There is no hard proof that Jesus ever lived, period. People believe what they want to believe, they always have and they always will. I've heard the whole "Jesus was born in July" thing before, and honestly, I don't care either way.
One thing is for certain though- Yuletide, a Pagan celebration that was often symbolized by the burning of the Yule log was around long before "Christmas" and just happened to be celebrated at the same time.
When Christians starting burning "witches" (AKA Non-Christians) at the stake for having different views, they made all of the equinoxes that the Pagans celebrated into a Christian holiday. Easter just happens to fall on the spring equinox, much like Jesus' supposed birthday is on the winter solstice.
Coincidence? You decide.
2006-12-14 09:52:56
answer #1
answered by Rhianna 2
Though Jesus's birth is celebrated on December 25, there is a feud between christians and scholars wether this is actually true. This date may have been chosen both because it is nine months after the Festival of Annunciation (March 25) and because it is the date on which the Romans marked the winter solstice, which they called bruma. When the Julian Calendar was first put into use (45 BC), December 25 was approximately the date of the solstice. Due to calendar slippage, the solstice now falls on December 21 or 22. The theory that December 25 was the birthdate of Jesus was popularized by Sextus Julius Africanus in Chronographiai (AD 221).
Anyway at the end I don´t think it makes any difference.
2006-12-14 20:56:08
answer #2
answered by Martha P 7
Despite what "Polecatis" and "Rhianna" say, there IS proof--from that time--that Jesus existed. Flavius Josephus is one writer who immediately comes to mind. The other reference comes from the Roman historian Tacitus. And I think I recently read that there was a third person who mentioned him, but my memory can't call it up, so I could be wrong.
As to the date of Jesus' birth: it's really not important, and was not meant to be celebrated, which is why it's not recorded in the Bible. However, the exact date of his death IS recorded, because THAT is important. (Ecclesiastes 7:1--"A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one's being born.") On the night before he was unjustly put on trial he celebrated the "Last Supper" with his closest followers, during which he told them--twice--"keep doing this in remembrance of me."--Luke 22:19. Whereas he NEVER said that in reference to his birth.
2006-12-14 21:42:21
answer #3
answered by Charles d 3
There are many that speculate either April or July.
It is almost assuredly not December.
Either way, as December 25 has been imbedded into our culture, does it really matter?
If, 1000 years after your birth, with no records being kept, it was decided to celebrate your birthday on a day other than the day you were born, would it really matter?
It's a day we celebrate the birth of God's gift to us. What day that gift was really given is irrelevant.
2006-12-14 16:59:17
answer #4
answered by Rob O 1
there is no PROOF he ever lived, no historical document from the first century exist other than biblical scriptures that speaks of the miracles performed. It may be due to the FACT that in the book of Matt. it explains "the birth of Jesus was on this wise...... and while he "yet thought on these things"... it doesn't say when or if, but we do know he was a thought and thats what counts.
2006-12-14 17:06:35
answer #5
answered by polecatisme 2
It's possible. December 25 is the adopted day of Jesus' birth for one reason or another.
2006-12-14 16:57:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's most likely He was born in the spring because the Bible mentions the shepherds "in the fields at night."
2006-12-14 16:57:28
answer #7
answered by AJlovesyou 2
I heard that he might've been born in January or August. But the truth is that no one really knows when he was born.
2006-12-14 17:01:45
answer #8
answered by 3lixir 6
I've heard he was actually born in April. I don't think anyone really knows for sure.
2006-12-14 18:35:13
answer #9
answered by maryanndertal 3
I don't know where that comes from. Libra is the sign of
the mediator. Bringing two sides together. God and
man. I would think he was born Libra, in October.
Just a guess, not gospel.
2006-12-14 16:58:36
answer #10
answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5