There are going to be many things in life that you will not be able to protect your child from. As parents, we don't want our children to be hurt in any way. ie: physically, verbally, emotionally, etc. The best thing you can teach your child is love. Love is not a color.
When your child is old enough, teach him about love and about good people and not so good people. By setting an example that you and your husband love each other very much, he may never ask the question why you are white and his father is black.
I don't understand how anyone on this earth could be rude to your child, or any interracial child or person. He is just a child. Teach him that we are all God's children and that God loves us no matter what color we are.
Some people are just plain ignorant.
My daughter (17) is dating a black boy (also 17) and when I see the two of them together, it is just a beautiful sight.
My daughter says when she grows up and has a family, she will only have interracial children.
2006-12-14 09:11:04
answer #1
answered by Samantha1 2
I am so sorry you have had to deal with cruel people in the world. I think all children are beautiful, no matter what their skin color. I remember a family of several interracial children in a small church we used to attend. These kids were great. Unfortunately, during their teenage years (especially), they struggled with being accepted from whites and blacks alike. I remember having many long conversations with them that were heartbreaking. The POSITIVE side of this is that I remember these kids really did NOT see color. They saw people as human beings and they had no prejudice towards anyone. They had strong character that I'm certain was made even stronger because of what they had to endure. I know you want to protect your son and I would feel the same way.
Like another response says, I would involve your son with other interracial children in some way. This way, they will have their friendship when things do get tough and the world is so ignorant. I think all you can do is tell your son that God looks at the heart. Some people unfortunately can't see past the surface. Good luck to you.
2006-12-14 09:04:14
answer #2
answered by leahcutie 4
I am in the same positon as you. My husband and I have two childen together, as well. I think you should consider the fact that you probably dealt with concerns of racism before marriage, and the same feelings that made you ignore other people's ignorance are the same feelings that will guide you with this issue. The fact that you married him lets me know that love is stronger than what other people think. I certainly don't care what anyone from any race thinks, and have instilled that in my children. The fact is, we are all just human. Nothing more and nothing less, and the sooner people realize that, the better we'll all be. You need to realize that no matter what you do in any category, you will always be looked at and judged by other people. Don't let this affect the things you are doing, unless you yourself is unsatisfied with your choices. Racism is not something that only happens to black people. But what I don't understand, is when people who have endured it themselves, turn around and practice it. You probably have a gorgeous child. I know mine are, and nobody could ever tell me different. Often times, people are dealing with a flaw in their own character, and it gives them some sort of temporary relief to criticize someone else. You need to thicken your skin and learn how to keep the power within yourself. When you let people affect you, it gives them your power and nothing is worth that. Be good parents. Be loving parents. Instill goodness and love into your children. Show them that they can be whoever and whatever they want to be, and nothing can stand in their way. Have pride in who you are, and they'll have pride in who they are also. If you are concerned with how others feel about them, then they'll adopt those same concerns. You don't want that. I hope this helps, and I hope you and your family have a happy life.
2006-12-14 08:58:39
answer #3
answered by MiMi 2
I think interracial children are perfect little beautiful people like any other child. I'm black and my daughter's deadbeat "sperm donor" is from southern India. Everywhere I go people from all races smile and tell me how gorgeous as they pass her. I've always gotten very positive comments about her. I think the people who make negative comments are probably just jealous that you have a beautiful child and feel the need to rub their feelings in your face. How old is your son? I guess if you just walk away from the situation tell your son (if he asks?) that some people are very ignorant and may say things that might hurt your feelings, but don't listen to what they say. I'm very sorry you have gone through such things. It's amazing the crazy things "adults" will say or do in this day and age.
2006-12-14 08:54:37
answer #4
answered by october g 3
All kids are great, interracial or not, unfortunately, I don't think there is anything you can do but ignore their nasty comments. I mean you could kick the sh*t out of them every time someone says something rude to you and/or your son, but that would get you no where but landed in jail for assault. So, until the people in this world come to realization that there are mixed races and it is OK, then there will always be criticism and there really is nothing anyone can do about it except just smile and flip them the finger, explain to your son that there are just mean people out there and he has done nothing wrong and go on about your day like nothing happened. I know its hard, but remember "kindness kills!"
2006-12-14 08:53:18
answer #5
answered by melody g 3
The rude people are just jealous that their child/children are not as beautiful as your child. There is nothing that you can do to protect your son from cruel people. He will learn to deal with it in his own way throughout his life. Just remind him that ONLY God can judge! Explain to him that some people are just unhappy and want to cast their unhappiness on EVERYONE else.
2006-12-14 08:48:06
answer #6
answered by Sherry P 2
Unfortunately, ignorant people will always be among us. You can not protect him from that. What you can do is show him the love and exists between his parents and the love you have for him. Teach him to be strong and not let other people's ignorance get the best of him. Surround yourself and him with positive people and teach him to pick his friends wisely. Encourage him when he gets old enough to read and research his duel heritage. Impress upon him the importance of education in combatting ignorance, racism and fear.
2006-12-14 08:53:38
answer #7
answered by love2learn 2
You know, it saddens me so much that people are still like this toward mixed people, let alone anyone in general for their skin colour. You can try to avoid people who treat him like this but unfortunately, it may be something he'll need to learn to deal with. You can't completely shelter him. Just make sure he's raised in a positive, supportive environment and teach him how to let these comments roll off him.
2006-12-14 08:49:06
answer #8
answered by ourxtrees 3
Just explain what prejudice mean and on his level so that he can understand. Say something like, "People are really cruel and mean. Some will say and do things to hurt you simply because they don't like how you look." Explain it will hurt sometimes, but don't ever allow it to influence how he views himself.
2006-12-14 08:50:35
answer #9
answered by Mike's Girl 3
I think you should join a group of interracial couples in your area. it will help him also as he grows older. interracial couples and their children are the ultimate in beauty. if there is a gawd, then gawd bless you. also, you should consider the commercials. baby models can make bank$
2006-12-14 08:46:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous