The only way to know is to go see a doctor. They'll have to do an ultrasound and blood tests for hormones to tell for sure (they'll need to make sure you "passed" everything and that your hormone levels go back down) otherwise you could still be pregnant.
2006-12-13 09:22:15
answer #1
answered by A W 4
It is probably just some blood left over from your period. It highly doubtful that you would have gotten pregnant and had a miscarriage so soon. I am pregnant with my first child and have had some bleeding with my pregnancy. Both times that it has happened I thought I was having a miscarriage, but no matter what, you should go see the doctor and he or she will be able to give you a difinitive answer. No one on here will be able to tell you like a doctor could. There would be some tests and what not, but it would be in your best interest to go see the doctor. I wish you the best of luck.
2006-12-13 09:27:56
answer #2
answered by Heather 1
There's no way you are pregnant you would have had to have sex between the 15th - 19th of December to have been pregnant. Those are really the only days you can even be fertile. However it is not normal to have blood while you pee so I would go to the doctor and find out what that could be.
Best wishes to you.
2006-12-13 09:25:08
answer #3
answered by Melissa 3
If I understand you correctly, you had sex right at the end of your period and are now concerned that you are pregnant. It's not likely. You probably did not ovulate for another week. You can have spotting because of hormonal changes or arduous sexual doesn't mean you're pregnant. Find an adult you can talk to and make a plan to avoid pregnancy and learn the facts. Good luck!
2006-12-13 09:24:23
answer #4
answered by Laura 2
I'm really sorry, honey, but it sounds like one, especially if you were having clots. I miscarried before I had my 12 year old, and it was really hard to go through. My husband wanted to try again, but I was so scared it would happen again... I waited two years before I was comfortable with the thought of getting pregnant. Luckily, that pregnancy went great. My advice: go to the doctor, they will perform an ultrasound to see if there's a heartbeat. However, I have a slight feeling you weren't even pregnant to begin with.
2006-12-13 09:23:09
answer #5
answered by yahoo user 3
if you were only 6 days preg there would not be any clots, however if you were preg when you started on the third you may have had a m/c and didn't pass the tissue till now. You should probably go see a dr cause if you were preg you want to be sure all of the fetal tissue is gone because you could get a serious infection.
2006-12-13 09:28:06
answer #6
answered by lizincali 5
It's highly unlikely you fell pregnant on the last day of your period. It is not true that the days right before and after your period you are most fertile, in fact that's when your least fertile. Around day 14-16 of your cycle is when your most likely to get pregnant. No offence, but you clearly don't understand your cycle maybe you should cease having sex until you understand your body better.
2006-12-13 09:26:21
answer #7
answered by kmlloveplant 2
well first off ask yourself this have i been to the doctor to see if i am pregnant? if the answer is yes then have you been back to see the doctor? i would say that no way could it of been a misscarage for 1 reason it would have messed you up you would be in pain and in the hospital if so.
2006-12-13 09:26:31
answer #8
answered by milwmcnutt 2
yeah you need to go to a clinic to find that out. or just wait a few more weeks and do a home pregnancy test. because you never know..
2006-12-13 09:23:59
answer #9
answered by carmen a 1
girl.. you ain't pregnant... if you think you are... go to the clinic and check if you really was or not... that is the only way you can find your answer... not on here...
2006-12-13 09:21:02
answer #10
answered by MINA 2