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18 answers

Total insanity that some still believe we can succeed by placating an implacable enemy. The terrorists must be destroyed.
I hear the chorus of appeasers as we speak, "You can't defeat an enemy that is willing to sacrifice themselves in order to win."
This is horse ****.

We find the things or people the Jihadis DO value, like their land, their sacrosanct religious sites, their FAMILIES.
We target those things


For it is the strategy of making them regret their choices of murdering our countrymen.

2006-12-13 17:32:13 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 6 4

There is no really good solution, we have to go with what works, if we could establish safe stable governments in the middle east that would be a huge step, but as we have probably learned this isnt so easy, we had ample opportunity in Iraq but blundered it away by shortsightedness. Some people believe that Democracy comes along as sociaties progress, who knows maybe there right, I personally am very pessimistic about the chances of democracy in Afghanistan, there is a culture of war and corruption there, hopefully this can be corrected and eventually outgrown as it has been in other places, such as Lebanon (until recently) and Taiwan, but again this will take time. Militarily it would take much more will than I believe the American people posses at the moment as much as that pains me too say, we have certainly become soft, what would people from the greatest generation say today?

Some people are of the opinion that engaging these countries and making them " globalized" will ultimatley solve this horrendous problem, it seems to be working with China, but that is a much different problem. This theory does have some historical basis though. What ultimatley ended the Crusades was the begining Renaisance, what caused the Renaisance? The mingling of the Italian States with the more advanced states of the middle east. Thus, enlightenment brought about change. The main problem with this is that the most intelligent people in the Middle East, are the ones who are the extremists, seeking change from what they see as evils, though this is true with all radicals. The best way to solve the situation would be to give them alternatives to this, but this too would be a very long process. So I believe there is no easy solution to this monumental problem.

I still overwhelimingly support the Bush administration, mostly because of their foreign policy, as weird as that sounds, they have certainly made mistakes, but everyone has. If we leave know without stability Iraq will be a breeding ground for terrorists, like Georgia, Palastine, and Pakistan(tribal) are now. Anarchy only leads to destruction

And we certainly can win militarily, but it would mean we would have to step to a level we arent willing to go to. The Fillipino-American war is a perfect example we won, but the attrocities we commited were horrific, but in reality they saved alot of lives in the long run.

2006-12-14 01:55:43 · answer #2 · answered by asmith1022_2006 5 · 1 2

Understanding radical Islamic terrorists seems to be something a goodly number of people on this forum THINK they do! They say, "Radical Muslims this..." and "Terrorists that..." as if they really know what these people think. I say they do not! We need to try to come up with a better concept than thinking that "they want to kill all infidels". And threatening to kill all of them and their FAMILIES is one sure way to continue the hate and misunderstanding. We all seem willing to kill others for OUR beliefs, but refuse to accept that as any kind of an answer from anyone else. Maybe we need to try to see WHY we are so hated, and, if it has any basis in truth, work on ourselves!!
Independence from oil would be a start. Replacing US aggression would be another good move. Ungodly greed on our part seems to trigger terrorists, and it isn't very well thought of by me, either. That could be another place to start.

we could also stop thinking of ourselves as the only people with morals (most of the rest of the world disagrees...), God on our side, the RIGHT to anything we want, take anything we "need", and kill anyone who disagrees.

2006-12-14 02:12:41 · answer #3 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 1 3

Radical Islam grows in countries that are 1. Muslim, 2. Some sort of a Theocratic government. You have to cut off the head to destroy the snake. Right now Iran's head is the one on the chopping block. If we can stop Iran and their oil money from funding proxy wars all over the globe( in places like Iraq, Lebanon, and Somlia) that would be a huge start.

2006-12-14 01:25:25 · answer #4 · answered by 3rd parties for REAL CHANGE 5 · 5 4

To those of you who answered kill enough and they will stop coming, watch Munich. The Israeli government tried this once. They sent people in to kill the heads of a terrorist organization that killed Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. They aren't a snake they are a hydra. You cut off the head and it grows back twice as badly.

As for killing thousands of them, how do you tell who is a terrorist and who isn't (before they strap C4 to there chest and charge). It's not like they wear uniforms and announce themselves "hey, terrorist over here, coming to shoot you just so you're aware".

The only way radical Islamic terrorism is going to stop is for the Islams who are joining these factions to realize that it is a load of crap and study there religion for themselves instead of relying on someone Else's interpretations. Bombing the crap out of them probably doesn't help them come to this conclusion.

2006-12-14 01:38:35 · answer #5 · answered by Memnoch 4 · 3 4

My attention span is beginning to wane. I'm thinking we should identify all major towns cities and nations that harbor or tolerate Islamic fascists and systematically annihilate all inhabitants within 25 square mile.

Then, if there is a peep from anyone that we missed, we triangulate the peep and go for 50 square miles.

After the dust settles we drop leaflets that say " SHhhhhsssh"

2006-12-14 01:38:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

A genuine, united effort against their demented ideology.
As long as most of the rest of the world is apathetic and the United States remains divided, the Islamic radicals' agenda and their tactics of indiscriminate murder and terror will appear successful to them - and no one deviates from success.

2006-12-14 01:32:42 · answer #7 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 5 3

Unfortunately most people do not understand fundamentalist muslims. They do not understand that in the mind of fundamentalist muslims the only way that peace can be achieved is when they either conquer the west, the west converts, or they themselves are totaly destroyed (not defeated mind you, but totaly destroyed). They may sign truce agreements, and peace treaties, but in the mind of the fundamentalist muslim this is only a period of time where they can regroup, regain strength, and re-plan their next wave of attacks.
That in and of itself is bad enough, but what makes it worse is that moderate muslims refuse to stand up to them. This is either because of 1. they agree with them and are simply waiting for the call to join their ranks. 2. They fear them and are waiting to see if the west will be victorious. 3. Both one and two above. And thus we see many so called moderates who aid and assist the fundies in their war against democracy and freedom.
The answer to your question is not one that is popular or what acadamia would consider acceptable, but it is the only answer, and that is for the western world to engage in total warfare against the fundamentalist muslim threat to our way of life. Simultaneously muslim children should be taught the truth about their religion, and not allowed to be indoctrinated by the fundamentalist Imams and wackos, thus ensuring that their religion of hate is quashed for good.

This will never happen becasue too many believe the lies that the media tells them (Islam is a religion of peace), and the lies that our culture has thrust upon us which basically state that the west is responsible for every evil imaginable that has ever been perpetrated by mankind and thus the Islamic terrorists are simply trying to resist western capitalism.

Lets just see how many thumbs down I get for this one... The thumbs down don't bother me, its the fatwah that could be declared upon me that worries me...

2006-12-14 01:31:52 · answer #8 · answered by AirborneSaint 5 · 4 3

To reduce the importance of the Middle East to relative strategic insignificance by developing viable and cost effective alternative energy sources. If we take away their source of wealth then the ME becomes inconsequential and the Islamic terrorists will wither over time as a consequence. Their goal is to recreate a Muslim empire, which together with control over the oil weapon they can effectively establish hegemony over the world. If we reduce the significance of oil as a strategic resource we take away both their source of power, their significance in the world and their weapon of mass economic destruction.

2006-12-14 01:28:58 · answer #9 · answered by Hayley 2 · 2 4

In a seminar concerning exactly this, I learned you cannot destroy them from the outside, this is an ideology. You must destroy them from the inside. convince them that radical Islamic fundamentalism is wrong. This is far more difficult than bombing them, but it destroys the heart of the matter.

2006-12-14 01:26:15 · answer #10 · answered by Daniel 6 · 6 4

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