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Ok--I need a simple/easy idea to make angel halos for the Xmas play at my church...I've searched online, & almost all of the sites are for little mini angel crafts & not for people! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Or if you can suggest some websites, that would work too...
Happy Holidays!

2006-12-13 02:37:43 · 6 answers · asked by Sugar Magnolia 6 in Games & Recreation Hobbies & Crafts

6 answers

I agree with the others, using a heavier headband that matches closest to the hair color. Using wire that bends easily but isn't too flimsy shape it so there is a straight length towards the back of the head and continue on to form a circle. You can then wrap gold or silver garland (use floral wire that you can get at a craft store or Walmart) or try using feathers that you can attach with a hot glue gun. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

2006-12-13 03:10:33 · answer #1 · answered by honey 4 · 1 0

Halo revolves around the character known as the Master Chief who was abducted from his home at the age of six to be a member of the spartan project for the UNSC(United Nations Space Command). The spartan project was created to produce the be soldiers ever, The spartan projects members were physically augmented along with years of extensive training. The spartans were created to deal with rebels but when the covenant came around in 2517, i think, the Spartans priority's shifted. The covenant's technology are far superior to the humans therefore making the spartans the first line of defense for the UNSC. In 2552 the Master Chief is aboard a ship called The Pillar Of Autumn when the Covenant attack Reach, A major UNSC military installation and the training ground for the Spartans. The other spartans are on the ground fighting. The ship enters slipspace, a faster than light way to travel, and exits at Halo. While on Halo the master chief learns that it was created by the Forerunners, an ancient race far superior to the Covenant, the covenant revere the forerunners as gods. And also that the Halos were created to contain the Flood, a parasitic race that devours flesh and basically turns humans and covenant alike into zombies. He also learns that the halos were also created as a last resort weapon if the flood was ever to get loose. But the problem lies in the fact that the halos don't kill the flood, it kills their food. Another problem is that the flood get set loose about halfway through the game. And yet another problem in Halo is that the Covenant are trying to activate Halo because they believe that if they do they will become gods like the Forerunners. So you play as the master chief and in the end destroy the halo. In halo 2 the covenant come to Earth and while playing as the master chief you fight them for a few levels and then you board a ship. The ship follows a covenant ship as it enters slipspace and you exit at another Halo. In Halo 2 you play as a Covenant elite called the Arbiter. The Arbiter is supposed to activate Halo but the arbiter learns of halos true purpose and an alliance, kind of, is formed between the master chief and the arbiter. But away from all of this there is a covenant civil war breaking out because the Prophet, the leadership race of the covenant have replaced the elites with the brutes. In the end of halo 2 the arbiter is deactivating the halo when he learns that there is a place where they all, there are 7 halos i believe, could be remotely activated, that scene ends and the next scene is the master chief aboard a forerunner ship headed for earth and the game ends. Many speculate that the object scene in the Halo 3 trailer is the Ark. There is alot more to the halo story such as who the other spartans are and the spartan 3's this is just a small amount of information about the halo universe.

2016-05-23 17:49:22 · answer #2 · answered by Cheryl 4 · 0 0

Wire coat hangers are excellent.
Open them up
measure the head and bend the wire from the middle to make a circle the size of the said head make a twist to hold the circle together and then bend the rest upward onto this you can attatch anything stiff enough to hold in shape, more wire perhaps and then use silver(?) tinsel around this one to make it stand out from afar

2006-12-14 02:32:14 · answer #3 · answered by Yo Mum Mum 5 · 0 0

You need wire, headbands, and garland or something to make them shiny. You can use coat hangers, but some kind of wire would probably be even better--look around the hardware store and see what comes up. Once you have the shape, add something to make it shiny.

2006-12-13 02:48:17 · answer #4 · answered by wayfaroutthere 7 · 1 0

Right at walmart in the craft section they sell gold hoops.....just need to anchor them to the shirt or head somehow or have them fitted to size.

A cheaper solution would be twisting gold pipe cleaners together.

2006-12-13 08:56:38 · answer #5 · answered by Jen 3 · 0 0

buy some hair bands, twist pipe cleaners around them (so they are secured) and then use additional pipe cleaners to make a circle to form the halo---then use glue and glitter to make them sparkle. and have the kids wear them as they would a hair band

2006-12-13 02:41:29 · answer #6 · answered by HappyGoLucky 3 · 2 0

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