I don't think it's wasteful, and i think a laptop would bee a good investment for a 26 year old. Life has gotten much more "computerized" and I certainly hope you type faster than you write. You can carry your laptop with you around college or work, which would make writing a LOT easier. (new computers are a lot better than old ones for recreation) You could sell your old one and use the money to buy the laptop too. Anyways, I think you should trust yourself on this decision.
2006-12-13 10:07:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am 50 and I bought a lap top about a month ago, and I love it. It is easier on my hands and my injured shoulder than the old desk top. I really love the touch pad mouse and everything else about it.
I bought mine on line from Del, and paid extra for a long term warranty and service agreement. They have this function on the web site were you can customize your computer. It is really cool. You can select how much memory, how big the hard drive, and all kinds of other things. If you don't know what it all means there is a button to push that helps you decide. It tells what the options will do for you. That way you can choose the lest expensive option that will still do everything you need the computer to do.
Computers become out dated about every five years. So you pretty much have to up grade your hardware every five years. Then you need to move all your data that you don't want to loose on to the new hardware, before things change too much. For instance, I have all kinds of data on 51/4 discs, and nothing will read them.
Now I have one lap top and I want two. This one is set up to do all my design work, it is fast, and it cost me a pretty penny. Next year I want to get a striped down model just for writing and the Internet, that I can take with me when I am out and about. That way I am not risking all my data and programs when I am on the move.
If your computer is more than 5 years old, and you use it for anything essential, like communicating with the outside world, shopping, record keeping, or creative pursuits, it is not wasteful to up-date, it is essential.
Good luck!
2006-12-13 18:37:59
answer #2
answered by Harvest M 3
Unless you *really* need to be able to carry your machine around the place then yes, a laptop is a waste of money. Indeed a laptop is always a waste of money except under those circumstances. Laptops are *always* more expensive than a desktop computer of the same spec, they're less reliable in general and can't be upgraded (which costs you a lot more money again in the long run).
Laptops are designed to be carried around, and for this 'privilege' you pay more money and suffer the other problems that come with them. If you need to be portable then you've no choice but to get a laptop, if you don't need to carry it around then you're wasting your money on one.
2006-12-13 18:14:38
answer #3
answered by Bamba 5
Just ask yourself: What will the laptop do that your old computer won't? If the benefits outweigh the cost of getting it, then get it.
For example: Would you benefit from a faster computer? Do you want to run programs that you need a new computer for? Do you have a need to take your computer places with you? Would having the ability to take it with you open up new possibilities or fix some need? Is the old box just getting old and will need replacing in one way or another soon?
One thing to think about is the keyboard and touchpad on a laptop are not nearly as nice to use as a full-sized keyboard and mouse, so you may want to get extras to use with the laptop for at home.
2006-12-13 18:08:43
answer #4
answered by J 4
No its' not wasteful to get a laptop you can write your papers on it and just send them to your teachers or what ever you do. And its' great for when your computer crashes you have something to chat with friends and send emails also. No I don't think its a waste of money. Now, If you 26 years old you should make your one choices in life. Its' good to listern to your father and see what he thinks but in the end you have to make the choice if you want one or not. Your adult and you have every right to decide if you want it or not. By the way I am 17 and I have a laptop and it works great on for writing papers and getting ready for finals.
2006-12-13 18:09:25
answer #5
answered by pixy 1
I am 38 and I have a laptop. I got it a year ago when I went back to school for another certification for work. I had a home computer already but I wanted a laptop because it can be used anywhere, taken anywhere. I am currently on my laptop on my coffee table watching Dr. Phil and leaving this message for you. So you are not be silly for wanting a laptop. I have even taken it over to my mom's to show her what the new computers are like because she still has an apple. We ended up playing some fun games. I love it.
2006-12-13 18:07:24
answer #6
answered by Serinity4u2find 6
If you want one, and you have the money, and you think it's a good idea, then get it. Why should you care what your father thinks? You're not a little girl, 26 is old enough to decide on your own financial actions.
Also, I'd suggest waiting til around Christmas to get one, there are usually lots of sales going on about then. You'd probably be able to get one really cheaply.
2006-12-13 18:05:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes get a new computer. Chances are the computer you are running is fairly old. Your gonna wanna upgrade to a new computer because a new version of windows is coming it. Its called "Wndows Vista" its going to look alot cooler then XP as well as have tons of new features such as security and easy built in photo editing.
Notice I said new computer not laptop. Depending if you are going to go traveling with it or take it with you around your house so you can relax on the sofa with it, you should consider a desktop.
Desktops are alot easier to upgrade then laptops and generally more stable. However, laptops give you alot of the same great features as desktops such as built in wireless and they can act as portable dvd players. Plus no messy wires.
Go with what your insticnt tells you. And remember, just cause its on sale dosent mean its a good deal.
2006-12-13 18:12:05
answer #8
answered by Asking For It 3
Right. No disrespect to your dad, but sometimes, its hard to get folks to step into the new era of technology. Even I myself was guilty of this years back when cassette tapes were going out of style and "cds" were getting popular. I felt like I had invested way too much money in my Duran Duran and U2 tapes to have to start all over again with cds. And wouldn't you know it, cd's have taken over, and the word's a much better place because of it. No more miles of tape to get caught in your player, for example, to tear things up! Your dad will come around, but eventually, the old technology is obsolete and the new technology actually saves time and in many cases, money. I think you should get the new laptop, provided you aren't neglecting your other responsibilities. Enjoy yourself.
2006-12-13 18:10:58
answer #9
answered by volkgal 4
If you use a computer and you hate the one you have, them by all means get a laptop. It's your money and none of your father's business. Anyway, he's wrong. Does he use a computer much? If not, how does he think he knows?
2006-12-13 18:16:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous