. Time is not absolute, only the speed of light is absolute. Mass is not absolute. Mass INCREASES with relative speed. It is a lot to sit here and explain to you. Try here:

2006-12-14 12:03:47 · answer #5 · answered by ~XenoFluX 3 · 0 0

My opinion is that there is no such thing as time, the same as there is no such thing as "color", and no such thing as "sound". All three of these are only concepts invented by human beings. Let's go in reverse...

What is called sound is actually just vibration in the air, which travels through the air until it gets to your ear, travels to the eardrum, which is caused to vibrate, and this "vibration" is translated to your brain and experienced as the phenomenon known as "sound"...in other words, without the ear to translate something into the phenomenon "sound" there would be no "sound" only vibrations in the air with no ear to translate it. So a tree falling in the woods actually does produce no sound, until it hits an eardrum somewhere of course.

Color isn't much different insomuch as it isn't really there, it is just the phenomenon your brain uses to distinguish between one wavelength of light reflected/absorbed by a surface, and another....the "color" of light is just an residual anomaly produced within the brain so you can tell apart one wavelength of light from another, in other words....this is putting it crudely obviously....the point is "color" as a physical reality does not exist, there is no "color" until an eye capable of detecting a particular set of wavelengths of light "looks" at the surface of an object being struck by said wavelengths...same idea as sound only using light...

Time is somewhat similar....there is no real "force" or "energy" or whatever one may refer to it as, called time....in my opinion what is called "time" is actually just a way of describing change, and a way of gauging distance....in and of itself it doesnt exist....think of it this way...if you were a simply an entity without a physical body who was floating around in the totally empty black nothingness of space away from all light sources and all other objects so that as far as can be seen is nothing but blackness, you would have no conception of "time" as there would neither be a body for which to gauge "age"/"change", nor would you be able to gauge "distance", since you would have no reference point with which to "time" or otherwise measure how far one point is from another...in fact there would be no "point" to measure from, so the ideas of "time" and distance would both cease to exist for you, now of course "distance" would still exist, but the rate of "speed" would not since speed is dependent upon "time"....only when you experienced a physical object seperate from yourself with which to gauge distance, would "time" become a factor in doing this.....so in essence "time" does not exist, but is merely a human way of 'quantifying' change, and a way of calculating "speed" in relation to "distance".

2006-12-14 12:46:11 · answer #6 · answered by fortwynt 2 · 0 0

You went wrong with the first question. If you want to talk about "belief" you need to post your question in the religion forum.

2006-12-14 12:28:19 · answer #7 · answered by Alan Turing 5 · 1 2

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