No chance in hell.
Even more red tape than healthcare already has. The government acting as a go-between drives up the price, which means even higher taxes.
The government is supposed to PROMOTE the general welfare, not PROVIDE the general welfare. A little thing called personal responsiblity has been lost by so many in this country. The government is not responsible for your well being. That is an infringement on a little thing called freedom. You are the only one responsible for you. If the libs could only understand that basic truth.
2006-12-14 05:50:22
answer #1
answered by DiamondDave 5
Gosh, socialist! Let's not call it by any other names that people might view positively! We know those in the US have no idea what socialist means(in fact, there's a different meaning in every country)-not to mention the Nazi Socialist party was nowhere close to socialist-they used the name to gather support, I agree, any of those middle class families that lose their jobs and can't afford the $1000 a month for insurance, this is America-let those kids die if they get cancer-that oughta teach 'em responsibility!
There are many, many different posssibilities that would cover at least most Americans. A National health plan could be nothing more that a large corporation does for it's employees-offering negotiated rates & cafeteria plans. And would probably save us money. See Republican Governor Mitt Romney's plan...
Gee, let's not start with the facts and explore options, let's be real Americans and throw out a word "Socialist" like a red flag and ignore the problem completely. It's that ability that has made the USA the great country it is today! (deep in debt, owned 51% by foreign entities, people are no longer hungry, just have food insecurities, the pension reform just passed means peoples pensions can be taken away, I could go on..but won't )
2006-12-14 14:13:18
answer #2
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
Socialized medicine is a money pit and generally tends to be very unresponsive on the whole. There are long wait times, you do not pick your doctors and elective procedures are almost impossible to get.
We should strive to make Health Care affordable and it should a priority to provide insurance for all who want it, but we do not need another large scale entitlement. Below are some suggestions.
1) Insurance - the government should create a taxpayer group plan. In this way the government could leverage savings afforded to large corporations by leveraging large buying power.
2) Medical Cost Reform - Medical costs should be investigated. Like the 18 dollar aspirins in hospitals or the fact that insurance companies can basically set rates they will pay no matter what the Doctor charges. There is absolutely no reason why any person off the street paying cash should ever have to pay more that the insurance company would pay.
3) Drug Cost Reform - Drug company pricing structures should be investigated and reformed. Here is one example that does not make sense. Wellbuterin and Zyban, this is same drug, but one is prescribed as an anti-depressant the other as a stop smoking aid. Why when it is prescribed as Zyban does it cost more?
These are just 3 suggestions, but there are many others. Reform aimed at making health care affordable will be much cheaper and more productive than any socialized program could ever hope to be.
2006-12-14 13:58:35
answer #3
answered by Bryan 7
Funny how everyone's no answer goes something like this:
"No way because the [insert government program name] is run so horribly I wouldn't consider that for my health care"
How about FIXING the problem instead of avoiding it? FIX the problems with government programs - cut the red tape, make them accountable - and then you could have "socialized" (not Socialist) health care that actually works!
I hate the attitude "government programs suck so I don't want any more". Your attitude should be "government programs suck, so lets fix them until they actually work and help people like they were intended". The problem is not that the programs are run by government, the problem is that they're not run correctly by our government. It isn't inherent in government programs that they won't work - there are plenty of government programs that actually do work.
And to add my opinion on what socialized medicine would look like...
I don't believe the government should cover all medical issues. Any emergencies, anything NOT elective, and all medicines should be covered 100% by the government, and you should have the right to pick a doctor. More or less it should be insurance, not government-controlled doctors. They should cover all your medical NEEDS. All you medical WANTS are up to you to pay for. You shouldn't be able to get elective surgery for free. That's plain stupid. If you want plastic surgery, pay for it. But if you got hit by a car, you shouldn't have to pay your medical bills.
We're already part-way there anyway. The Government Employee Insurance COmpany (G.E.I.CO.) is pwning the insurance market.
2006-12-14 14:04:38
answer #4
answered by jdforsythe 1
I've seen public housing. It's crap. The projects in my city (well, some of them) are being destroyed. But some people can't afford housing and health care. And it's better to have a roof and penicillin that to freeze, starve and die.
Besides, if social services, like health care and public housing, have enough funds and are run properly, they work very well. When people care, pay attention, and are responsible citizens, things are much better, and run more smoothly.
I'm not naive. I know people are jerks, and that this is probably a pipe dream. But, Rome wasn't built in a day. Just having social services is a step in the right direction. A baby step, but it's going somewhere.
2006-12-14 13:57:45
answer #5
answered by adrienne06052 2
If done correctly, public health care can work very well. Look at, say, Canada or England. It would take research and care to do it that way.
Just so you know, the "public housing" in my city is a lot nicer than almost anything I could afford when I was renting. Part of it is these gorgeous duplexes with fluffy carpeting and huge bathrooms.
Also, I used to sell health insurance to people who were either self employed or didn't have it offered through work. One poor, older farm couple had to pay almost $500/month for coverage with no preexistings covered and a $1000 per person deductible. It only covered up to like a million dollars in your lifetime. Sorry, but if you get a really bad illness, a million dollars is a drop in the bucket.
I would like to see socialized health care with a sliding scale of fees based on what your family makes, with the option to purchase extra coverage through private or work based insurance plans.
2006-12-14 13:52:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What does public housing have to do with health care? No, I am not for socialist public health care. I am for Universal health care though.
2006-12-14 13:58:09
answer #7
answered by Take it from Toby 7
Some people use the European model to base this on but most don't know that over half their income goes to taxes. Any government system is going to be ineffecient. I think what they are thinking about doing in California is allowing those employers that do not have medical plans to pay into a system similar to the state's disability system, but it would not affect those who are already on a medical plan.
2006-12-14 14:40:12
answer #8
answered by Michael C 3
i do not think there is separate socialist public health care. health care should be mandatory to all the people who are in service and who earn money and for people who are in a position to pay even the premium, the state ,should provide health care.big business houses can contribute to a fund , out of which the have nots can be benefit ted.
2006-12-14 13:58:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Okay, well that public housing might be a bit of a joke to you. But it's the difference between life and death for others. Yes, you should have socialist health care.
2006-12-14 13:50:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous