Always, Always pay yourself first! Take ten percent of your gross income and put it away, out of reach, not to be touched. Then live on the rest. Here is a table as a guide:
10% Savings — Save at least 10% of income throughout your working life.
15% Debt — Spend no more than 15% of net income on all consumer debt: student loans, retail installment contracts, credit cards, personal loans, tax debts and medical debts.
20% Transportation — Spend no more than 20% of net income on transportation. That includes: car payments, auto insurance, tag or license, maintenance, gasoline and parking.
20% Other — Spend no more than 20% of net income on all other expenses: food, clothing, entertainment, child care, medical expenses, tithing and charity.
35% Housing — Spend no more than 35% of net income on housing. That includes: mortgage or rent, utilities, insurance, taxes and home maintenance.
2006-12-13 09:50:21
answer #1
answered by Steve M 1
I don't eat out as much, I will buy some canned vegetables or ravioli etc and make my own meals. This saves tons of money.
2006-12-13 09:36:51
answer #2
answered by jm 2
Use a Flexible Savings Account for your healthcare.
2006-12-13 17:01:32
answer #3
answered by Steve R 6
make a budget and stick to it. leave all plastic at home and only spend cash. YOu'll feel worse when you have to hand over money then swipe plastic. believe me it works.
2006-12-13 09:49:15
answer #4
answered by a_nurse2b 2
Can I give you two? Buying as much as possible used, ie. cars, computers, camers etc. and not buying on credit unless you can pay the bill immediately.
2006-12-13 09:44:34
answer #5
answered by Terry 3
Watch your grocery spending !! Everything can be made homemade and is a thousand times better for you !!
2006-12-13 11:53:51
answer #6
answered by Kitty 6
Cash Only!!!
2006-12-13 11:40:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I do my family's haircuts, they are all boys, don't get the daily paper.
2006-12-13 10:11:04
answer #8
answered by schell_75 3