actually.....yes. Even though its is your friends big day, i think you have the rights to TELL her. (not to quarrel or anything). Just tell her how you feel and hope she would change it for u. If no, than so be it. Why spoil a everlasting friendship over such matters.
2006-12-13 19:26:31
answer #1
answered by IceღFire Shawn 3
no its her day and you have to wear it for like 1 day.
get over it and if shes your mate then you will do things once in a while you dont really want to do.
accesorize and make it look better, add some nice shoes and jewelry etc and wear hair nice and make up and nice undies and who cares, you get free drinks and a great day and night out for a cheap price and a night in a hotel if its that kind of wedding!
does it matter what colour it is, sometimes colours you dont like look ok with your colouring so suck it and see and basically bite your tongue and get on with it!
im a bridesmaid in June next year, and the cheeky mare has asked me to wear an old dress from my mums wedding (it is lovely) as she doesnt want to have to fork out for new ones. I did tell her i wasnt paying £200.00 of my own money to wear a dress at her wedding when i have a perfectly good suit to wear. Im alreayd paying over £350.00 to go to her wedding as it is! WEdding source of much bad feeling! good luck!
2006-12-13 19:55:46
answer #2
answered by caroline17nov 3
No you should just live w/ it. If you don't want to wear it don't be a bridesmaid but I think you'll hurt her and yourself by not being a b.m. and in the long run you may regret it because the day is bigger than the stupid dress you'll wear once. Whether you like the dress or not it's not usually fitting for other events.
2006-12-13 19:17:43
answer #3
answered by uknowme 6
No! You just have to live with it, its her wedding and whatever she wants is best. You could tell her you can't be a bridesmaid, but you will probably regret it later and hurt her feelings. My bridesmaid hated wearing dresses full stop, but she wore the dress with good grace for me because it was my wedding.
2006-12-13 19:34:14
answer #4
answered by Shadow_Dancer 2
If the Bride is happy with the dresses you should not say anything. It's her big day. Weddings are very stressful to organise and I don't think it would be fair on her if you added to the stress by telling her you don't like the dresses.
It's your friends wedding, it should be the happiest day of her life, go along with her plans, wear the dress she has chosen for you and help make it a happy day for her.
2006-12-13 20:25:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
NO! First of all it is HER wedding and NOT a fashion parade for you! Secondly the wedding is in Februaury, she has enough on her plate at the moment and it is a bit last minute to do this to her! It's only one day and you're not going to be th objects of everybodys attention anyway so get over it and get on with being a bridesmaid.
2006-12-13 19:42:07
answer #6
answered by ehc11 5
NO! You should absolutely not tell her... Its not your day, its HERS... She gets to make the decisions for everything because it's her wedding... when your time comes to get married then you can make the decision about what color your bridesmaids dresses are... and if she happens to be one of your bridesmaids then you can choose her least favorite color for the dress to get even, haha just kidding!
2006-12-13 19:22:12
answer #7
answered by KC 3
My sister put me an a peach satin drop waisted sausage of a dress.
It was absolutely awful for every reason imaginable.
But, it was her big day and what she had always wanted. So I smiled and wore it until the reception. At that point I changed into other clothes as I 'didn't want to spill anything on my lovely dress'. She actually believed I would wear it again one day!!!
Keep your mouth shut and wear what your friend asks. It's her day, you'll have your own at some point.
Happy Christmas x
2006-12-13 19:31:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
How selfish and petty can you get? Better that you tell you friend that you do not wish to be a bridesmaid or attend the wedding lest there is an unacceptable colour clash.
2006-12-13 19:19:32
answer #9
answered by Clive 6
Grin and bear it for your friends big day.
Of course when it's your turn to get married you can select an equally or even more horrific outfit for your bridesmaids.
Just make sure that the other bridesmaid is fatter than you and that will deflect some of the attention. lol
2006-12-13 19:55:35
answer #10
answered by ry_in_dubai 3
Theres not much you can do, as its an honer that she has asked you to be here bridesmaid, so stick to her decision, I'm sure you will have such a fun day and night that you will forget about the crappy dresses she picked out. after all it is her big day. good luck.
2006-12-13 19:19:42
answer #11
answered by Dee 5