Fantastic article! It says everything I have tried to say repeatedly! Boy, it really does point out the hypocrisy. Thanks for bringing it to our attention! :)
2006-12-14 01:52:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think lie is much too strong a word. Really it just looks like more of the typical liberal hyperbole we always see. Liberals are enlightened, Conservatives are neophytes who just can't understand our compassion or brilliance. She tries to be glib, but frankly just comes off sounding bitter to me. I loved her comment about not being offended by Happy Holidays which is a misrepresentation of the fact that Conservatives are not offended by Happy Holidays, but rather are distressed by prohibitions against saying Merry Christmas. Another amusing part was where she took the classic liberal line that the war on terror is just a Republican scam designed to scare the populace. In short, there are no terrorist threats we should meet head on. Just Republican bogeymen hiding under our beds. On religion she has decided that all Conservative are just blind sheep when they contribute to their local church. The list goes on and on. My opinion is that it is just more overly political ideological crap. No positive proposals, no sign any acceptance of the beliefs of the other side of the issue, just blanket indictment about how misguided conservatives are in her opinion, loosely veiled in weak attempts at levity. I do not support the idea that Democrats or liberals are godless and never have, but to accept this article completely is to follow the same blind mindsets of which the article is accusing the other side. As usual liberals challenge hypocrisy with more hypocrisy. It just never ends.
2006-12-14 10:12:49
answer #2
answered by Bryan 7
I see the point, but I also think she's off on a few things:
1. Global warming: I am one of those more liberal conservatives in that while I don't think that it's necessarily global warming as many liberals define it, we DO need to take care of the Earth, and attempt to conserve our natural resources.
Nance classifies all conservatives as not believing that, and that's just not the case.
2. Liberals being accused of being "communists": The poor are entitled to medical care. We have Social Security, welfare, Medicaid, Medicare...the list goes on and on. Do we have problems? YES! Does that mean that we should turn towards a socialist economy? NO! That's like handing someone who just had their arm chopped off a band-aid. We need to go to the SOURCE of the problem, instead of treating the symptoms.
3. War on terror is a scare tactic? No, people SHOULD be scared. It doesn't matter if you're liberal or conservative, they want to KILL YOU! We have been under attack for TWENTY FIVE YEARS. The war on terror didn't start with Bush, oh no, it should have started in 1979!
4. I've read Godless. I saw nothing like what is described in this article in there. Sorry. Perhaps if taken out of context, and forgetting that it's supposed to be tongue-in-cheek humor, then yes, maybe it was said. Sounds like Nance has no sense of humor.
5. Mindless sheep? Mega-churches? Oh yes, ALL conservatives are Christians and attend mega-churches. We also ALL worship the likes of Falwell and Robertson. Nice sweeping generalization there.
Not everyone thinks like Coulter. Yes, she generalized liberals. Well guess what. I DON'T.
6. "Military agression that kills innocent children"? Excuse me? Just WHERE is Nance getting her news from? Al Jazeera?! Most of the children that have been killed were killed by -say this with me- INSURGENTS. NOT our military! After reading this article, and the fact that you praise it as being a typical liberal response, it's no WONDER the conservatives say liberals are anti-military!
7. EVERY leader is chosen by God, whether for good or bad...even Clinton!
8. Jesus may have taught that we are not to judge, but He also taught GO AND SIN NO MORE! Now I know that not all liberals are "for" abortion or homosexuality (which homosexuality IS spoken out against in the Bible, sorry!), but they also don't CONDEMN such activities. This doesn't mean that everyone should go bomb an abortion clinic, or tell homosexuals they're going to hell, or go kill a homosexual for being an "abomination", or withhold any rights from homosexuals. I condemn those behaviors as well! But I also REFUSE to accept homosexuality as an "alternative lifestyle." If people want to live that way, fine, that's between them and God. But DON'T try to tell ME it's okay!
If that makes conservatives "narrow-minded," SO BE IT.
There is so much I could say on this matter, but I think this answer is long enough. Besides, I'm going to get enough thumbs-down as it is.
But let me say this much, and then I'm done: I am a Christian. My beliefs tend to be conservative. But I love everyone equally. I won't say that Ann Coulter is completely "right", but she's not all wrong either.
I am so TIRED of being told I'm a hypocrite for my beliefs. Excuse me, but most of the people who generalize as such have never MET me, nor any of the other fine conservatives out there, and believe me when I say, there are MANY.
NO political party is completely correct, and ALL have their good points and bad. Don't condemn me for being a conservative. I'm entitled to my beliefs, same as everyone else!
2006-12-14 10:25:29
answer #3
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
Living under the Big Lie of Fascism Bush/Cheney style is heart breaking to anyone who loves this country and sees through this cynical and very dark agenda. We now have an Evangelical Pentagon doing Gods work along with our Born Again Commander in Chief. The Christian Right advocates the overthrow of our government if their agenda doesn't get put into law. Our children are 38th in the world in science and math due to the deliberate dumming them down by conservatives. We are now the country who attacks first, tortures!, terrorizes it own citizens if they don't agree with Bush policy, and ignores and mocks world opinion. To do all this while holding up the banner of "The Prince of Peace" just shows what contempt BushCo has, not only for those who disagree, but also for those who support him. These men are not Christian, but worship an Alien at the Bohemian Grove. I knew fascism was slowly creeping into this country, but I could not have forseen waking up in Germany in the late 1930's.
2006-12-14 09:59:00
answer #4
answered by michaelsan 6
Good Question and link friend. They won't see the point, they've drunk way to much Jesus juice. Our forefathers knew what they were doing n regards to seperation of Church and State. I don't think the average American has the slightest clue how much the line between the two is melting and becoming one. Nor do they see or understand the implications.
2006-12-14 09:53:47
answer #5
answered by Third Uncle 5
I agree totally with every point in the article. It is embarrassing how many people use religion as a justification for everything and anything as long as it suits their agenda. Jesus Christ did not advocate war, did not want the poor to be forgotten, did not want people to be judged or to pass judgment in His name, did not the land to be stripped of its resources. The people who use His name to intone fire and brimstone have no clue about the true nature of His teachings and come judgment day we will ALL have to answer for our trespasses.
2006-12-14 10:20:01
answer #6
answered by ninaol 4
When I see people like Ann Coulter and gay Pastor Ted, and molestor Priests I thank the higher power that I am a 'Godless' American.
2006-12-14 09:48:37
answer #7
answered by Bricks 4
No, it's not a "bunch of crap". Nancy eloquently makes a valid point. It's well written and on target.
2006-12-14 09:53:26
answer #8
answered by Hemingway 4
She makes some good points. If you had posted this in the R & S section, you have been reported for numerous violations.
2006-12-14 09:55:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I feel the exact same way. Why should we be condemned by these Christians because we are not putting money in everyone else's pockets?
2006-12-14 09:56:21
answer #10
answered by MariJM 2