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Republicans whom are clueless and don't now history about him and what he comes from,but that's okay! There are more blacks populated in the Katrina disaster that are struggling, why we haven't see and heard anything from Bush and his peeps trying to help ?

2006-12-13 07:21:13 · 16 answers · asked by Tanya B 1 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

He doesn't have time to hold their hands, he has a country to run. How many more Billions are going to be wasted, most of it is being stolen by local Politicians!

2006-12-13 07:28:16 · answer #1 · answered by Smoky! 4 · 4 1


The "Bush is a racist" rap is getting old, kids. Baseless accusations without proof and pointing fingers is a huge waste of time and energy, and does not solve anything. I don't see anyone asking why Ray Nagin refused help before the hurricane hit, or why he didn't use all those buses to get people out. No, the Bush-haters have to somehow pin the blame on him for all of it. When he is gone from office in 2008 and Hilary "We are the President" Clinton is running this country into the ground faster than Rosie O'Donnell going through an all-you-can-eat buffet line, maybe all the Bush-haters will finally all shut up and let the man alone.

And has anyone heard of another state called Mississippi? They didn't exactly dodge the Katrina bullet either but you don't hear much about them. Odd.

2006-12-13 16:00:03 · answer #2 · answered by Dr. Quest 5 · 0 1

I'd really like to answer but, I'm not sure what you are asking and if you have the facts correct on Katrina!

What particular history? What are "blacks populated in the Katrina disaster that are struggling", struggling from, what exactly and, what does that have to do with Bush more, than that Nagel or the Governor?

If you are upset about a racist fact or innuendo, spell out your case a little clearer. I would like to jump into the mix but, need to understand!

2006-12-13 15:31:23 · answer #3 · answered by ggraves1724 7 · 2 1

What is your problem with Katrina? How long do you get to whine about it? If people looked to themselves instead of the federal government they wouldn't have half the problems they do now. By the way maybe you could have helped them more by telling them they shouldn't have bought houses in a flood plain. Then maybe you could have told the Louisiana Government to upgrade the levys. But that would be too easy. Lets just blame Bush because he is a republican in the White House and it is easier to blame someone else than to look in your own backyard and see the problems there.

2006-12-13 18:01:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know what exactly you are basing your statmenets on. Before you start making accusations, name calling and mud slinging, why not take a look at the fact that the people did receive help during Katrina. Granted, the whole situation could have and likely should have been handled better, but they were given (and continue to be given) thousands of dollars - some of which went to buy really important stuff -- like season tickets to sporting events -- funny, somehow this doesn't seem like a real high priority if your house just washed away!

Check the major increase in crime rate statistics in the City of Houston where thousands of Katrina transplants went! Check out what's happening to the housing in Austin, Texas, where folks were "given" housing which they then trashed and did not appreciate at all! How about the fact that we are STILL paying for housing for so many people over a year later!

What about PERSONAL responsability - social services were a stop gap measure that were enacted in order to help people out during and immediately following the great depression - there is an entire subculture of PEOPLE who have developed complete and utter dependence upon social services for their survival and you and I foot the bill.

Life can be hard and we all need help from time to time, but a year is more than enough time to get a job and get your own housing. Let's quit putting people in a position where they can continue to be "victims" and show/teach them how to take care of themselves!

2006-12-13 15:42:32 · answer #5 · answered by RRW 2 · 0 1

I'm a REPUBLICAN and I'll try not to "mess up my reply"

If you want to look at where the vast majority of the blame should be placed for katrina, you need to look at schoolbus Ray Nagin, and the corrupt parish politicians who pocketed most of the federal money originally sent down to NO for levee maintenance. And President Bush (or FEMA for that matter) is NOT the primary responder for emergency services. And why did the citizens not try to take care of themselves instead of waiting for the government to spend MY tax dollars saving them. If I were really concerned about my family's safety, I would have gotten out long before k. hit land.

I know plenty of history, probably a lot more than you, and the only "history" that makes President Bush "racist" is the history fabricated by howie dean and dan blather.

2006-12-13 15:38:10 · answer #6 · answered by boonietech 5 · 0 1

Study the destruction of Georgetown, and you will see that Federal bailing of municipalities is, and always has been, a contentious issue. What is the state and the city doing? I don't see an awful lot from them in the news, other than finger pointing and blame shifting. I assure you, that if they are waiting for the Fed to do everything, that it is truly an indication of what is wrong with society in the US, these days. And, do you know for certain the numbers and demographics on that statement about there being more blacks who are struggling? Whites, particularly in the South's less economically well-to-do states and cities, aren't always the richest of folks. I know this for a fact, being white, and growing up in Atlanta's Bankhead Hwy/Bolton Rd area. (Funny thing that Atlanta is actually a more well-to-do city, but, yeah.) I barely make more that 20k a year.

2006-12-13 16:01:18 · answer #7 · answered by acid0philus 2 · 0 1

Are you aware that Bush has more black people in higher positions than any other president in history? Not one, but TWO black secretaries of state!

Also, do you know where Ray Nagin, the black mayor of New Orleans, was? He was safe and sound in Dallas, Texas. That's leadership! (sarcasm). Why doesn't anyone ever ask about the PREPARATIONS for Hurricane Katrina?

2006-12-13 15:26:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

You must be the only one who thinks President Bush is a Racist
Pulling the Race Card just means you have no fact or reason behind your views. It isn't only me that thinks your short on facts and reason
You and the racist Mayor of Chocolate Town should get along well
The Mayor calls it Chocolate Town not me

2006-12-13 15:27:45 · answer #9 · answered by Deport all ILLEGAL Alien INVADER 3 · 5 1

Christ enough whining already. We have given them lazy SOBs from Katrina so much I could have built a better house fo what they wasted on booze, drugs and strip clubs. I wish we had firebombed them while they were stuck there at the football stadium, over 16 months and many are still sitting on their butts with their hands out like African beggars. Please Katrina "victims" next time drown.

2006-12-13 15:26:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Guess what Tanya...

This whole racist baloney is getting old. It is usually the people who are obsessed with pointing their fingers at other people for being racist who are the most racist.

It is like the story of the boy who cried wolf one two many times.

Enough is enough.

2006-12-13 15:43:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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