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I am getting anxious here. Still NO change in my cervix. Just wondering when you dilated, thinned, or went into labor. Thanks-

2006-12-13 05:09:01 · 21 answers · asked by beAn*s MoMmy 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

21 answers

with my first: I dialated at 38 wks to 2 cm and didn't go into labor until 2 wks after my due date

with my second: I dialated a month before and was 3 cm when I went into labor a day before my due date!!

If you are anxious and trying to speed things up..try sex..lots and lots of it! GOOD LUCK & CONGRATS

2006-12-13 05:13:47 · answer #1 · answered by mommyof372802 3 · 0 0

With my first, my cervix did not change until I went into labor. He hadn't even dropped. It was the same all the way through. Then it went from a 1-10 in about 30 minutes and I pushed 3 times. I was 1 cm and only 30% effaced when they checked me when I got to the hospital. They told me I probably wasn't in labor. Shows what they know! I was 40 weeks exactly.

With my 2nd, I went into labor at 37 weeks and ended up with a c-section before i hit 2 cm. So I don't know how it would have turned out.

2006-12-13 05:38:36 · answer #2 · answered by brianna's mama 2 · 0 0

Relax, you are not due yet! Is this your first baby? If it is, take it easy, sometimes first time mom's take a little bit of time. I am 5 months pregnant with my second, my daughter was due Dec. 5 and she was born past 9 months, on Dec. 17th. She was my first and I was also anxious but you need to take it easy, you are almost there. Three weeks go by very quickly. Since you wanted to know, when I went into labor, I was only dilated 1 cm. and I was very late and if they had checked my cervix, they would not have seen any changes, sometimes it happens very quickly. Don't worry too much!

2006-12-13 05:28:35 · answer #3 · answered by earthstarlatin 3 · 0 0

I didnt do anything untill my 40th week. I was then only di. to a 1. Doctor made arrangments to induce the following week. MY mom (a labor and delivery nurse) told me to walk. NOt like a little stroll but WALK, and not only for 30 minutes and then quit. lolol SO I did. I went into labor that night at around 2 am. But all the walking and everything wont help unless your body is ready. Also relax as much as you can in the next 2 to 3 weeks your life is gonna change forever. Take this time for yourself and get some pampering done.

2006-12-13 05:25:48 · answer #4 · answered by tekaye70 2 · 0 0

Well your not due for three more weeks, I went into labor with my first son at 38 weeks and i had no signs of it until it happened. I went in for an ultrasound and they said i still had a week or two to go and then 3 days later i was eating breakfast and boom my water broke. I went to the hospital and i was dilated to 6. I delivered my son 2 hours later. And then with my second son i went into labor at 37 weeks and 6 days and they postponed my labor by giving me some kind of medicine to make me hold off for one more day. Then the next day they let me have my son. It all depends on the person, you could go quick or you could go slowly. Good luck and dont be so nervous its not that bad. Get plenty of rest and sleep so you will be ready.

2006-12-13 05:23:03 · answer #5 · answered by Kendra M 2 · 0 0

I had no signs of labour with my first at all. They induced me 2 weeks after my due date. Talk about craziness. I was so anxious about the same time as you... 37 weeks. Don't fret too much, technically you have 3 weeks left, and I hear they induce at 41 weeks now, not at 42... good thing about pregnancy is that it DOES come to an end, you'll be holding your baby in no time. My prenatal class said that you may not ripen your cervix until labour starts if this is your first..

edit. By the way, sperm is a prostiglandin, if you are induced they give you something called cervidil to help ripen your cervix, sperm is a natural ripener... so get busy girl!

2006-12-13 05:16:06 · answer #6 · answered by Gig 5 · 0 0

With my first baby (a big boy..I was huge!) I woke up one morning at 37 weeks and found blood on the toilet paper when I wiped. Later that day, I lost the mucous plug. (some doc's will tell you this doesn't exist...I'm living proof that it does: a big, translucent, gelatinous plug of mucous..brownish in colour..almost the size of my PALM!) I became much more uncomfortable immediately after this. (the pressure you normally feel at the end of pregnancy..it got way worse..especially if I stood or walked for too long). I told my husband that I 'knew' the baby would be born very soon. I was right: about one week later, I woke up with contractions about 12 minutes apart that got closer together as the day went on. We waited 'til they were 5 minutes apart and then went to the hospital where I found out I was 2 cm dilated and 100% effaced already!! Baby was born at 38 weeks.

2006-12-13 05:22:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Each labor is different! With my first I was dilated to a 4 in the 8th month...and then nothing. We ended up inducing him after 10 days of my due date. My last child I was 14 days overdue! Just try to get your mind off of it or it will seem like it is taking forever. Use these last few days to cook extra meals, go shopping or enjoy walks. When it is time you will know! Good luck to you!

2006-12-13 05:24:48 · answer #8 · answered by dutchfam7 4 · 0 0

First off, Congratulations!
I actually went into labor at 32 weeks. My son was born prematurely at 33 weeks. I really didn't even know I was in labor, I just had dull back pain. At my regular check up, the doc said I was 4 cm and to get my butt in the hospital!

2006-12-13 05:18:17 · answer #9 · answered by Becky 2 · 0 0

i went into labor when i was 27 weeks along. My dr. didnt belive me and told me i was over reacting. I just went to the ER when i was almost 30 weeks along and i was 4 cm. dialated. Then i went through heck for 3 weeks of them trying to stop the labor then i gave birth to a 4 lb baby boy.

2006-12-13 05:17:50 · answer #10 · answered by Suzy Q 1 · 0 0

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