man + man=wrong
it is simple math.
God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve--for those that have heard this a million times...very sorry.
2006-12-14 03:52:27
answer #1
answered by bonsai bobby 7
According to the bible for MEN it is... for women it says nothing. Modern medicine has extremely strong evidence that homosexuality is something you are born with, not something you choose. For me, its a medical thing - kind of like having a non-lethal birth defect, sort of. The bible also says a lot of other things in that same section of the bible (Leviticus) that if you took it literally you would be put in jail, or at the very least publicly ridiculed for your stupidity. For example: it says in the bible that if you have an affair that you should sacrifice a bull - in this day and age how would you do that if you lived in Manhattan? Throw a barbecue and put up a sign that says you had an affair so come on over and have a steak? There are a lot of things in the bible that make no sense in today's world.
Hitler killed thousands of homosexuals during WWII. Ironically (?) the man that cracked the German code, "Enigma", was a homosexual - who was later denied a security clearance because he was a homosexual! He probably saved more lives than anybody in WWII - should he have been denied his job because he was a homosexual? The world needs to grow up, and it needs to grow up NOW.
2006-12-14 03:58:40
answer #2
answered by Paul H 6
Actually, it is only an "abomination" in the Old Testament. According to the New Testament, Jesus came to be the "sacrificial lamb" who came to fulfill the letter of the law. Otherwise, not putting tassels on your clothes or wearing clothes of different type (like cotton and wool or cotton and nylon) would be just as much an abomination under the same law. Jesus told his followers that they should keep the Commandments (which make no mention of homosexuality) and Love thy neighbor as thyself. To me, this says to respect each other. If you want someone to treat you with respect and tolerance, you must do the same first.
By the way, Homosexuality isn't Right or Wrong any more than it's right or wrong to have blue eyes.
Here is a final thought: With so much hate, violence, and despair in the world, why should we prevent love? As long as that love is between consenting adults, what better environment could there be for someone, anyone, to live in.
2006-12-14 04:01:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
okay you seem to be really ratical but lets look past that.
you say according to the bible homosexuality is wrong, but so is premarital sex and i put money on the fact that your not a virgin.
as far as the murdering children comment a fetus is not a child (it is not viable meaning it can't breathe on its own) therefore its not murder.
another thing not everyone believes in your bible so don't push your religious beliefs and ideologies on us. i never understand you chritians, you claim to believe in the bible so much yet when it comes to actually following the laws in your beloved book you don't. most of you have sex before marriage, cheat your spouses, treat your spouses like crap, treat your children like crap, don't tithe (in your bible it says you are suppose to give 10% of you income to the church), lie ( even the so-called little white lies are lies), and judge people. it says in your bible in Luke Chp 6 :36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. 37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
But it seems christians always forget that when things are against what they believe.
2006-12-14 04:19:52
answer #4
answered by Love United 6
As a method of birth control, it is very effective.
It is not a matter of right or wrong. It is without a doubt part of the human experience from ancient times.
Probably the original taboos were put into place because heterosexuality produces babies and increases the population count of each tribe. this, in turn, helps the survival of the group.
2006-12-14 03:54:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That guy is's nobodys damn bizness what I do behind my might think it's sick but you dont look any better making out
also it says it's wrong in the OLD testament
Leviticus 18. "You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination."
As a former "the Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it" kind of guy, I am sympathetic with any Christian who accepts the Bible at face value. But here's the catch. Leviticus is filled with laws imposing the death penalty for everything from eating catfish to sassing your parents. If you accept one as the absolute, unequivocal word of God, you must accept them all.
For many of gay America's loudest critics, the results are unthinkable. First, no more football. At least not without gloves. Handling a pig skin is an abomination. Second, no more Saturday games even if you can get a new ball. Violating the Sabbath is a capital offense according to Leviticus. For the over-40 crowd, approaching the altar of God with a defect in your sight is taboo, but you'll have plenty of company because those menstruating or with disabilities are also barred.
The truth is that mainstream religion has moved beyond animal sacrifice, slavery and the host of primitive rituals described in Leviticus centuries ago. Selectively hanging onto these ancient proscriptions for gays and lesbians exclusively is unfair according to anybody's standard of ethics. We lawyers call it "selective enforcement," and in civil affairs it's illegal.
A better reading of Scripture starts with the book of Genesis and the grand pronouncement about the world God created and all those who dwelled in it. "And, the Lord saw that it was good." If God created us and if everything he created is good, how can a gay person be guilty of being anything more than what God created him or her to be?
2006-12-14 03:52:08
answer #6
answered by SoccerBoi 3
From what I understand this has nothing to do with being right or wrong because the only choice for the participatant is being honest to their true nature, and while there are always exceptions people of such orientation are hard wired that way.
Being right or wrong suggests a choice. The only choice is whether to be honest to yourself, your family and firends and associates and all others amidst societies that say one thing and do another, like most of the rest of us who claim religion, patriotism, cultural purity and economic status.
2006-12-14 04:03:24
answer #7
answered by richardnattress 2
However you look at it, homosexuals and heterosexuals alike, were made in God's image. If you're going to look at it from the religious aspect, then we are all God's Children. But, on another hand, who has the right to judge whether a sexual preference is "Wrong" or "Right?" Nobody has that right. Opinions are like ***holes...Everybody has one. Just follow what YOU believe, as an educated, self-sufficient human being.
2006-12-14 03:52:37
answer #8
answered by RussianGoddess 2
if yoU let your life be ruled by a book, then it seems that we must all run down to the nearest mall and buy little wizard hats, capes and wands, or slippers that make it look like you have hairy feet and put a ring on your finger (preferably a metal ring, and not a persons') or the last choice is to let a movie rule your life and go out and buy a lightsaber, sandspeeder and a droid is the latest fashion accessory i believe. DO IT NOW!!! THE BOOKS AND FILMS SAY SOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YOU WILL BE DOOOOMED!!!!
2006-12-14 03:53:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The Bible says to not judge as well. It's really none of my business. If they're doing something wrong, that's up to God to decide. Not me.
Edited: Hmm, judging from your additional comment, you are anti-homosexuality. If that's the case, you might want to take the giant rainbow out of your avatar.
2006-12-14 03:50:38
answer #10
answered by Stacey K 2
I believe in God, but I believe there are mistakes of nature too (ie. birth defects, mental disorders, hermaphrodites). I believe that some folks are "wired" to be homosexual. They didn't choose it, but in our society it is not the norm. They can't help it any more than someone born with an extra thumb can help it. We are sexual creatures. For other humans to force them to deny their sexuality is cruel. It is not my place to judge their behavior. That is up to God, who truly knows His plan and know what is in their hearts. He is a loving God and loves everyone.
2006-12-14 03:58:29
answer #11
answered by butrcupps 6