Its up to you to decide not others as you have live with your life partner not others than why you bother if you love her go ahead & get married why wasting your time here???? I married 25 years back outside caste & religion nothing happened!!! but my 2 kids after our marriage.No one bothers such things now we are living in 21st century you talk about 18th century....!!!!
2006-12-15 00:36:00
answer #1
answered by bisexualmale s 6
I do believe that this is just culture. It is up to you and all you other young one's to change the life and the way of thinking if you want to. Do this by making a stand and marrying the one you love. I think the older generation marry from the same caste as they believe that it will be a more suitable match, but you know, they do say that opposites attract. It is your life, the older generation have lived their life the way they wish, so it is up to you to do the same. One can only take their children so far before they have to let go of the reins and let them free to make their own way, mistakes and all because if you dont, you will never truly learn about life in it's entireity
2006-12-14 08:51:36
answer #2
answered by rockandrollrev 7
People in India have grown with castism deep rooted in their minds and the society and even the dirty politics have further complicated the issue. This is at the backdrop of this that most of parents or even the eligible couples as well as small children have problems to the very idea of mingling with the persons of other castes, leave the inter caste marriages aside.
In any case, IT IS NOT WORTH IT TO DIFFERENTIATE THE HUMAN BEINGS ON THE BASIS OF CASTE & RELIGION. We should concentrate more upon the traits & values.
2006-12-14 06:04:50
answer #3
answered by sharma.kulbhushan 5
Dude if your are in love with an other cast girl ,dont worry and dont care what your parents say and all ,you love her right then marry her ,its your life live it as you wish ,the older generation will always be narrow minded .i will feel very happy if you take a decision on your own without listening to what your parents say and for how many years we can simply marry a girl by just talking to her for just 10 mins before getting engaged ,this arranged marriage thing sucks ,what if you marry a witch becoz of your parents ignorance and how will it be for you life long .After getting married you should live well and you should prove to your parents that you made a very good decision but please dont endup in a court for a divorce proving what your parents adviced you was right.Good luck :)
2006-12-14 06:28:26
answer #4
answered by ryan p 1
Though it is quite sad and sometimes disgusting that people are being stopped to marry their lovers because of cast considerations, sometimes those who stop them do have some rationale. Different castes,religions,cultures and life styles sometimes pose extra burden on those lovers in so far as day to day compromises and adjustments of married life are concerned. So, in all fairness, such couples should not be stopped but must at the same time be made aware of the complications expected in their married life.
2006-12-14 06:09:32
answer #5
answered by ruf_tuf_40 1
this caste system is there in our society for thousands of years and parents can not see their son or daughter getting married to a boy or girl of lower caste only a very bold ste on the part of the couple can unite them.
2006-12-14 05:57:16
answer #6
answered by prayush 1
marriage is easy...
one can get married...
be it love or not
marriage is a pure biological relationship
so the marriage should be allowed after the honeymoon...
after a long honeymoon..
when all the biological attraction dissolve..
will you be there to get married..
hence the society rap the couple..
they all know staying together is ardous
so, they made rule.
and we only follow rules.
rules are for the fools.
if you want to live a free life
you have to live dangeriously
2006-12-14 05:52:31
answer #7
answered by shekharravi 2
Coz in different cast there is a different tradition and culture.
2006-12-18 03:24:51
answer #8
answered by dipak c 2
Difference in understanding level.
2006-12-14 05:52:12
answer #9
answered by Meeto 7
It just becoz they feel it will be difficult for the child to adjust to the other ritual and lifestyles.............. coz they have followed something different and would want their children to follow the same
2006-12-14 05:50:59
answer #10
answered by Cool gal 2