To tie the Windsor Knot, select a tie of your choice and stand in front of a mirror. Then simply follow the steps below:
1) The wide end "W" should extend about 12 inches below the narrow end "N". Cross the wide end "W" over the narrow end "N".
2) Bring the wide end "W" up through the loop between the collar and your tie; then back down.
3) Pull the wide end "W" underneath the narrow end "N" and to the right, back through the loop and to the right again so that the wide end "W" is inside out.
4) Bring the wide end "W" across the front from right to left.
5) Pull the wide end "W" up through the loop again.
6) Bring the wide end "W" down through the knot in front.
7) Using both hands, tighten the knot carefully and draw it up to the collar.
Congratulations, you did it! You see, it is not rocket science after all. Simply keep practicing the Windsor Knot a few more times until you can tie this necktie knot within less than 30 seconds.
2006-12-14 10:24:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The above website has really easy to follow guides for ties - and that link takes you to the page about Windsor Knots :)
Oh, and make sure you don't get it muddled up with the Windsor Half Knot!
2006-12-14 18:21:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
1.Start with wide end of the tie on your right and extending a foot below narrow end.
2. Cross wide end over narrow and bring up through loop.
3. Cross wide end over narrow and bring up through loop.
4. Then put down through loop and around across narrow as shown.
5. Turn and pass up through loop and...
6. Complete by slipping down through the knot in front. Tighten and draw up snug to collar.
2006-12-14 18:21:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't know if this helps, but here you go:
Put the shorter end over the larger end, bring it through the hole at the top and bring it through the smaller hole below that. Then, adjust it to fit and poof out the top... try this link, it has an illustrated view of the steps.
2006-12-14 18:21:24
answer #4
answered by ♥Princess♥ 4
Tada! This should help!
2006-12-14 18:20:34
answer #5
answered by furiousfoe 2
Quick! Use the link below!
2006-12-14 18:20:46
answer #6
answered by Drew P 4
Here you on the link below...colored illustration. Good luck.
2006-12-14 18:21:44
answer #7
answered by leslie 6