Spells do work, but you have to want them to work. It's all about the power of thought, if you want something enough then it'll happen.
2006-12-14 06:37:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As a practicing witch for over 16 years, I can tell you that spells and witchcraft are real.
Spells are similar to prayers in that it's about intent more than anything.. when you pray, your intent is for God to answer in the best way possible for the good of all.. this is similar to how a spell works, when the intent is good.
Just as some people pray with an ill will (for the death of others, illness, etc) there are those that will perform spells toward that end. Just as christians believe that "we reap what we sow" also known as "karma", the same can be said for Wiccan beliefs.. some other witches believe in that as well.. not all witches are Wiccan.. some are pagan, some are pantheistic, some are agnostic.
I hope this helps you to understand better about spells.
As for examples, those are personal, and most witches are not comfortable sharing those for many reasons, not least of which is a tenet of "to be silent".
2006-12-14 10:44:36
answer #2
answered by Kallan 7
I have started casting spells when I was eleven. I cast a spell to get my life up and have a better home and life style. Even though I still have money problems, and living the poor life I will say this, I am 15 yrs old now and I have all of my family together and living in a better home. So my spell did work. The spells are like wishes. Like one said: "you have to want it for it to come true." I am a beginner but I am learning alot.
2015-01-22 21:00:09
answer #3
answered by Roxy 1
I did a spell to get rid of a person. As soon as the candles burned out he got up and left my backyard, and he was asleep on the bed on the porch. I didn't see him for a year, which was weird because he used to come into my work almost every night.
2006-12-17 18:45:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Oy. There is so much misconception associated with this. Wicca is a religion. Spells are the equivalent to Christian prayers. Yes, it's real, no it's not like it is in the movies. That's called Hollywood propaganda.
It's not evil. It's not Satanic. Wicca is completely separate from Chrisitanity and Satan is a Christian character. Wiccans are polytheistic (worship many dieties) and pay homage to the Earth. No sacrifices. No Satan.
I know a Wiccan with a good sense of humor. She says that Wiccans are just hippies who don't smoke weed and actually get somewhere with their lives.
The Bible or anything Christian is NOT the place to go if you want to know about Wicca. All that they will tell you is that it's evil and Satanic, which as I have already told you is not true.
2006-12-14 07:10:25
answer #5
answered by Artemiseos 4
Yes, it's real. I've done faerie calling spells where the faeries actually came. Several job spells to get the job I wanted. Money spells to help us along. I practice several arts of divination and weather magick that have been successful.
I recommend you read Not In Kansas Anymore by Christine Wicker
2006-12-14 07:50:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Magick (spells) is the act of manipulating energy to bring about positive change in one’s life. our thoughts and emotions have a direct effect upon the energy around us. Once a thought or desire comes into our mind it will either take seed and grow in intention toward a magickal outcome, or it will simply depart, maybe to return again as a memory, or be forgotten. It is our desire that determines the path the thought or intention will take. It is the depth of our need or the strength of our emotional tie to the thought that empowers it toward fruition. A thought that grows in intention toward a magickal end will have roots in our mind and heart. These are the seats of our thoughts and desires, respectively. At this point we must make a decision as to whether or not our desire is one we truly would like to bring about in perfect love and perfect trust. Whether our desire will be ethically correct is a choice each of us must make. Whether or not we wish to accept the responsibility of our actions is a decision that must be considered with seriousness.
Intention and magickal ethics go hand in hand and are the solid foundation that all magickal spells are built upon. When used as a first step, they are the balance that is needed to insure a well-grounded and stable spell.
2006-12-14 07:18:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Spells, witchcraft....it all has to do with the power of the mind and natural forces. You should only use spells to do good. Remember all you do is returned to you threefold.
2006-12-14 07:02:34
answer #8
answered by Aha! I Caught You! 2
One thing to remeber: Actually READ the spellbooks and search for info. Don't leap into it. Make sure the spells are Good, remember the three-fold law.
I've dabled. Just protection spells... and I'm not dead... guess that's an indicator... especially considering my mother's driving.
2006-12-14 07:03:17
answer #9
answered by adrienne06052 2
No it isn't. It isn't even a proper religion. It is in fact a delusional mental illness masquerading as an acceptable religion. In today's liberal age we no longer treat the delusional with the medication the so badly need, we allow them to call themselves Reverend and put fake academic letters after their name. We dismiss their illness and illogical thoughts as eccentric and as long as they do not harm anyone else we leave them to speak of spells and dragons and the like. It is a great shame.
Good to see you ask this in the Mythology section where it belongs
2006-12-14 09:58:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
yes it is real. i am wiccan. To give an example to you is a little hard to just tell you. i have done protection spells, location spells, truth spells, and many others. need any just let me know.
2006-12-14 06:40:25
answer #11
answered by Majikninja 2