I would approach this question in terms of "conscience." I find that all individuals are connected by "conscience" to collective humanity, so that our experiences and growth are mutually influential. Whatever we achieve or experience personally has an effect on global society, and vice versa, because all people, across time and space, are connected spiritually by conscience.
In other words, all people are mutually influenced by personal and global events in the past, present and future which we perceive and use to make decisions by conscience.
All humans and all religions reflect this same universal structure, because human nature is tri-partite in design. Since each person has a spiritual nature, a physical body, and the psychological level of "conscience" joining those two levels in harmony, then each person is a "trinity" which is collectively is reflected in human institutions through religious symbols and systems of law. All conflict arises from trying to reach harmony between these three levels within each person, and in relation with other persons, which collectively represents the state of all humanity.
The same struggle and development that people experience personally, collectively becomes the social development we see in humanity and in national globally. Each person is like a "microcosm" or mini-model of the world. The same way we develop from little babies to full-grown independent adults, all humanity collectively is evolving spiritually, socially, and spiritually following the same patterns of development.
For example, consider the stages of development between individuals and their parents, where the parents guide their children through development until they are older; then the children later "rebel" as teenagers when they start to display independent thought and behavior but are still learning social limits and rules; and finally they grow up to be independent adults, though they may still have differences to resolve with their past and present relationships.
The same pattern happens with cultures and nations in society. A parent nation may start off by colonizing or governing a less developed population or region, but eventually that region will develop its own cultural identity and eventually "rebel" against the parent country and seek to become independent and self-governing.
You can also compare the personal and global relationships between the mother/father or husband/wife and collectively the struggle to balance power between the "church" and the "state."
In the Bible, the symbol of the "bride" is used for the "church" or all the "people" in society joined as one body, while the symbol of the "bridegroom" is used for Christ as the embodiment of the law or spiritual governance that protects his "bride" or the "church."
The common pattern is usually that a person starts off like an innocent child, who blindly obeys the parent for safety and security; then learns how to apply reason to make choices by free will in order to become independent. However, in that process, people often lose their trust, that life does not seem fair, or that other people are trying to manipulate or control situations, so you cannot have perfect free will or choice. This introduces struggle or conflict between balancing one's own perception or purpose with that of others so there is equal justice, peace and harmony. And that is where most people get stuck. If they cannot forgive past conflicts, or they misjudge and blame others, the same mistakes, conflicts or divisions keep repeating.
So this is where most conflicts and struggle are based.
When people recover personally from setbacks, and learn from past mistakes or experiences to rebuild and restore a healthy balance in the present and future, then collectively the same level of maturity, both spiritually and socially, is achieved worldwide.
People right now are in mixed stages of development; some souls are still like two-year-olds who are dependent on supervision and guidance to stay out of trouble, other souls are like rebellious teens, while others are growing in to mature adulthood, or they already serve as the "spiritual elders" in society who mentor the younger souls. Collective you can see these stages among nations as well. America already rebelled and broke away from the parent country of Great Britain, though we still face issues while trying to mature as a self-governing state.
What connects the personal level and the collective global level are our personal relationships in our daily lives. If you make peace there, by resolving conflicts and restoring healthy relations, that is what collectively influences peace and harmony in greater society.
2006-12-14 12:41:31
answer #1
answered by emilynghiem 5