I'm confused as to what you want to know.
Do you care more about High Magic, or Low Magic? Define ancient.
I'm pretty much of a "Hedge-wizard." I have a firm grasp of sympathetic magic, as well as various other Low Magics, including witchcraft..
I'm just starting to branch out into High Magic, and am loving the Lesser Banishing [and Invoking] Ritual of The Pentagram.
As far as apprenticeships go, you can. If you want witchcraft, a lot of places offer classes. If you mean Ceremonial, you may have to find an OTO, or another group, and hope they accept you. Both of those cost money.
Personally, I'm self-taught, thus far. I'm VERY careful as to what I do [I recommend the same to you].
True Magic is very simple. I love Aleister Crowley's definition. True Magic is pplying will to do something. Literally, anything. The basic example used by Crowley was "A man blowing his nose."
Also, since I'm a safety nut, are you psychologically capable? Some people should not even try magic.
You may note, I'm not using a "K," as I see no reason.
2006-12-13 21:18:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
somehow I get the feeling you are teasing me. Wanting me to think you are a serious asker, but using net LEET HAXOR 13 lingo hidden within a few semi polite questions.
Any person wishing to learn more about magic in general always gets referred to the Bookstore first by me. There is a whole schlew of books in the *ack* New Age section of any Mall based bookstore. Sad but true, it's located in the new age section. Feel free to stop by and pick up or read through a few of them. Knowledge is the best remedy for ignorance.
Just like in school, if you want to learn you need to study from people before you and nowhere else is that evedent than right now.
You can't possibly expect anyone to want to teach you spirit summoning when you can't even erect a protection circle. That's just foolish. No go....shoo, read as much as you can before asking your next question. I'm betting the answer you want is right there on page 212.
2006-12-13 21:34:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, there are cults accross the world, but I never joined. Good luck to you with that maybe I'll find something another day and give it to you. Try looking under Magick, WITH the 'k' on the internet you might find some junk. I found some very cool sites back in the day where as the 'k' (glorrified) distinguished crap magic from real magick.
Been Known to Transmute
-YIM tiberian.soldier-
2006-12-14 00:24:43
answer #3
answered by The Platinum Mage 2
We all have a spirit within. It has telepathic, and empathic
ability. Knowing ones thoughts, feeling ones pain.
There are very real forces at work in Creation that keep
everything in existence.
Magnetism, sound, even thoughts have power!
A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. And it amazes me how so many can know so much today, but
understand so little. Everybody talks about karma. Magick,
imposing our will on things, creates LOTS of karma!
I've heard that people who use their power for ill, become
psychic vampires. Hanging around the Earth because
they are afraid our Creator is mad at them, and they
drain energy out of humans, in order to maintain their
existence here, and won't fall into the abyss, or
destructive, recylcing aspects of Creation.
2006-12-13 22:45:00
answer #4
answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5
Number 1; You 'seek knowledge'.
Number 2; You ask openly.
Number 3; You use familiar modern terms.
The answers are here, all around you.
The trouble is trying to figure what is crap-o-la (Douglas Monroe) what is partially true (Aleister Crowley) and what might be close to the truth (Miranda Green).
Good "Rules of Thumb" here;
Everything should be verified by two other non-connected sources, preferably at least one being a non-magical text.
Everything should 'fit the mold' for what you know to be true, and deviate more than certain amount if not.
Everything should be of greater age than a mere several hundred years ago, try for things over a millenia if possible.
The person you may find as a 'mentor'; look closely at their life around them. "As above, so below"; they cannot be a true mentor if they do not "live the life" the say you should.
2006-12-13 23:44:13
answer #5
answered by wolf560 5
The Wiccans have a bible, just like the satanist do and the Mormons and Jehovah witnesses do, ask any wiccan who answers this question for the name of the book. It will tell you the history of Wiccan from the Caveman days til now and how it evolved ect. My dealings with Witchcraft have not been good. I put a curse on someone and it came back to me. A house that had demons in it, I could not fight with wiccan magic and neither could my housekeeper who tried using voodoo. a friend of mine was levitating a car and it fell on him, killing him. So if you still want tot find out more, that is were I would start, but personally I think you are using the powers of satan and not the power of nature, which is what any wiccan will tell you.
2006-12-14 03:37:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2006-12-14 02:35:45
answer #7
answered by silverleaf90210 3
I'm a high-priestess in one of the Orders of the Old Religion, which is thousands of years old. (Like most religions, it evolves over the centuries.) It's not to be confused with Wicca, which is the New-Age version of our ways. May I suggest that you go to an occult shop; they have books on various aspects and philosophies of magick. Some of them even have open circles and courses.
2006-12-14 00:40:37
answer #8
answered by Mary W 5
Well first off there is a big difference between being a follower of Wicca and being a Magickian. Another thing to keep in mind is that wisdom doesn't have to be ancient to be more valid. Probably some of the best knowledge of magick I have gotten is from reading. You may want to pick up a copy of "Earth Power" by Scott Cunningham, "Candle Magic for Beginners" by Richard Webster, and "Color Magic for Beginners" also by Richard Webster. These are excellent starter information especially the Scott Cunningham book. There are tons of other books on magick but these are a good start.
2016-05-24 00:44:55
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Following with what stanton said in the first answer, I'm mainly a practitioner of high magic (though being a chaos mage, that's not necessarily the term I'd use; however, I know it well), so any questions in that area...feel free to drop me a line.
2006-12-14 00:15:59
answer #10
answered by angk 6