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She says if I'm ever unfaithful to her, she's gonna stick a pin in the doll and hurt me.
I tried to just laugh it off, but she wasn't laughing when she said it.
Can she really hurt me, or is Voodoo just another myth.

2006-12-13 22:15:28 · 46 answers · asked by Panama Jack 4 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

46 answers

perhaps she likes a little prick x

2006-12-13 22:28:01 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

As long as you don't believe it, it won't work on you... but if you start to believe, you're in trouble. She will use your own mind against you- sure, you'd get that with other girls, but the doll bit is a little freaky. Ah, you can defeat the voodoo, but whether you will win in the battle of the sexes is another matter entirely ; )

2006-12-14 00:39:06 · answer #2 · answered by Buzzard 7 · 0 0

Voodoo is a very powerful thing, and I would not like to take ant chances with a girl that plays with things like this, and with Voodoo the more you believe the more the affect it has on you

2006-12-14 14:52:45 · answer #3 · answered by ringo711 6 · 0 0

Get a life! How on earth do you expect a pin sticking into a doll is going to hurt you?

Voodoo is boll**ks!

2006-12-14 06:20:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is no laughing matter if ur girlie is serious about it. I mean if she or her acquintance knows vodoo then this can cause real harm. Its not a myth. If she doesnt know vodoo then u can take it easy. Coz anybody and anyone cannot do vodoo.. any idea the kind of books she reads. By the way why cant u be faithful to her. It will be the easiest solution.

2006-12-13 22:23:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hmmm... well, it sounds like your girl doesn't understand how Voudoun works, but okay. I wouldn't be worried. Usually, fetishes like "voodoo" dolls don't really work if you don't believe in them, or she isn't a rather powerful mambo. Read up on the religion and tell her if she keeps messing with things she knows nothing about, SHE'S going to be the one who's going to get hurt.

2006-12-14 01:02:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly, the religion is more properly called "Vodoun", not "Voodoo". Secondly, the practice of sticking pins in dolls to cause people harm comes from European witchcraft, not Vodoun. It was attributed to Vodoun by European missionaries, seeking to discredit the religion by associating it with witchcraft. There is a practice of using dolls (or "poppets") in Vodoun, but they are used to ask for spiritual assistance for someone, not to cause harm. Thirdy, if you could harm people by sticking pins in a doll, don't you think fighting wars would be rather easy?

2006-12-13 22:37:19 · answer #7 · answered by Máirtín 2 · 0 0

It depends if you believe in it or not. Voodoo can apparently only harm you if you believe it will. Sounds like there is no trust in your relationship though. Is there any point being with her if she thinks you will be unfaithful (unless you have given her a good reason to think this?)

2006-12-13 22:28:47 · answer #8 · answered by Amy_Lou 3 · 0 0

Burn the doll!!! That way any magic she tried to use on it won't work. (Unless she trys to make another one) I would burn the doll and get rid of her, if her magic works, you could be dealing with a lot of problems. I am ex-wicca, and hopefully voodoo works the same way, if you are not worthy of a curse, it should go back to her, which means she has cursed herself. I do a lot of praying to!!! God is more powerful then any magical powwer she borrowed from satan.

2006-12-14 03:32:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I use voodoo, so in my opinion have someone else who knows voodoo counter it. If you can't find anyone contact me or don't be unfaithful.
But you should safe if she didn't use one of your hairs or something that belongs to you.Bodily fluids can also be used.

2006-12-14 06:02:46 · answer #10 · answered by snagy4 3 · 0 0

Depends on what you believe. I think it's more that she's been hurt in the past, though. Physically, she can only hurt you if she sticks the pin in you instead of the doll. Spiritually, though... If you believe it will hurt you, it probably will.

2006-12-14 08:42:31 · answer #11 · answered by kytigirl200 3 · 0 0

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