You slammed the phone against the wall. You SHOULD help pay bills and YOU are the f*cking moron who threw the tv against the wall. So YOU SHOULD pay for the $hit YOU broke. The go get some anger management, before you become a wife beater… that is if you aren’t already one you @ssh0le. You don’t need a wife since you think wives are only good for cooking your lazy @ss dinner and keeping ice in the freezer. Tell your wife to divorce your sorry @ss and find someone who will treat her like a woman should be treated.
2006-12-14 11:22:24
answer #1
answered by girl_of_your_dreams_1331 4
2016-12-20 16:34:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Dear Lucky,
Shame on you. Your wife is not your slave, and you do not own her. "Work" is not the issue here. It seems that the issue is self-control on your part.
You broke the merchandise, you pay. Your anger is out of control!
The best advice I can give you — go for counseling. If that is not possible, try a more positive approach in the relationship. How many times have you complimented your wife with regard to the things that she does correctly? Remember, you will get more positive returns from the compliments than from your tantrums. Plus, it will be less costly.
Why is the wife paying the bills --- you are just as responsible for seeing that bills are paid, learn to manage the finances for yourself. Your wife is not your accountant.
There is nothing worse than having to live with a person that is going to come home angry or throw fits. You are only damaging yourself, and destroying any self-confidence that your wife may have had.
Remember, your wife did not pick up the TV, phone, or anything and slam it against the wall. YOU DID!
Evaluate yourself, take a look at your anger, and get a grip. The next thing you will be doing is striking your wife --- never let that happen.
Try the web site listed and measure yourself. You cannot change your wife, but you can change your reactions to her. Perhaps your change in attitude will be a motivating force in the relationship.
Give this a thought, if she gets a job — will you do HALF the work at home (do you help now?)
Good Luck — and Control Yourself rather than trying to CONTROL your wife.
2006-12-14 11:39:26
answer #3
answered by N D 1
If you are for real, the thing that needs fixing is you. You can't go through this world "owning" someone else, terrorizing her with your antics of breaking things because you don't know how to vent or express without exploding AND even if you divorced her and found someone else, you would have the same outcome, because the problem is within you. How much further do you think you can go with a clinched fist?
If you can remember the person you were when you first fell in love and who this person you married is before you frightened her into what she has become, STOP your behavior and get some decent help with your temper and your marriage. Don't touch one more thing and destroy it, you are destroying you and your partner.
When we come into a relationship there are respect lines and you have crossed all of them and forgotten how to get back. I would imagine your wife would loved to get out of the house and away from you with any type of job, but you know, it isn't real inviting if she is doing with your clinched fist and poor attitude demanding it. If you still had some of that friendship/love/goodness you must have had in the beginning, you could sit down TOGETHER and figure out what is going out for finances and what needs to come in. You could discuss what it would take to pick up the slack and make it so there wasn't so much pressure. DON'T you tell her what she can and can't do, that is NOT your business, she isn't a belonging, she is a living, breathing, contributing member of this world and wasn't put here for your abuse.
If you are serious about making it better, let it start with YOU. Also, you have the time to be such a brut, if you act like you do about other things, why should she want to even open bills (without the kings permission) ! Get off your duff and pay the bills yourself and TRY BEING A HERO rather than a PUNK WHINER!
2006-12-14 11:18:42
answer #4
answered by OPTIMIST 4
Are you JOKING?? I hope you are. Otherwise you are just an *** hole. And i don't care if you don't like my answer. YOU broke the phone, the wall, and the tv. YOU get to pay for it, AND fix the wall. My step dad has done all of this, plus some a few times because he was so mad, but he at least knew that he was the one to fix and pay for it (since my mom also doesn't have a job). It is not her fault that you 1. got mad and 2. you broke ****. Doing these kinds of things is NOT going to fix anything, only cause a divorce. If dinner was not made, ask he what she has planned, or if you need to order pizza. Also Learn to control your god damn anger, otherwise you are going to be fixing a lot around the house, and have a lot of extras to pay for. And if you need her to get a part time job for financial reasons, then talk to her about it calmly. Tell her you are concerned, and if she would go out and look. And just so you know, the more time she spends at work, the LESS time she has to make your fuking dinner. Learn to control your anger and talk to her in a respectful way, otherwise look forward to not having a marraige.
2006-12-14 11:15:51
answer #5
answered by Stark 6
first off, u are seriously on a ego trip. duh!!!!!!!!! who broke the phone and the tv???? hello,!!!! exactly have u lost your mind. and u have the nerve to leave us a question like this???? did u even ask her why the dinner wasn't cooked , and why there was no ice in the freezer??? there is always two sides to every story and buddy right now this is a jacked up book, that i am gonna put on the shelf. why should she get a job??? u broke the stuff. u got a lot of nerve. u need to get a part time job, to pay for the anger management at your local community college. and come back again with the question, and not leave out any points. cause right now i don't think i/we (the rest of the people) have a clear picture of what is going on. And if there were kids in the house when u did that u really ought to step back and look at yourself. a moms or wife's job if she is not outside the house working is never done. so stop throwing your weight around. u asked i told !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-14 13:53:48
answer #6
answered by snetta1 2
If you are for real, the thing that needs fixing is you. You can't go through this world "owning" someone else, terrorizing her with your antics of breaking things because you don't know how to vent or express without exploding AND even if you divorced her and found someone else, you would have the same outcome, because the problem is within you. How much further do you think you can go with a clinched fist?
2016-02-24 01:27:26
answer #7
answered by ? 4
There are so many problems with this question it's difficult to find a place to start.
#1 - You need to take responsibility for your own actions. YOU reacted inappropriately by slamming the phone and throwing the tv. YOU are directly responsible for those damages.
#2 - Your reaction to the situation was a clear over-reaction. Toddlers throw things when they get upset. Adults are supposed to know better. You require professional psychiatric help to learn to deal with minor annoyances.
#3 - You're married but you act like there's a financial line between the two of you. You want her to pay for your temper tantrum. This indicates poor relationship skills.
I could go on but there's probably no point. I don't think you have the emotional maturity to handle it.
PS - If you don't like my response don't smash the computer. That would be an inappropriate response.
2006-12-14 11:21:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
first of all you didn't say if this was an everyday occurence or if it just happened that one day. if it is an all the time happening evidently she and you are not avery happy couple and counseling might be a idea for the 2 of you. if this was a 1 time deal . shame on you shame on you. just because she stays at home does'nt mean she don't have a job. she takes care of you evidently which is a job and half when you get off work your done cuz you come home to her for her to take care of you needs and wants. maybe she was'nt feeling good this particular day and was sick... When you get sick ,you take a sick day and lay on the couch or in bed all day ... while she takes care of you. you better pay for the damages and ask for forgiveness for being ignorant . and remember you work 8 to 10 hrs. a day, but her job is 24/7. count your blessings, alot of women ,wouldn't bother putting up with you. partnership or marriage is not a 50/50 deal sometimes you give more., sometimes she will have to give more, and sometimes it will be 100%. that's marriage. grow up, pick up the pieces and pay for the damage. good luck and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
2006-12-14 12:00:33
answer #9
answered by hummybird 2
It sounds as if you're not mature enough to understand that a marriage takes two-not just one or one and 1/2.
Since YOU broke the phone and TV-YOU pay for it all.
I honestly don't understand how this is all your wife's fault. So what if she didn't have dinner out and stuff? You're a grown man and I'm sure you've got legs and hands-therefore, instead of acting so angry, you could've helped her out with dinner and left the phone and TV alone.
Step it up or step OUT (aka get divorced if you can't agree on anything with her.)
2006-12-14 11:12:20
answer #10
answered by sweetdollツ 7